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Totana News - May 2017

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The festival of the Move-Chari Ruiz Dance School will be "of film" (31/05/2017)
    It will take place this Sunday June 4 In the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" at 21:00 hours with free admission
  • Deitania School turns to AFACMUR (31/05/2017)
    One week has been developing this experience of learning solidarity service, which is titled: "Meraki, from children to children"
  • Young people from the project "Labor 2.0: Guarantee Juvenil" carry out gardening practices (31/05/2017)

  • The chat-colloquium "The origins of Totana: The deposit of Cabezuelas" will take place next Thursday June 8 (31/05/2017)
    It will be at 20:30 in the Sala Gregorio Cebrián
  • The ONCE daily coupon distributed 1,295,000 euros between Totana, Sevilla, Valencia and Madrid (31/05/2017)
    Selling agent Felipe Daniel Hernández Martínez has distributed 350,000 euros from its point of sale in Totana
  • Totana adds to the initiative #balconesgranas (31/05/2017)
    The City adds to the initiative #balconesgranas to support in social networks to the Real Club Murcia, as they have already done several consistories, coinciding with the dispute of the play off, in their attempt to ascend To Second Division A
  • The Consistory totanero subscribes an agreement to start a service of reception and aid to pets in situations of risk Is the second that is promoted in the Region (31/05/2017)

  • Start of works to collect and evacuate rainwater in a section of the street Teniente Pérez Redondo (31/05/2017)
    Require neighbors to access garages outside the hours of the proceedings
  • From today it is strictly forbidden to carry out fires in the barbecues enabled in the Regional Park of Sierra Espuña (31/05/2017)

  • The City of Totana commemorates World No Tobacco Day to raise public awareness of the risks of its consumption (31/05/2017)

  • The presentation of the works of the program "La Cárcel Formación" will be held from June 2 to 11 in the "Gregorio Cebrián" showroom (31/05/2017)

  • The PSOE welcomes the refinancing of the usury loan signed by the PP (30/05/2017)

  • Municipal authorities close training program for Social Inclusion (FORIN) (30/05/2017)

  • City Council members of Totana participate in the rallies of rejection to the machista murders of the past weekend (30/05/2017)
    claiming a State Pact against Gender Violence
  • Renewed the Board of the Association of Neighbors of the hamlet of El Paretón-Cantareros (30/05/2017)

  • The Arrixaca Tropical Medicine Unit celebrates an informative day in "La Cárcel" dedicated to Chagas disease (30/05/2017)
    It will be next Friday at 20:00 hours
  • Win Totana-IU: "The Mayor achieves savings of more than 5 million euros and a 6% interest reduction" (29/05/2017)
    "when refinancing the largest loan that the PP signed in 2010"
  • La Peña Madridista "La Décima Agustín Herrerín" organizes an Open Day to mark the final of the Champions League (29/05/2017)
    It will be next Saturday June 3 at 20:45
  • A minute of silence is preserved as a sign of condemnation and repulsion at the last macho murder recorded yesterday in Molina de Segura (29/05/2017)

  • The PSOE joins the claims of the FAMPA of the CEIP Lébor de Totana (29/05/2017)
    And claims that the complete cycles of Infantil y Primaria
  • May 31 ends the deadline for large families to apply for the IBI bonus of their home (29/05/2017)

  • This coming weekend is celebrated the 9th Outlet Fair, in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja (29/05/2017)
    With important attractions and discounts on seasonal items and entertainment activities
  • Totana present at the X Congress of Official Chroniclers of the Region of Murcia held last Saturday in Mula (29/05/2017)

  • The 22nd stay friends of the mountain "Kasi Ná Trail" took place by roads and trails of the Regional Park of Sierra Espuña (29/05/2017)

  • A collaboration agreement for the implementation of a service of collection and reception of animals at risk is approved (29/05/2017)

  • "How to attract qualified traffic to your website" is the next e-commerce workshop to be held in Totana for free (29/05/2017)

  • ... (28/05/2017)

  • The totanero Alberto Crespo Molino participated in the Spartan Race Beast Barcelona 2017, and obtains the Spartan Trifecta. This hard race of obstacles of 26 km counted on the participation of more than 6000 intrepid "Spartans" coming from (28/05/2017)

  • Conference-Colloquium "Proposal of an Eulalian Way" (28/05/2017)
  • The City of Totana adds to the claims of the collective LGTB (28/05/2017)
    And shows its repulsion to any kind of homophonic manifestation
  • Stormwater evacuation works on a section of Teniente Pérez Redondo Street begin this Tuesday (28/05/2017)
    Require neighbors to access garages outside the hours of the proceedings
  • Delegates of the Totana Group attend the Extraordinary Congress of the PSOE (28/05/2017)
    In the "congress" the delegates who will go to the PSOE Federal Congress on June 17, Gertrudis Mª Ruiz Tudela, the person who will represent Totana
  • A new list of administrative clauses is approved to take over the lease of the tourist complex of the hotel and rural houses of La Santa (27/05/2017)

  • The Plenary urges the Government of Spain to the prompt reception of the Syrian refugees Who promised to receive from the fields of Greece (26/05/2017)

  • Non-attached councilman Juan Carlos Carrillo takes office in the Municipal Corporation (26/05/2017)
    replacing the councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group, Asensio Soler
  • Delivery of food collected in the solidarity campaign promoted by the Municipal Library "Mateo García" for Caritas of both parishes (26/05/2017)

  • The 4th solidarity parade of lingerie and bath for the benefit of AFACMUR (26/05/2017)
    It will take place in the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" on June 2
  • This next Sunday, May 28, the traditional Mercadillo Craft of Santa is celebrated (26/05/2017)

  • MCT makes next Monday, May 29, maintenance and cleaning of the distribution of potable water of the Rulo (26/05/2017)

  • PP: "The disastrous organization of this government team condemns again Paretón in the reduction of the service of attention to the citizen" (26/05/2017)

  • The municipal government manages to refinance a large part of the debt with the most important and complicated loan that existed with BBVA (25/05/2017)
    within the framework of the Adjustment Plan
  • The publisher of the University of Murcia will publish, from now on, the awarded works of the Prize of Historical Investigation "Alporchón" of Totana (25/05/2017)

  • The PP proposes an increase of one hour more a week of physical education in primary and secondary (25/05/2017)

  • The course on "Dynamization of free-time activities for children and young people" is inaugurated (25/05/2017)
    It is destined to young beneficiaries of the National System of Youth Guarantee
  • ... (25/05/2017)

  • The Regional Hemodonation Center will make extractions at the City Hall next June 16 (25/05/2017)
    The initiative is aimed at the staff, Municipal Corporation and residents of Totana in general
  • Juan Carlos Carrillo leaves to the step of the press release of the group C's Totana (24/05/2017)

  • A minute's silence in a sign of revulsion at the terrorist attack in Manchester (24/05/2017)
    And in solidarity with the victims and the wounded
  • Students of the CEIP "Santa Eulalia" interpret the work "More than a pretty face" in the Faculty of Education of the UMU (24/05/2017)
    Has had the collaboration of the Department of Women
  • The Ordinary Plenary of May includes the inauguration of the new councilor of the City of Totana, Juan Carlos Carrillo Ruiz (24/05/2017)

  • The concert of folk music of Iberian root of "Manu Sequera Trio" will be this Saturday (24/05/2017)
    In the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" (20:30 hours)
  • Kids Series return, scoring for regional MTB championship (23/05/2017)

  • Juan Carlos Carrillo replaces the councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group, Asensio Soler, in the Municipal Corporation (23/05/2017)
    Incorporating as a non-attached mayor
  • Alejandro Cánovas Burgos wins the Photography Contest "Marzo Joven'2017" (23/05/2017)
    It was organized by the Department of Youth
  • A night guided tour of the Church's Tower is celebrated on the occasion of the International Museum Day (23/05/2017)

  • Organize a Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Experiences in the Totana Business Center (23/05/2017)

  • The CB Myrtia, in which the totanero militant Samuel Alcaraz makes history and obtains the ascent to LEB Silver (22/05/2017)

  • The delegation of Lourdes de Totana will pilgrimage on May 30 to the shrine of La Virgen de la Fuensanta (22/05/2017)

  • The Totana Triathlon present in VI Portman Bay triathlon and in the XXI rise to the Santa (22/05/2017)

  • Raúl Guevara and Mercedes Merino, the best in La Santa (21/05/2017)
    The athlete of the Mandarache Cartagena is imposed in the XXI Ascent to La Santa de Totana with a time of 28:15, by 34:02 for the athlete of the Mobel Automenor Running Team
  • "The Paretón also exists" (21/05/2017)
    "The neglect in which the Parish of Paretón is buried is a sign that this Government Team does not govern for all the neighbors alike", they denounce from the PP
  • They ask the General Direction of Roads the conditioning and repair of the highway RM-503 Bullas-Aledo, as it passes through the municipal term of Totana, for the improvement of the road safety (21/05/2017)
    Bad condition of this route
  • The annual shock and disintegration treatment in the sanitation and sewage system begins (20/05/2017)

  • Today the exhibition LA FAMILIA BELLÓN 300 AÑOS DE TRADICIÓN ALFARERA EN TOTANA will be inaugurated (20/05/2017)
    It will take place in the Museum of Iberian Art The Cigarralejo de Mula
  • PSOE: The Popular Party has converted the City of Totana into one of the 100 most indebted in Spain (19/05/2017)

  • The Department of the Environment and the Association "Pandora's Box" organize environmental activities in La Santa (19/05/2017)
    To commemorate World Environment Day
  • The 2nd Fiesta del Mojito will take place on June 2nd and 3rd (19/05/2017)
    It is organized by the Brotherhood of the Kiss of Judas and Jesus Pierced
  • Starts the new course "Hygiene and Personal Safety and Home Health Care" (19/05/2017)
    Developed at the Local Development Center
  • Six teams from Totana participated in the quarterfinals of the Regional Phase of Basketball, Handball, Futsal and Volleyball (19/05/2017)

  • The Campoder Association, to which Totana is attached, presents its rural development strategy for the next 5 years (19/05/2017)
    It is endowed with 4.6 million euros
  • This year 2.9 million are allocated to employability programs that will benefit 2,800 people (18/05/2017)
    The Secretary General of Family and Equality presented today the diplomas of the courses that ended in Totana and Alhama de Murcia, in which 144 people participated
  • "El Candil" assumes the management and dynamization of the premises of the Municipal Citizen Participation Center (18/05/2017)

  • PP: "The councils of Urbanism and Finance are the clearest example of paralysis and lack of ideas of the government team" (18/05/2017)

  • The calendar of parties in neighborhoods and districts will be extended from early June to early October 2017 (18/05/2017)
    With a total of 18 festivities
  • They award the contract for the works of adaptation of the Square of Abastos that allow the value of this municipal infrastructure (18/05/2017)

  • The deadline for nominations for the mayoral election in El Raiguero is extended until June 2 (18/05/2017)

  • On Monday, May 22, Santa Rita festivity, the services and municipal offices will be closed (18/05/2017)

  • The homage party "Enrique Ambit Palacios" will take place on Saturday May 27 at the Municipal Sports Center "December 6" (17/05/2017)

  • The Autonomous Community re-modifies the calendar of opening to the public of shops on Sundays and public holidays in the Region of Murcia by the year 2017 (17/05/2017)

  • The urbanization "La Charca" will have a children's play area on a parcel of municipal property (17/05/2017)

  • Call for investment in improving and boosting commuter rail transport "to consolidate a decent and quality Public Service" (17/05/2017)
    Win Totana IU also joins the firm support for the claims of the Provisional Platform of the AVE in Murcia
  • The regulatory bases of the Academic Excellence Awards in the municipality of Totana corresponding to the 2015/2016 school year are approved (17/05/2017)

  • The mayor meets with representatives of the Pro-Underground Platform of Murcia (16/05/2017)
    to treat the future of public rail services of Cercanías by the arrival of the AVE to the Region
  • The deadline to participate in the Summer Camps in Sierra Espuña 2017 (16/05/2017)
    Will be held in the Aula de Naturaleza "Las Alquerías" this summer
  • Day Centers for Disability promote the Gardening Workshop thanks to the collaboration of the local company "Viveros Bermejo" (16/05/2017)

  • The extension of the Official School of Languages ​​of Totana celebrates an Open Day on May 24 (16/05/2017)

  • The Platform against the High Voltage Line requires that socio-environmental criteria be applied in the renewable energy auction (15/05/2017)

  • Good representation of the Totana Triathlon Club in the 28th national triathlon Villa de Fuente Ãlamo (15/05/2017)

  • Starts the mixed program of employment and training "Socio-health Care for dependents in social institutions" (15/05/2017)
    Will train 15 unemployed
  • The IES "Prado Mayor" of Totana organizes next May 18 a concert for the benefit of D'Genes (15/05/2017)
    It will be at 20:00 hours in the Center Sociocultural "La Cárcel"
  • The festivities of the Senior Center are held from 14 to 19 June with a wide and varied range of activities (15/05/2017)

  • Call CHS for an immediate cessation of polluting discharges to the Guadalentín River (15/05/2017)
    Win Totana IU will also request the regeneration of the river bed and the adaptation of the steps between the districts of Lébor and the Raiguero that are in a deplorable state and represent a Important danger
  • Users of the "José Moyá Trilla" Day Center participate in the training sessions of the Local Police Road Safety program (15/05/2017)

  • The totanera María Andreo Yllanes participated in the Final Phase of the contest "Retame and I learn", in the category of Bachillerato (15/05/2017)
    María is a student of IES Prado Mayor de Totana
  • The young totaneros Pedro Antonio García Tudela and Pedro Marín Sánchez will present their new study at the III International Congress of Emotional Intelligence (14/05/2017)
    The congress will take place in Zaragoza from May 18 to 21
  • The intergenerational project of the Prado Mayor Institute, ended with the last visit to the Residence "La Purísima" (14/05/2017)

  • ... (14/05/2017)

  • The students of the Higher Education Training Cycles of the IES "PRADO MAYOR" travel to Italy to carry out their internship in companies (14/05/2017)

  • The mayor proposes to reaffirm the solidarity and institutional support of Totana with the Saharawi people in their struggle for their legitimate rights for self-determination (14/05/2017)

  • The City Council has processed four licenses for the possession of potentially dangerous animals so far this year (13/05/2017)

  • The Mayor's Office urges the Government of Spain to the prompt reception of the 17,337 Syrian refugees whom it undertook to receive from the fields of Greece (13/05/2017)

  • The totaneros Bartolomé Sánchez and Gabriel Murcia have traveled to the island of Santa Cruz de la Palma to dispute the Transvulcania Marathon (12/05/2017)

  • The "Paint Run Festival" will be held, for the first time in Totana, on Saturday, June 24, at the fairgrounds (12/05/2017)

  • The poet Luis García Montero gave the talk "Invitation to poetry" in the theater of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" (12/05/2017)

  • Municipal authorities offered a reception to the poet and professor of Spanish Literature of the University of Granada, Luis García Montero (12/05/2017)

  • Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue 2017 (12/05/2017)
    reading a manifesto and awareness actions at the Mobile Information Point
  • Municipal authorities meet with those responsible for the photovoltaic project promoter of Totana (12/05/2017)
    to establish channels of coordination in training and corporate social responsibility
  • You approve the new rates for the provision of the services of the Municipal Children's Schools of Totana (12/05/2017)

  • Launch a campaign on Change.org in support of BAR PACUCO and prevent its closure (11/05/2017)
    In just 4 hours it already has more than 500 signatures
  • The XXI Carrera Ascent to La Santa will be celebrated next Sunday 21 of May, with a distance of 7,3 km (11/05/2017)
    With exit in the place of the Constitution and goal in the sanctuary
  • ... (11/05/2017)

  • The Local Athletics Phase of School Sport had the participation of 73 students from different schools (11/05/2017)

  • Completed the Warehouse-Repository Waiter course (10/05/2017)

  • The national deputy Zaida Cantera will be in Totana this Friday in an act of support to the candidacy of Pedro Sánchez to Secretary General of the PSOE (10/05/2017)

  • The first deputy mayor and the Councilor of Finance start the Ministry of Finance commitment to take part of the debt of the City (10/05/2017)

  • The rates for the new Public Service of Promotion Activities of the La Bastida Argaric Site for the guided visits are fixed (10/05/2017)

  • Totana hosts the second Cadete Rugby Cup of the Region of Murcia this Saturday (10/05/2017)
    The six best teams in the category
  • The "Inkeys" group celebrates its 15th anniversary with a concert next Saturday at the Centro Tecnológico de Artesanía (10/05/2017)

  • The City Council signs the eighth contract with entrepreneurs entrepreneurs to be installed in the dependencies of the new Nursery of Companies (10/05/2017)

  • The mayor meets this Friday with the deputy general director of Studies and Financing of Local Entities of the Ministry of Finance (09/05/2017)
    To unblock the situation that occurs with the municipal budgets of 2017
  • It meets, for the first time, the commission of investigation that will clarify the authorship of the alleged false allegations to the PGMO (09/05/2017)

  • The maintenance and improvement service of chlorine and ph dosers in the swimming pool of the Municipal Sports Center "6 de Diciembre" is awarded (09/05/2017)

  • XX Bike Marathon City of Totana Last Sunday Totana hosted the most legendary test of the Mountain Bike of the Region of Murcia, the XX edition of the Bike Marathon City of Totana (see official video of the test) (09/05/2017)

  • Opened the deadline for the Workshop of Animation to the Reading "Doctor Cuentitis" (09/05/2017)
    It will be celebrated the 15 of May and 19 of June, respectively
  • The Cultural Association "Box of Seeds" concludes the round of presentation of books and literary authors on the occasion of the Day of the Book with the work "A renasci", by Pedro García Giménez (09/05/2017)

  • A total of 390 CEIP schoolchildren "La Cruz" participates in the training sessions of the School of Road Education of the Local Police (09/05/2017)

  • The delegation of Lourdes de Totana participated in the tradition of the Cross in Muchamiel (Alicante) (08/05/2017)

  • PADISITO pilgrimed to Caravaca de la Cruz on the occasion of his Jubilee year (08/05/2017)

  • The City Council and the Arrixaca Tropical Medicine Unit organize an information session on Chagas disease (08/05/2017)
    It will take place next June 2 at the "La Cárcel" Sociocultural Center
  • New podium for Totana Athletics Club, this time at CXM Aledo - Sierra Espuña (08/05/2017)

  • David Durán Tennoury's painting exhibition opens this Friday in the municipal hall "Gregorio Cebrián" (08/05/2017)
    It will remain open until May 26
  • The poet and professor of Spanish Literature, Luis García Montero, offers the talk "Invitation to the poetry" (08/05/2017)
    It will be this Thursday in the theater of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel"
  • The car club Totana has been present at the XXXV climb to the beaches of Mazarrón (07/05/2017)
    The test has started at 10:00 am where the 30 teams registered were meeting in the bay of Mazarrón
  • Results Club Totana TM open autonomic individual Villa de Calasparra (07/05/2017)

  • The Totana Triathlon club starts the triathlon season with the presentation of the new equipment and components (06/05/2017)

  • Seriously injured a cyclist when suffering a fall in Totana (06/05/2017)
    In the Mu-502 (road of Totana direction Aledo) to the height of the roundabout of the Rulo
  • Plenary of inauguration of the second round of municipal government to be presided over by Andrés García Cánovas will be June 24 (06/05/2017)
    The Centro Cultural Sociocultural "La Cárcel"
  • The registration deadline for the pilgrimage to Caravaca organized by the Brotherhood of Jesus on Calvary is already open (05/05/2017)

  • Inkeys celebrates its 15th anniversary with a concert (05/05/2017)
    It will take place on May 13 at the Technological Center of Handicraft Region of Murcia in Totana
  • ... (05/05/2017)

  • Totana will host the 2nd Rugby Cup of the Region of Murcia next May 13 (05/05/2017)
    It will take place in the Municipal Sports Center "6 de Diciembre" and will have the participation of the six best teams in the category
  • The Department of Sports promotes a recruitment campaign to encourage sports volunteering in Totana (05/05/2017)

  • Summer Campus 2017 (05/05/2017)
    One more year the sports center move will hold a Summer Campus for children to spend their vacations in the most fun
  • The Councilor for Citizen Services appreciates very positively the implementation of the Office of Virtual Registration (ORVE) in the City (05/05/2017)
    since last February
  • Morning will be held the free guided tour "In the heart of Sierra Espuña, La Santa lives." In addition, on May 18, two night visits will be made to the Tower Museum of the Church of Santiago and a new edition of the Theatrical Visits to La (05/05/2017)

  • May 21, appointment with La Santa (04/05/2017)
    The Department of Sports of Totana City Council organizes the XXI Ascent to La Santa de Totana, 12th test of the circuit of popular races Region of Murcia Running Challenge 2016/17 on a tour of 7 , 33km
  • Bidding for the project of conditioning the road that leaves the CEIP "Luis Pérez Rueda" (04/05/2017)

  • The Cultural Association "Box of Seeds" continues the round of presentation of books and literary authors on the occasion of the Book Day (04/05/2017)

  • The Intermunicipal Phase of the Benjamín and Frolic team sports, corresponding to the School Sport program ends (04/05/2017)
    Five teams from Santa Eulalia and La Cruz schools participated
  • The Municipal Sports Center "6 December" tomorrow hosts the Local Phase of Athletics School Sports (04/05/2017)
    It is organized by the Department of Sports
  • "Preel" and "Crepería Softon" teams qualify for the "Clean Play" Football Cup Final (03/05/2017)
    Played this Saturday at Ciudad Deportiva
  • Fires may be fired in the barbecues enabled in Sierra Espuña exclusively until May 30 (03/05/2017)
    Prohibited from this date
  • It celebrates the Sunday Mercadillo Artisan of La Santa with which the spring season starts (03/05/2017)

  • Technicians of the Department of Sports learn the use and management of defibrillators (03/05/2017)
    to equip municipal sports facilities with cardioprotected spaces
  • Work continues on conditioning the margins of the Sports Road to improve the safety of drivers and pedestrians (03/05/2017)

  • The president of COATO receives the Golden Almond (02/05/2017)
    The presentation of the recognition was made in the context of the VI Sectorial Meeting of the Almond and the Dry Fruit held in the Almond Museum of Zamoranos (Córdoba)
  • More than a hundred people support rare diseases by participating in the V Popular Walk organized by AELIP in Totana (02/05/2017)

  • Spanish children's school and cadet championships (02/05/2017)
    Another great event has been held this weekend with the participation of Totana Club players TM
  • Municipal authorities meet with the families of users of the José Moyá Trilla Day Center (02/05/2017)
    in order to evaluate and monitor the provision of services
  • The Municipal School Council proposes to start the 2017/18 course in Early Childhood and Primary Education on September 8 (02/05/2017)
    And in ESO and Baccalaureate on the 18th of the same month
  • Persons interested in participating in the program "Regional Employment Councils '2017 'must apply until May 17 (02/05/2017)
    in the office of the SEF of Totana
  • Exhibition of BTT schools in the region of Murcia, Kids Series Ciudad de Totana (02/05/2017)

  • Intense weekend for Club Totana TM with important events played this past May 1st bridge (02/05/2017)

  • Videos of Holy Week 2017 of Totana.com exceed one million reproductions (01/05/2017)
    Concludes the special campaign of Holy Week with the days of coexistence of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods
  • CAT's participation in the Eagles half-marathon and Run For Parkinson's (01/05/2017)

  • Sub-champion of Totana Tennis Club in the Regional League Inéscuelas 2016/17 (01/05/2017)


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