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Totana News - August 2018

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The ICA finances a concert of the Con Forza Symphony Orchestra to be held on October 19 (31/08/2018)

  • The Citizen Service Service schedule is re-established from next Monday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., coinciding with the beginning of September (31/08/2018)

  • The ORA service starts up again in Totana starting next Monday, September 3 (31/08/2018)

  • The departments of Industry and Commerce conduct a round of visits to the companies of the polygon and the shops of Totana (31/08/2018)
    In order to update the census of companies in the municipality
  • D'Genes Summer School visits the Totana City Council (30/08/2018)

  • The festivities of the neighborhood of San José are celebrated this weekend with activities for all ages and audiences (30/08/2018)

  • Work will be carried out to develop a municipal ordinance on Education and Civics to commute pecuniary sanctions for services to the community (30/08/2018)

  • Totana pleads to restore the Institute of Women of the Region of Murcia (30/08/2018)
    And provide it with sufficient resources for its future operation
  • Totana collected more than 12,500 tons of organic solid urban waste in 2017 (30/08/2018)
    A slightly higher figure than the previous year
  • Erasmus + of the IES Juan de la Cierva and Codorníu in Finland (29/08/2018)

  • The Service of Counseling and Mortgage Mediation reaches all municipalities, including Totana (29/08/2018)
    To serve people at risk of losing their homes
  • The Municipal Register of Associations and Entities accounts for a total of 440 associations that make up the social fabric of Totana (29/08/2018)
    84% remain active today
  • They will execute, within the POS 2018/19, the coverage of the sports track of the CEIP "San José" and the rehabilitation of the theater of "La Cárcel" (29/08/2018)

  • The PP denounces that IU-Ganar Totana has put itself in "electoral campaign" mode and uses the pain of those affected by the tracing of the AVE to "scratch" votes (28/08/2018)

  • The days of July 25 (Santiago Apóstol) and December 10 (Santa Eulalia) will be the local festivities in this municipality for the year 2019 (28/08/2018)

  • The municipal program of Maintenance Gymnastics for the 2018/19 season will begin on Monday, September 3 (28/08/2018)
    It will take place at the Municipal Gymnasium "La Cárcel"
  • The SEF keeps activated aid for companies that hire indefinitely unemployed people difficult to insert (28/08/2018)

  • Win Totana denounces that "the PP of Totana silent before the press release of the Popular Regional Party demanding the immediate tender of the works of the AVE to Lorca" (27/08/2018)
    "without solving the serious problem of the affected neighbors in our municipality by the new traced. "
  • Members of the Totana Athletics Club were present at the Matterhorn Ultraks Sky Race "and" XXXIV Carrera de Mojácar " (27/08/2018)

  • Social Services has attended 147 citations on procedures regarding immigration matters during the first semester of this year (27/08/2018)

  • The PP denounces that the mayor uses as "placement agency" the cleaning company to plug people related to the PSOE (26/08/2018)

  • The Club Totana TM begins the season 2018-2019 (26/08/2018)

  • Execute works that will optimize and provide a solution to the supply in the Industrial Estate and the Village of La Ñorica (25/08/2018)

  • Totana hosts from September 10 to 12 the course "Archaeological Archeology", of the International University of the Sea of ​​the UMU, together with the municipalities of Pliego and Mula (24/08/2018)

  • Remember that all the people who want to tender through a simplified procedure must be inscribed in the ROLECE (24/08/2018)

  • Remember that users have a maximum term to renew the Social Electricity Bonus until next October 8 (24/08/2018)

  • Next Monday, August 27, the Municipal Library "Mateo García" will return to service, resuming its activity (24/08/2018)

  • Civil Protection of Totana informs that the strong storms return (23/08/2018)
    After a few days of calm, today strong storms return to big part of the eastern half of the peninsula, Region of Murcia included
  • The students of the Course-Certificate of Professionalism "Cleaning of open spaces in industrial facilities" already carry out non-work professional practices in companies in the sector (23/08/2018)

  • This school year 2018/19 in Totana will begin in Infant and Primary Education on September 7 (23/08/2018)
    While in ESO and Baccalaureate will do it on the 14th and FP on the 21st of the same month
  • The Ministry of Education is required to draw up a Regional School Transportation Plan that includes the non-compulsory education, basically Bachillerato and FP (23/08/2018)

  • The enrollment period for the entire training offer at the Adult Education Center "Bajo Guadalentín" for the 2018/19 academic year is still open (22/08/2018)

  • The implementation of the Argos program allows drug prevention to reach more than 600 Secondary Education students from the Totana educational centers (22/08/2018)

  • Totana adheres to the "Seville Declaration: The commitment of cities to the Circular Economy" (22/08/2018)
    Assuming the pronouncements and commitments regarding waste management
  • The family of Juana Pérez Martínez pays homage when she turns a century old and is the XIII person who exceeds 100 years in the Municipality of Totana (21/08/2018)

  • The collection service continues on the public road of used clothes, footwear and toys for the benefit of the "Proyecto Abraham" Association (21/08/2018)

  • The municipal government considers it a priority to be accredited as a zone fire station to the current local Totana-Alhama (21/08/2018)
    Whose qualification leads to an increase in personnel
  • PROINIVITOSA has excellent duplex homes for sale or rent with purchase option in El Paretón-Cantareros (21/08/2018)

  • Braced solidarity for the benefit of D'Genes in the Municipal Sports Center December 6 Totana (20/08/2018)

  • Totana is the eighth Murcian municipality with the largest foreign population, being the Ecuadorian and Bolivian origin the most numerous (20/08/2018)

  • Volunteers of Civil Protection carry out a technical review of more than two hundred hydrants (20/08/2018)
    Distributed by the urban area, the "La Charca" urbanization and the industrial estate
  • Totana is the fourth term of the Region that becomes "Free City of Glyphosate" (20/08/2018)
    Making an express support to this type of less toxic initiatives in the use of herbicides
  • From Totana to Kuwait (18/08/2018)
    Totanero Fernando Guerrero signs as a physical trainer for the Al-Yarmouk futsal team in Kuwait
  • Civil Protection of Totana informs that strong storms continue (17/08/2018)

  • The City Council has processed in the last year and a half a total of 16 license files for the possession of potentially dangerous animals (17/08/2018)

  • The totanero Consistory adheres to the socio-health coordination protocol in the care of people with severe mental disorder or drug addiction (17/08/2018)

  • Continues the calendar of celebrations in neighborhoods and districts scheduled for this summer in Totana (17/08/2018)
    It will last until the first weekend of October
  • Civil Protection of Totana performs numerous actions because of heavy storms (16/08/2018)

  • Totana considers it necessary to develop a Program of Prevention and Attention to Homelessness, and incorporate it into the future State Housing Plan (16/08/2018)

  • They will undertake more than fifty works on rural roads, parks and gardens and streets within the framework of the Regional Employment Councils 2018/19 (16/08/2018)
    It will start in October
  • Solutions are requested to the lack of personnel in the staff of Correos in Totana (16/08/2018)
    And that the generalized deterioration in the postal service is halted
  • The next day of 19 August will take place the VI Conference of continuous swimming for rare diseases in Totana (14/08/2018)

  • A total of 36 activities have nurtured the "Totana Cultural" programming during the months of February to July of this year (14/08/2018)

  • Totana shows its firm rejection to the activities of exploitation and extraction of gas by "fracking" in the Region of Murcia (14/08/2018)

  • The Accompaniment Program for Social Inclusion (PAIN) has led to the attention of 37 residents of the town in a situation of serious risk or social exclusion in the first half of this year (14/08/2018)

  • The main activities of the Paretón-Cantareros patron festivities program begin in honor of the Virgen del Rosario (14/08/2018)
    They are celebrated until August 19 with an ambitious and numerous list of events
  • The Local Police continues the campaign to monitor improper parking (14/08/2018)
    Preserving loading and unloading areas, leaving vehicles and parking for the disabled, among others
  • They are already 7 days of confinement of those affected by the new layout of the AVE in the City of Totana (13/08/2018)
    "We express our firmness not to abandon the fight against the serious problem that affects us, and we will continue to save the homes of the 30 families ", affirm from the Plataforma AVE Totana Fuerza Ciudadana
  • "I used to, I do not want to know anything" (13/08/2018)
    Opinion article from Ahora Totana - Civil platform-
  • CAT athletes participate in III Run for us of Bolnuevo and in the XXXIV Climb to Pico Veleta de Granada (13/08/2018)

  • The visits to La Bastida are the most repeated consultations in the Tourist Office of Totana since the opening of this archaeological site (13/08/2018)
    Some 2,700 people visited La Bastida during the first semester of the year 2018
  • The weekly market of this week is ahead of tomorrow, Tuesday, August 14, for the feast of the Virgin of August 15 (13/08/2018)

  • The Animation to Reading program has had the participation of 2,003 students (13/08/2018)
    It is organized by the Municipal Library "Mateo García"
  • The Regional Coordinator of Izquierda Unida meets with the families affected by the High-Speed ​​Route (10/08/2018)
    They have been locked in the Totana City Council since Monday
  • Totana requests a Mobile Unit of the Atmospheric Surveillance Network to evaluate the air quality in this municipality (10/08/2018)

  • The contract for the rehabilitation of Fuente Juan de Uzeta and its surroundings was awarded for an amount of 42,989.59 euros (10/08/2018)

  • The Municipal Library "Mateo Garcia" closes next Monday August 13 and will open on the 27th of this same month (10/08/2018)
    The Study Room of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" keeps its doors open morning and afternoon
  • Totana will join the cultural association "Confederation of Argaric Peoples", with headquarters in Antas (Almería) (10/08/2018)
    With the purpose of bringing together the towns with deposits of this historical epoch
  • 796 totaneros reside abroad (09/08/2018)
    The municipality of Totana is the ninth in the Region of Murcia with more native population that migrates abroad to seek work alternatives or professional opportunities
  • The works of the new park in the neighborhood of San José will continue this month (09/08/2018)
    In order that they may be completed in the first weeks of September and for the use and enjoyment of the neighbors
  • More than twenty activities have been organized in the first seven months of the commemoration of the Centennial of the City (09/08/2018)
    More than a dozen important cultural and social events are planned to take place in the fall to culminate this historic anniversary
  • The service of collection of plant and plant remains is provided free of charge and requires a request for a prior appointment to give notice (09/08/2018)
    People who are interested must request an appointment through the municipal telephone service 968-425308
  • Comunicado Plataforma Totana (08/08/2018)
    To this game that you, "all", have started, we do not play, you usually lose the usual ones
  • Totana is one of the municipalities in Murcia that has already joined the Network for Citizen Participation in the Region (08/08/2018)

  • The City Council implements, with success and gradually, the Electronic Administration (08/08/2018)
    that facilitates and streamlines procedures for citizens, promoting accessibility and public transparency
  • PROINVITOSA offer to SMEs modular industrial buildings in the IV Phase of the industrial estate (08/08/2018)

  • The rubble of minor works, bulky, wood and household appliances are the most deposited domestic waste in the municipal eco-park (08/08/2018)

  • The 2018 Summer Camp celebrated by PADISITO closes (07/08/2018)

  • You can not make any kind of fire in the barbecues enabled in Sierra Espuña or use camping-gas for cooking until October (07/08/2018)

  • Up to now, about twenty contracts for the installation of entrepreneurs since the start-up of the Totana Business Incubator located in the industrial estate have been promoted (07/08/2018)

  • The City Council appeals to citizen awareness in the responsible use of water and moderate and rational consumption during the remainder of the summer (07/08/2018)

  • Totana is declared as a Free City of Violence in Sports (07/08/2018)
    That entails the public condemnation of acts of intolerance and social intransigence and the promotion of awareness campaigns
  • Athletes of CA Totana Participate in the Carreras Populares del Campillo and de Garrucha (06/08/2018)

  • The final phase of the construction work on the sidewalks in Juan XXIII Street Improved accessibility and will boost the commercial spirit of this road (06/08/2018)

  • The City Council of Totana processed a total of 28 civil marriages celebrations during the first seven months of the year 2018 (06/08/2018)

  • A total of 54 residents of Totana are referred to the Training and Social Inclusion program during the first semester of this year (06/08/2018)
    Of which some twenty have successfully completed it
  • Citizens Totana proposes the creation of free support groups to treat gambling addiction (05/08/2018)
    The formation considers that they could meet taking advantage of the classrooms of the schools in the evening and asks the Consistory for an action plan to treat various forms of addiction
  • Totana will host the friend of preseason between El Ejido Sports Club and Real Murcia (04/08/2018)
    It will take place next Saturday, August 11 at "Juan Cayuela" at 8:00 p.m.
  • José Antonio Heredia Muñoz, new president of the Brotherhood of "La Caída" (03/08/2018)

  • Completion of the replacement of the rubber pavement in the playground area of ​​the "Tierno Galván" park (03/08/2018)
    It is open to users from next Monday, August 6
  • A reception is given to Francisco Cayuela Cánovas (03/08/2018)
    For the altruistic personal donation made to enrich the photographic collections of the Municipal Archive
  • Totana welcomes a Student Encounter on August 11 (03/08/2018)
    Seeks to promote student independent associationism and youth participation
  • Totana welcomes on August 11 a Student Encounter that seeks to promote independent student associationism and the participation of young people (03/08/2018)

  • A reception is given to Francisco Cayuela Cánovas for the altruistic personal donation made to enrich the photographic collections of the Municipal Archive (03/08/2018)

  • The traditional festivities of the neighborhood of San Roque are celebrated from August 16 to 19 with an attractive program of musical performances (03/08/2018)

  • More than thirty activities make up the program of patron festivities of El Paretón-Cantareros, in honor of the Virgen del Rosario (02/08/2018)
    They are celebrated from August 14 to 19 with an ambitious and numerous list of events
  • The festivities of the neighborhood of San José are celebrated from August 31 to September 2 (02/08/2018)
    With activities for all audiences and ages
  • They undertake numerous improvement and conditioning activities in the Totana schools coinciding with the summer school holidays (02/08/2018)

  • They carry out repairs to the parquet in the most deteriorated areas of the "Manolo Ibáñez" Sports Pavilion (01/08/2018)

  • Approve to subscribe a collaboration agreement with the Association for the Cultural and Tourist Promotion "Kalathos" (01/08/2018)
    For the cession of use of part of the premises of the old Technological Center of Crafts
  • The new machinery acquired by the concessionaire of the street cleaning and urban solid waste collection service is presented (01/08/2018)
    To improve the service provision

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