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Totana News - September 2017

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  • The Cultural Center and Worker organizes a concert-tribute to Miguel Hernández on the occasion of the anniversary of his birth (30/09/2017)
    Antonio will offer his version of the most popular topics of the poet oriolano next Thursday, October 5 in Rock Café
  • The maintenance of the Aquatic Therapy Service with Physiotherapist of users derived from educational centers, in the heated swimming pool during the school year (30/09/2017)

  • "Totana will return to pay homage to the Flag on October 12 thanks to the persistence of the Popular Party" (29/09/2017)

  • The Civil Guard detains the managers of a company for irregularities in the hiring of foreign workers (29/09/2017)

  • Totana agrees to submit to a citizen consultation, henceforth and yearly, the designation of dates for the local festivities (29/09/2017)

  • The City Council supports the regional government in the defense of Arruí, to be removed from the list of invasive species by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (29/09/2017)

  • The Councilor of Public Safety explains the agreements of the Police Coordination Bureau to combat possible cases of gender-based violence in the municipality (29/09/2017)
    The Local Police Commissioner also gives the latest negotiations with the trade union organizations to restore the compensation of rights of the template
  • Statement by the Independent Councilman: "Dissolve and close PROINVITOSA" (29/09/2017)
    "It is time for Totana to accept the Law of rationalization and sustainability of local administration, and to propose that local public services be managed in the most sustainable and efficient, ie direct management "
  • ... (29/09/2017)

  • ... (29/09/2017)

  • Today ends the registration period of teams for the season 2017/18 in the Football League "Enrique Ambit" (29/09/2017)
    It will start the weekend of 7 and 8 October
  • The municipal government of Totana commits itself to the Autonomous Community to continue promoting concrete actions in the matter of Transparency (28/09/2017)
    As has been done in these two and a half years
  • The Cultural Association of Painters "Con-Traste" opens tomorrow the exhibition "Contras Frees" in the municipal hall "Gregorio Cebrián" (28/09/2017)
    It will remain until October 12
  • An aid scheme is launched to promote self-employment, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and social economy (28/09/2017)
    It is intended for beneficiaries of Youth Guarantee and long-term unemployed
  • Terra Sport Cycling at UNIBIKE 2017 (28/09/2017)
    One more year the totanera company Terra Sport Cycling attended the International Bike Show UNIBIKE 2017, one of the most important events for cycling enthusiasts and related companies
  • The X Fair Outlet of Totana will be celebrated in the place of the Constitution from the 5 to the 8 of October (27/09/2017)
    With a variety of exhibitors and products with important discounts
  • The program "Escuela Polideportiva" is offered in the centers of Infantile and Primary Education (27/09/2017)
    With extracurricular sports activities for 40 euros per quarter
  • Registration deadline for IV Conversation Workshop opens in French (27/09/2017)
    It will be held from October 16 to November 24 at the "La Cárcel" Sociocultural Center
  • With the presentation of the book by the chronicler Juan Cánovas Mulero this Saturday ends the program of the 450 anniversary of the consecration of the parish church of Santiago (27/09/2017)

  • The Regular Plenary of September resumes tomorrow the new political course 2017/18 with twenty-two items on the agenda (27/09/2017)

  • "Totana takes a big step towards debt stabilization after the economic plan launched in 2016 by Juan José Cánovas" (26/09/2017)
    Ganar Totana recalls that "this process would be much more advanced had it not been for delays in the lines of action that were propitiated by the vote against the Adjustment Plan of PP and PSOE until twice. "
  • The PP once again requests another Plenary to hold an act of homage to the Spanish flag on 12 October from the city hall (26/09/2017)

  • A minute of silence is kept at the gates of the City Hall as a sign of condemnation for the latest case of macho violence in a hamlet of Cartagena, the third so far this year in the Region (26/09/2017)

  • The festivities of the San Francisco neighborhood are celebrated from September 29 to October 1 (26/09/2017)
    With them, the calendar of celebrations in districts and districts ends this summer
  • The Department of Culture presents the new program of the Workshop for the Animation of Reading "Doctor Cuentitis" for the 2017/18 academic year (26/09/2017)

  • The SEF grants aid for the promotion of indefinite employment of long-term unemployed persons (26/09/2017)

  • The PP of Totana requests to the Plenary the support of the city council of Totana to the regional government in the subsistence of the arrui in Sierra Espuña (25/09/2017)

  • Municipal authorities meet with those responsible for the Commonwealth of Taibilla Channels to address the municipal debt, which has been paid since the beginning of this year; (25/09/2017)

  • The mayor receives the councilor of the City of Reus (Tarragona), Ana Isabel Martinez Serrano, whose father is a native of Totana (25/09/2017)

  • Athletes from Totana Athletics Club participated in the popular race of Gádor and in the marathon of Moscow (25/09/2017)

  • Athletes from Totana Athletics Club participated in the popular race of Gádor and in the marathon of Moscow (25/09/2017)

  • On October 29, the season of the traditional Mercadillo Artesano de La Santa is resumed. Since October 1st coincides with the "XI Memorial MTB Domingo Pelegrín" (25/09/2017)

  • An unbeatable weekend for the runners of the CC Santa Eulalia with 3 victories in tests BTT (25/09/2017)

  • This Friday, September 29, the play "The Wisdom of the Birds" will be staged. (25/09/2017)
    In the theater of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel"
  • Results Spain Championship autonomy veteran teams Three players from the Totana TM club have been this weekend in the city of Torrijos in Toledo, representing the Region of Murcia in the Spanish Championships of national teams of veterans of table te (24/09/2017)

  • The PSRM-PSOE holds primary elections to Secretary General Sunday, September 24 (23/09/2017)
    The PSOE of Totana, as in other municipalities, will make available to the supporters an urn to be able to exercise a vote of a symbolic character
  • Win Totana - IU: "The most important Urban Agreement that was left in Totana, resolves" (23/09/2017)
    "Thanks to the management of the previous mayor, Juan José Cánovas, within the framework of the new General Plan of Urban Planning"
  • Urbanism summons the affected people of the High Voltage Line to a meeting to analyze the modifications and consequences of the new route (23/09/2017)
    It will take place Monday, October 2 (20:30 hours), in the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel"
  • Communiqué of Councilman Juan Carlos Carrillo: "The authentic Spain Cañí" (22/09/2017)
    "It is rejected to raise to the plenary my motion of the past day 15 of this month to stop by sedition to all political position and official involved in the 1-O"
  • The Plenary approves the Adjustment Plan necessary to cancel the existing debt with the State Tax Agency from the Commonwealth of Taibilla Channels and the Settlement Fund to finance the Payments to Suppliers. Councilor for Finance, Ana María Cánovas (22/09/2017)

  • The BORM publishes the approval of the declaration of commencement of the resolution procedure by mutual agreement of urban agreement C-45 (21/09/2017)

  • Municipal officials attend the inauguration of the 34th Official Handicraft Fair of the Region of Murcia (Feramur) (21/09/2017)
    It remains open until Sunday, 24 September in Lorca
  • Win Totana IU asks in full that the City of Totana join to show solidarity and absolute support to the demands of the `Platform Pro Soterramiento del AVE' in Murcia (21/09/2017)

  • Municipal authorities meet with the Director General of Family and Social Policies (21/09/2017)
    To address projects that affect this municipality and transfer a specific program of needs in this matter
  • The 32nd Ascent to La Santa will congregate 65 pilots during this next weekend (20/09/2017)
    Will be a test to be included in the Spanish Mountain Championship of 2018
  • The "XVII Charca Grande - Panzamelba Grand Prix" will be celebrated on September 30th and will feature the IV "March to Pié" (20/09/2017)
    It is organized by the Totana Athletics Club
  • To be celebrated tomorrow at 20:00 hours an extraordinary plenary (20/09/2017)
    To approve the Adjustment Plan necessary to participate in the Ordinance Fund due to pending debts with the State Tax Agency and payments to suppliers
  • The course "Management of municipal reconciliation projects from a gender perspective" opens (20/09/2017)
    It is aimed at technicians and councilors from different municipalities in the Region
  • The Department of Sports launches a program of Gymnastics for the Disabled, at the Day Center for People with Mental Illness (20/09/2017)

  • Neighbors of the Guadalentín region render accounts of the solidarity trip to Namibia and South Africa (20/09/2017)

  • Municipal authorities meet with the Director General of Local Administration (19/09/2017)
    To address projects that affect this municipality and relocate needs plan
  • "The Central Government is able to rectify and expand the Prepared Plan for a further six months" (18/09/2017)
    "Thanks to the pressures of the opposition groups and the workers' unions", they stand out from Ganar Totana
  • It is requested to place the necessary warning signs of danger and warning on several Totana highways frequented by cyclists (18/09/2017)

  • Participation of the Totana Athletics Club on the 25th anniversary of the popular race of Nonduermas (18/09/2017)

  • The PP denounces the neglect and inability of the leftist pact to develop and approve a municipal budget after 27 months in government (18/09/2017)
    without assuming any political responsibility
  • The Local Citizen Security Board is held to coordinate the security and emergency arrangements on the occasion of the 32 ° Ascent La Santa (18/09/2017)
    It is celebrated this next weekend
  • They propose to declare to Totana like City Free of Violence in the Sport (18/09/2017)

  • The City of Totana commemorates the 450th anniversary of the consecration of the parish church of Santiago El Mayor (18/09/2017)

  • Club members Totana Triathlon participated in several tests this weekend (18/09/2017)

  • ... (17/09/2017)

  • The classes in ESO and Bachillerato begin tomorrow officially in the schools that offer these teachings in the municipality of Totana (17/09/2017)

  • The Independent Councilman: "Let the guilty ones be restrained by sedition and the law be fulfilled" (16/09/2017)

  • The Manoli Canovas Dance School opens the registration period for the 2017-2018 academic year (16/09/2017)
    The quality of the training of its faculty will be as usual its identity
  • Restore the functioning of the traditional and emblematic Fuente de San Pedro, located next to the Arch of Las Ollerías (16/09/2017)

  • The mayor of Totana offers to mediate in the conflict between the cooperative members producing almonds and COATO (15/09/2017)

  • Coato members and employees join Coato's first manifesto in support of their cooperative (15/09/2017)
    Hundreds of people close to Coato have signed this Manifesto in just over 24 hours in favor of COATO and that unjustified pressures of a few
  • Municipal authorities meet with the Minister of Education and its management team (15/09/2017)
    to give an account of the needs of Totana's teaching centers for the new school year 2017/2018
  • Open registrations of the "XI Memorial Sunday Pelegrino-Bihr Grand Prix" (15/09/2017)
    It will be celebrated next October 1, with a journey of 48 kilometers in Sierra Espuña
  • The exhibition "Centum" on the 100 years of the University of Murcia opens (15/09/2017)
    with which the program of activities of the permanent extension of the UMU in Totana starts
  • Civil Protection Totana reports a marked fall in temperatures and some rains (14/09/2017)

  • The Ascent to the Santa heats engines with the festival next Friday September 22 (14/09/2017)
    The 32 edition of the emblematic totanera test will begin to heat engines in the day of Friday 22 of September with a spectacular ceremony of exit
  • Historical Heritage Technicians from the Autonomous Community evaluate the state of the wall of the archaeological site of La Bastida (14/09/2017)
    To undertake emergency actions to avoid its degradation
  • The Totana PP expresses its solidarity with the partners of COATO who are manifesting these days at the doors of the cooperative (14/09/2017)
    And demand their president, Jose Luis Hernandez Costa to give face to their cooperatives
  • Today starts the registration period of the Friends of Music Association of El Paretón de Totana (14/09/2017)
    The deadline for making the application ends on September 29
  • The program of activities and novelties of the Center "MOVE" is presented for the new season 2017/18 (14/09/2017)

  • The Department of Sports launches, one more season, the program of "Maintenance Gymnastics" (14/09/2017)
    In the Municipal Gymnasium "La Cárcel"
  • The Municipal Center for Older Persons offers numerous activities and services to users and partners for the new 2017/2018 course (14/09/2017)
    The registration period for the new season is now open until the places for each activity are completed
  • OPFH COATO's assembly unanimously approves its operational program for 2018 (13/09/2017)
    It also rejects and clarifies allegations made by a group of partners
  • Completion of stormwater evacuation works on a section of Teniente Pérez Redondo Street (13/09/2017)

  • The Football League "Enrique Ambit Palacios" 2017/18 will begin next October 7 (13/09/2017)

  • Two new training courses for Phytosanitary Treatment Pesticide Treatment begin (13/09/2017)
    Being one of basic level and one of qualified level
  • The III Open Padel Tennis Club Totana will take place the weekend of September 29 to October 1 (12/09/2017)

  • The fiestas of Santa Leocadia in the deputation of La Sierra are celebrated this next weekend, from the 15 to the 17 of September (12/09/2017)

  • The Totana Cultural program includes during this quarter more than fifteen activities of theater, music, cultural visits and exhibitions. Several cultural activities are organized to coincide with the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the deat (12/09/2017)

  • The new permanent extension of the University of Murcia starts its activity in Totana with a talk and the exhibition "Centum" on the hundred years of this teaching institution (12/09/2017)

  • Win Totana IU requires a solution for the emergency situation of the 3,978 dependents who are not receiving any type of aid in the Region of Murcia (11/09/2017)

  • The mercantile "Hoteles de Murcia, SA" assumes the management of the hotel complex of La Santa for the next twenty years (11/09/2017)

  • New podium of the Club Athletics of Totana, in the VI edition of the peñarrubia Trail (11/09/2017)

  • The Local Police joins today the campaign of security monitoring of the safety belt and child restraint systems (11/09/2017)
    at the beginning of the school year
  • Results Open City of Lorca Club Totana TM (10/09/2017)

  • A 40-year-old woman dies when she is wound up by the train in Totana (10/09/2017)

  • Incredible return to the competition of the boys of the Cyclist Club Santa Eulalia (10/09/2017)

  • The Town Hall signs tomorrow the lease of the hotel complex of La Santa for the next twenty years with the mercantile "Hoteles de Murcia, SA" (10/09/2017)

  • Totana will celebrate the September 16 charity concert "Metal Fest", with the participation of four reference groups (09/09/2017)
    It will take place in the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz"
  • Participation of the Totana Athletics Club in the IV Cross of Fuente Librilla (08/09/2017)

  • Regional and municipal authorities officially inaugurate the 2017/18 school year in the municipality of Totana with a visit to CEIP "La Cruz" (08/09/2017)

  • A total of 3,711 students of Early Childhood and Primary Education start the 2017/2018 school year normally in 11 schools in Totana (08/09/2017)

  • A "Imagination Workshop from Reading" will be offered (08/09/2017)
    It will be taught from September 29th at the Centro Cultural Sociocultural "La Cárcel"
  • The Independent Councilman: "Of course, Totana will have its ITV" (07/09/2017)
    "ITV will be in Totana but no one believes in this nice argument that privatization will lead to greater competitiveness and therefore a decrease in prices or that will generate more jobs "
  • Totana adds to the challenge "Among all 12 million" initiative promoted by the CEPAIM foundation in support of refugee minors (07/09/2017)

  • The schedule and schedule for the new course of the Municipal School of Music are presented (07/09/2017)
    The registration deadline for the 2017/2018 course is open, from September 11 to 22
  • Win Totana denounces that "the nefarious policies of employment carried out by the PP Government show their failure and increase the number of unemployed" (07/09/2017)

  • On sale tickets for the play "The wisdom of the birds" (07/09/2017)
    It will be staged next September 29 in "La Cárcel"
  • IES Prado Mayor students demand more attention from the local administration (06/09/2017)
    The IES Prado Mayor (AEP) Student Association welcomes that the City Council of Totana is concerned to give voice to the AMPAS, but turn claims the same for students
  • Citizens: "Totana will have its ITV" (06/09/2017)
    "What we will not allow the regional government is to give it to friends of the Popular Party to do business"
  • The CEIP Santiago will carry out the Family Education Support Program for the Elderly one year later (06/09/2017)

  • Municipal authorities close, with their visit, the program of trips to Cala del Pino 2017 (06/09/2017)

  • The Terra Sport Cycling School organizes an open day, which will take place next Saturday, September 9 (06/09/2017)

  • The SIOA of the Department of Citizen Participation carried out a total of 160 attentions so far this year (06/09/2017)

  • On October 1st, the season of the traditional Mercadillo Artesano de La Santa is resumed. Since the last Sunday in September there is a new edition of Rally Ascent to La Santa (06/09/2017)

  • The Municipal School of Music of Totana opens the registration period for the course 2017/2018 (06/09/2017)
    From 11 to 22 September
  • The Totana PP regrets that thanks to the votes of PSOE + Citizens + Podemos Totana will not have ITV (05/09/2017)

  • Terra Sport Cycling organized a route to Collado Bermejo to watch the Vuelta a España pass (05/09/2017)

  • The rehabilitation works of the playground of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" begin throughout this month of September (05/09/2017)

  • The Family Council grants a grant to carry out a project to reconcile work life during the Christmas school holidays (05/09/2017)

  • ... (05/09/2017)

  • Approved to initiate the adaptation of the municipal Ecopark to the new legal regulation of Integrated Environmental Protection (05/09/2017)

  • The celebrations of La Huerta 2017 will be celebrated this weekend, from the 8 to the 10 of September (04/09/2017)

  • CB Totana 2017-18 season starts (04/09/2017)
    If you like basketball do not think about it and enjoy this sport with the CB Totana
  • Terra Sport Cycling organized the thematic route in BTT of La Arboleja (04/09/2017)
    It took place last Sunday August 22
  • Victoria for Francisco Cánovas of CC Santa Eulalia in Barqueros (I Open XCO Extrem Murcia) (04/09/2017)

  • Winning Totana IU will demand from the Central Government the immediate extension of the Prepared Plan (04/09/2017)
    increasing the amount to be received by the long-term unemployed who do not have income to exhaust benefits
  • Totana adds to the challenge "Among all 12 million" initiative promoted by the CEPAIM foundation in support of refugee minors (04/09/2017)

  • The Department of Citizen Security will promote an information campaign on basic pedestrian and cyclist standards for urban and interurban routes, aimed at schoolchildren during the next academic year 2017/2018 (04/09/2017)

  • Works of adaptation of the Plaza de Abastos will begin this September (04/09/2017)
    Will allow the modernization of this infrastructure and the value of the service
  • The Department of Sports will launch the Sports School program during this month of September (04/09/2017)

  • The Department of Education will again offer the program "Know your town hall" in the 2017/18 school year (04/09/2017)
    To make known the operation of the services and dependencies of the Consistory to Primary students
  • Today the inscriptions of the "Hispanian Color Festival", that will take place the next 5 of November (01/09/2017)

  • The mayor will continue the round of meetings with members of the regional government as of this month (01/09/2017)
    To address priority needs and actions plan
  • The registration period for the Football League "Enrique Ambit Palacios" will be from September 11 to 29 of this month (01/09/2017)

  • The 2017/18 school year will begin in Early Childhood and Primary Education on September 8 (01/09/2017)
    And in ESO and Baccalaureate on the 18th of the same month, in the municipality of Totana

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