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Totana News - April 2019

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The City Council commits the contribution of 98,742 eros for the development of social services of Primary Care corresponding to the municipal budget of 2019 (30/04/2019)

  • The call for subsidies to promote the conversion of undefined training contracts in the Region of Murcia is approved (30/04/2019)

  • Ganar Totana will present an amendment to the whole to the proposal of the Mayor's Office regarding the transfer of the CTA to ASART with the aim of converting it into a Pottery Museum (29/04/2019)
    This has been announced by the spokesperson of Ganar Totana on social networks
  • The Civil Platform AHORA TOTANA shows its rejection of the cession of the CTA to ASART (29/04/2019)
    The Plenary will debate tomorrow the proposal of the Mayor's Office regarding the cession of the Technological Craft Center (CTA) to the Association of Craftsmen (ASART) with the purpose to turn it into Totana's Pottery Museum
  • One of the access roads to Sierra Espuña, from the area of ​​Las Alquerías, for improvement work on the highway will be cut off for a month (29/04/2019)

  • Human Resources raises to the Plenary the new framework agreement of the public employees of the City council after being agreed in the Table of Negotiation with the union representatives (29/04/2019)

  • An agreement will be signed with the Abraham Project Association to develop the initiative "Walk between fabrics" (29/04/2019)
    It covers training and employment actions for people at risk or social exclusion
  • Until May 9 can present companies interested in the provision of services of the program "Summer Polideportivo'2019", which promotes the Department of Sports (29/04/2019)

  • The last ordinary plenary session of the legislature will be held tomorrow, Tuesday (29/04/2019)
    In which the drawing of the tables for local, regional and European elections will be held on May 26
  • The celebration of the weekly market is being held tomorrow, Tuesday, April 30, as this national holiday is on Wednesday (29/04/2019)

  • Election day takes place with total normality in Totana, where a total participation of 72.49% is recorded (28/04/2019)
    (PSOE 22.69%; PP 22.27%; VOX 21.98%; C's 18 , 42% and United We can 11.27%)
  • The participation of electors in Totana in the general elections amounts to 59.53%, at 18:00 hours (28/04/2019)
    Almost seven points more than the appointment of 2016 at the same time (Second Official Advance of Participation)
  • The participation of voters in Totana in the general elections amounts to 42.64%, at 2:00 p.m. (28/04/2019)
    Almost three points more than the date of 2016 at the same time (First Official Advance of Participation)
  • "Totana Cultural" Program (27/04/2019)
    The program "Totana Cultural" includes recitals, talks, visits to museums, concerts, exhibitions, gastro-pottery routes and traditional and folkloric activities, among others, from April to July
  • Totana hosts the Governing Board and the Plenary Session of the Sierra Espuña Tourist Association, in which the programming of the ECOS 2019 Festival was discussed, among other matters (26/04/2019)

  • It is extended for one year, until June 2020, the management of the Home Help Service of the Totana City Council (26/04/2019)

  • Totana benefits from an increase in funding in its projects with INCYDE, basically in regard to the Business Incubator (26/04/2019)
    The municipalities of Archena, Cehegín and Puerto Lumbreras also sign collaboration agreements with Totana, which will receive 42,230, 11 euros
  • The voluntary period to pay the receipts on Mechanical Traction Vehicles Tax of 2019 ends next May 6 (26/04/2019)

  • The structure of the covering works of the sports center of the CEIP "San José" is lifted (26/04/2019)

  • The next Tuesday, April 30, ends the application period for the admission of students in the "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Children's School for the 2019/2020 academic year (26/04/2019)

  • Successful completion of the Family and Private Life Conciliation Service, called "Holiday School of Holy Week" (25/04/2019)
    It has been held at CEIP La Cruz
  • Lists of the 8 candidates who attend the municipal elections in the City of Totana in the appointment of next May 26 (25/04/2019)

  • The Sports City "Valverde Reina" will host on May 1 the I Baseball Tournament Spring (25/04/2019)
    It is organized by the Baseball Club Totana
  • They propose January 7 and December 10 as the two local festivities for the year 2020 (25/04/2019)

  • The current councilor of Human Resources, Gertru R. Tudela, lashes out against the candidate of C's and remembers the ERE for which they fired almost 40 workers (25/04/2019)
    "He was a councilor for human resources and they never met him in the department because he did not appear "
  • A total of eight candidacies concur, finally, to the municipal elections in the City council of Totana in the appointment of next May 26 (24/04/2019)

  • A total of 48 students participate in the V Literary Contest "Morerica Galán", whose awards were given yesterday to mark the celebration of the Book Day (24/04/2019)

  • The call for subsidies of the Self-Employment Promotion-Zero Fee program for young people beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System is approved (24/04/2019)

  • SAC's public service hours tomorrow, San Marcos day, will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. (24/04/2019)

  • The Department of Equality organizes this Saturday the show "Between two lands" (24/04/2019)
    It will combine live music and a recital of poetry by Katy Parra and Inma Pelegrín
  • Civil Protection makes a very positive assessment of the rains of recent days (23/04/2019)

  • Most of Directors and Affiliates of Totana Citizens resigned as a block (23/04/2019)
    This was announced in a statement by the person responsible for communications and social networks of Cs Totana from 2015 to 2019.
  • The Popular Party of Totana presents a candidature in which experience is combined with renewal (23/04/2019)
    Juan Pagán highlights that "more than 65 percent of the components had never been linked to politics;
  • Blank seats will also be presented to the municipal elections in Totana (23/04/2019)
    According to this formation there would be 8 parties that have registered in the Electoral Board of Zone for the next municipal elections
  • The Platform calls for an urgent meeting with the politicians to position themselves on the "outrage" of the installation of a gas station in Triptolemos (23/04/2019)

  • María Dolores García Martínez will be the mayoral candidate for Vox Totana (22/04/2019)
    The names of the first 5 on the list are already known
  • They count 6 liters per square meter more during the Resurrection Sunday in Totana, raising the total records to 80.2 during the rainy episode (21/04/2019)

  • Gabriel Sánchez runner-up in the Spanish School Children's Championship (21/04/2019)
    Silver medal for Gabriel Sánchez in the Spanish School Table Tennis Championship played this weekend in Alcázar de San Juan
  • Civil Protection attends six important incidents during the rainy episode (20/04/2019)
    In most points of the municipality have exceeded 70 liters per square meter
  • Totana Civil Protection informs about the pre-emergency situation due to rains in the Murcia Region (19/04/2019)
    The rain that has already fallen in the Region of Murcia for hours will continue to do so during the rest of the day, while at the same time it will intensify in the last hours of today Friday.
  • Totana Civil Protection: Temporary Levante in the coming days (17/04/2019)
    It seems to confirm the forecasts and the time is unstable from tomorrow
  • Police surveillance will be increased in the rural areas of the high districts of the municipality of Totana after the last wave of robberies (17/04/2019)

  • La Dolorosa Orchestra and La Veronica Band offer a concert to the users of the two Disability Day Centers of Totana on the occasion of Holy Week (17/04/2019)

  • Increase in robberies in recent months (17/04/2019)
    Statement by Councilman Juan C. Carrillo and independent candidate for the ACCION MURCIA party in Totana in relation to the increase in robberies in recent months
  • SAC's opening hours for the public on San Marcos will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. (17/04/2019)

  • The maintenance service of the Municipal Cemetery "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" is extended one more year (17/04/2019)

  • It is agreed the incorporation of three new additions in the Association of Volunteers of Civil Protection of Totana (17/04/2019)
    As well as the update of casualties
  • The minor services contract for the implementation of the new fiscal ordinance to public energy transport facilities is awarded (17/04/2019)

  • The CFS Capuchinos congratulates his player Moisés García for the recent call of the Murcia National Team (16/04/2019)

  • The Local Police of Totana remembers that the urban center will be cut Holy Thursday and Good Friday both days (16/04/2019)
    Recommends to look for alternatives to the drivers for the most relevant days of the Holy Week
  • The Department of Sports recognizes the obligation in favor of the IES Prado Mayor of the consumption expenditure of the School Room from September 2017 to December 31, 2018 (16/04/2019)

  • The procedure to hire the services of the program "Verano Polideportivo'2019", promoted by the Department of Sports (16/04/2019)

  • The mayor of Totana says that it is acting, quickly and for months, before the robberies that are taking place in houses of the municipality (16/04/2019)
    Urges the Popular Party of Totana not to demagogue with the situation that families are going through of Totana who have been victims of robberies in their homes
  • The call for subsidies for the promotion of indefinite hiring of young beneficiaries of the Youth Guarantee (16/04/2019)

  • The City of Totana launches two new projects of Local Public Employment that has allowed the hiring of four unemployed (15/04/2019)

  • Proinvitosa acquires an area of ​​more than 19,000 square meters to expand the industrial park "El Saladar" (15/04/2019)
    In the UA-3, next to the Mediterranean highway
  • The PP demands forceful and urgent measures against the thefts that are taking place in Totana in numerous homes. (15/04/2019)

  • Uncertainty in the weather forecast for the big days of Holy Week (15/04/2019)
    Civil Protection Totana recommends keeping an eye on the forecast for the next few days and not giving accurate information 100% available today
  • The opening times of the Municipal Library and the Study Room for the Easter holidays are modified temporarily (15/04/2019)

  • The General Directorate of the Police and the Command of the Civil Guard congratulate five agents of the Local Police of Totana for their performance in and collaboration with both bodies in two important investigations (15/04/2019)

  • They celebrate the activity "Café y Cuentos", an initiative to raise awareness and promote equality among the female immigrant population (15/04/2019)

  • "The Princess stays in Sierra Espuña" (15/04/2019)
    On Saturday, April 13, the platform "The Princess stays in Sierra Espuña" has made an informative event at the Archaeological Museum of Murcia
  • ... (14/04/2019)

  • The young talent from Murcia and totanero put their brushes at the service of the teacher José María Párraga (13/04/2019)
    Students from the IES Prado Mayor de Totana participated in the II Outdoor Painting Competition that commemorates 22 years without José María Párraga, which took place at the Murcia capital
  • Emotive Nazarene Journey in the CEIP "La Cruz" (13/04/2019)

  • The Local Police offers a series of recommendations to pedestrians and drivers for the days of Holy Week 2019 (12/04/2019)

  • The City Council will carry out a public acknowledgment to the Tudela family of potters, which represents the seventh generation of this trade in Totana (12/04/2019)

  • The City Council condemns and shows its rejection by the new case of sexist violence in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the eighteenth in Spain so far this year (12/04/2019)

  • Juan Pagán starts a special neighborhood collection campaign for the MUNICIPALITY CENTER (11/04/2019)
    On Wednesday, April 17 and 24, at the weekly market, a point will be set up for the collection of neighborhood proposals
  • The VI Velada por las Lipodistrofias is presented, which will take place in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja de Totana next Saturday, April 13 (11/04/2019)

  • Rescue a hiker who has suffered a collapse while hiking in the Colón Pilón, in Totana (11/04/2019)
    Has been transferred to the hospital
  • This Saturday the Garden of the Brotherhood of Prayer is blessed in the Garden, Our Lady of Charity and Our Lady of the Faith "La Posá" (11/04/2019)
    It is located on Lorca Avenue
  • They request a grant to execute the accessibility improvement project in the San Francisco neighborhood (11/04/2019)

  • The VI Velada por las Lipodistrofias is presented, which will take place in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja in Totana this Saturday, April 13 (11/04/2019)

  • The Municipal School Absenteeism Service starts a round of informative talks addressed to Primary Education students and Secondary parents (11/04/2019)

  • Campus Semana Santa 2019 MOVE (11/04/2019)
    One more year, the sports center move organizes a campus for Easter
  • Sánchez Ruiz: "The current government formed by IU-Ganar Totana and PSOE has not been able to complete even 20% of its electoral programs" (10/04/2019)
    The PP asks the coalition government to take stock of its legislature and give explanations on the reasons that have generated that have not fulfilled their electoral promises
  • Emotions, covered with heartbeats of fervor, clothe the Nazarene proclamation of Totana 2019 (10/04/2019)
    Juan Cánovas Mulero.
  • The rates and the canon of the public educational service contract of the First Cycle Centers of Municipal Children's Education in Totana are updated (10/04/2019)

  • The last full ordinary of this term 2015/2019, corresponding to this month, will be held on April 30 (10/04/2019)

  • Communication from the Platform of neighbors affected by the installation project of a gas station in Avd. Juan Carlos I de Totana. (09/04/2019)

  • The owners of farms that must make obligatory use of stretches of the Greenway Campo de Cartagena-Totana to access their properties have to request authorization to the Consortium of Greenways of the Region of Murcia (09/04/2019)

  • The tender procedure for the renovation of the section of the supply and sanitation network in San Ramón Street begins (09/04/2019)

  • The census of voters for the municipal, autonomous and European elections of May 26 remains in public exhibition (09/04/2019)

  • Ganar Totana raises a motion to the April plenary to show its rejection of the reduction of 7 ambulances in Area III of Health (08/04/2019)
    "We also ask the Ministry of Health to redress the situation, maintaining at least the services and coverage in the transport that we had until now "
  • Today ends the deadline to apply to the SEF to participate in the program of the Regional Employment Councils of the 2019 call (08/04/2019)

  • Athletes of the Totana Athletics Club have been present in 4 events during this past weekend (08/04/2019)

  • They completely renew the irrigation network of the existing trees in the fairgrounds (08/04/2019)

  • The Department of Sports requests a subsidy for the improvement of the recreational sports area with circuit of the Sports Center "December 6" (08/04/2019)

  • The autonomous public television 7 Region of Murcia will broadcast live the Transfer of Thrones on the morning of Holy Thursday (08/04/2019)

  • The City Council condemns and shows its rejection by the three new cases of sexist violence known this weekend in Spain (08/04/2019)

  • 2nd national: Dama de Elche Óptica Look 4 - 2 C Totana TM (08/04/2019)
    Weekend results Club Totana TM
  • Concert of the Choir and Band of the IES "Juan de la Cierva y Codorníu" in the Cultural Week of the IES "Antonio Hellín" in Puerto de Mazarrón (07/04/2019)

  • It was approved to tender the installation of a potable water distribution pipeline next to the La Santa ravine, in the Tamil Camilleri district (05/04/2019)

  • The people interested in participating in the program of the Regional Councils of Employment of the call for the year 2019 have until next Monday, April 8 to request it in the SEF (05/04/2019)

  • Start the program of activities of the Day of the Book, to be held during April, with the presentation of the collection of poems "My little tree step by step", by Juan A. Pellicer (05/04/2019)

  • The call for subsidies for the promotion of non-work placements in the Region of Murcia for young beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System is approved (05/04/2019)

  • About 450 fifth-grade students from ten Totana schools participate in the Popular Games Day at the "Valverde Reina" Sports City (04/04/2019)

  • A Municipal Regulation will be drawn up that will regulate the placement of ornamental and informational elements in buildings and public spaces (04/04/2019)

  • Today begins the program of activities of the Day of the Book that will last throughout the month of April, organized by the Department of Culture (04/04/2019)

  • The Tax on Vehicles of Mechanical Traction of the year 2019 is found to be charged, in voluntary period (04/04/2019)

  • Communiqué by Councilman Juan C. Carrillo and independent candidate for the ACCION MURCIA party in Totana (03/04/2019)
    Regarding the incorporation in commission of services of a technician in Human Resources and on the act celebrated yesterday in Paretón by the Community of Irrigators of Totana
  • The Civil Guard clarifies the theft of nearly half a million euros in jewelry in Totana (03/04/2019)
    So far two of the four members of the criminal group that allegedly materialized the robbery have been arrested
  • This next morning the water supply will be interrupted in some rural areas of the lower districts (03/04/2019)
    The supply will affect the subscribers of Las Lomas de El Paretón, Los López, Los Andreos, Los Guardianes and Caserío de Raiguero
  • The City Council will initiate the file to cede the space or infrastructure in "El Cabecico" that allows PADISITO to have a residence for people with intellectual disabilities (03/04/2019)

  • Today, April 3, marks the 40th anniversary of the first democratic elections after the change of regime (03/04/2019)
    In which was elected the first municipal Corporation presided by Antonio Pérez Férez
  • The Apiculture Unit of Civil Protection of Totana activates the bee swarm collection device (02/04/2019)
    Coinciding with the spring flowering
  • The application deadline for the School of Easter and Spring Festival2019 is now open, until the end of registration (02/04/2019)

  • Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed (02/04/2019)

  • The IES Juan de la Cierva and Codorníu awards the distinction of Honor Bachelor 2019 to Juan Martínez Fernández, "the Enterraor" (02/04/2019)

  • Agents of the Local Police surprise a thief in the interior of a house in the urban area (01/04/2019)

  • About twenty activities make up the program of activities of the Day of the Book that is celebrated throughout the month of April (01/04/2019)
    It is organized by the Department of Culture
  • This weekend the April Fair is held in the Lebor area with an extensive program of events (01/04/2019)
    It is organized by the Association "Los Romeros de Lébor"
  • The conference "Flora and forests of Sierra Espuña, Challenges to climate change" (01/04/2019)

  • 2nd national: Totana Promesas 1 - 5 IES Sierra de Carrascoy El Palmar (01/04/2019)


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