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Totana News - February 2009

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • Juan José Canovas said during three hours today as a witness against Perez Tempered by the case Totem (27/02/2009)
    IU leader, provided information about the sale of a parcel of 60,000 meters, the company Kappa, in the Industrial Totana, which led to the crackdown on corruption in Totana
  • Totana joins the commemoration of World Day for Rare Diseases "with a concentration in which it has proceeded to read the manifesto" For a covenant of all " (27/02/2009)
  • The PP says that "Zapatero is now shown that he lied to the promise of reward to 400 euros for the workers" (27/02/2009)
    "You now have to return to the Treasury"
  • Otálora propose to revise "all tax and fee increases made by the Mayor" (27/02/2009)
    to adjust to a maximum of IPC
  • "The Blind Sunflowers" (27/02/2009)
    The performing arts hall will screen on Sunday Totana Spanish film "The Blind Sunflowers" in two passes, at five in the afternoon and at half past seven
  • The Government team spokesman, José Antonio Valverde Queen, takes stock of the last plenary (27/02/2009)

  • The City Council will launch a special care for handling citizen complaints bills from power companies (27/02/2009)

  • Celebrated the "First Conference of Municipal Mental Health, in which he participated Culvert Councilman (27/02/2009)
    ... Totana Welfare, accompanied by the rehabilitation techniques Municipal Psychosocial Support Service
  • The Collective for Social Promotion "The Candle" held tomorrow, Saturday February 28 games and educational activities in the hamlet of El Paretón (27/02/2009)
    ... through "ludobús" to recover the tradition of "playing"
  • The General Assembly of Local Council for Economic Development and Use of Totana (27/02/2009)
    ... creates the Permanent Commission
  • Submission Info Financial aid program 2009 in the Technology Center of Crafts (27/02/2009)

  • The Socialists say they "have shown they have a moral bar well above the Spanish right" (26/02/2009)
    On the other hand, claim that "Rajoy should resign for defending scoundrels and attack the police and judges"
  • The PP requires the National Government to take urgent measures "because the current pricing of the light is hurting hundreds of families of Totana" (26/02/2009)
    They say that "they have seen their savings depleted by the large increase to the PSOE has given its approval "
  • PSOE: "The business people do not understand that Andrea has no interest in paying" (26/02/2009)
    The Socialists say that "I do not care Andreo the huge number of companies and businesses to which the City owes them money
  • The awards ceremony of the Carnival 2009 will take place in the disco "Bajo Zero" (26/02/2009)
    The event will take place tomorrow beginning at twelve o'clock
  • The school teams traveled to Eagles Totana (26/02/2009)
  • The mayor calls the totaneros to second the manifestation of the irrigators in defense of the Tajo-Segura (26/02/2009)
  • Tomorrow, Friday February 27 will be held in the Health Center to donate blood samples from five in the afternoon (26/02/2009)

  • Visit the "X Student Show 2009" in Lorca by students of the Escuela Taller "Casa de las Monjas I " (26/02/2009)
  • Sports Councilman closing the course on first aid and water rescue " (26/02/2009)
  • The Athletic Club will teach two courses Totana Athletics (25/02/2009)
    On Saturday 28 at 17h at the Municipal Sports
  • Totana participates in the "VIII International Conference on Charities and Voluntary UCAM 2009 in Murcia (25/02/2009)
    through a stand of the National Association of Our Lady Salus Infirmorum
  • Present the reopening of Volunteer Service and the new edition of the book "Fair Trade " (25/02/2009)
  • Inauguration of new premises of the Association "Friends of Hope Phone" in Totana (25/02/2009)

  • The plenary session yesterday was for socialists golden opportunity that the mayor has lost to revitalize the consensus and solve problems totaneros (25/02/2009)
    For Otálora, "the mayor continues to straying, occupied only in his personal political revenge , twitching coexistence between groups and throwing balls out without taking responsibility "
  • Agents Totana Local Police arrest an alleged perpetrator of a crime of domestic violence (25/02/2009)
    E identified in a brawl two PIRS
  • The Sports Council is organizing a new round of the Municipal Sports School (25/02/2009)
    ... Cycling
  • Sports activities are held in the Multipurpose Room of the Municipal Parking Deck will move to the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez " (25/02/2009)
  • Next Friday February 27 is the deadline for registration of the Official Language School ... (25/02/2009)
    ... Totana
  • Users and practitioners of the residence for the elderly "La Purisima" in the town held a festival of carnival (25/02/2009)
  • Izquierda Unida in Totana considered "a smokescreen of PP, to justify their problems, approve in full motion against former Minister of Justice" (24/02/2009)
    add that "the mayor, rejected some amendments to the Municipal Group of IU + The Green, based on the Code of Ethics of the PP, to tackle corruption "
  • The Socialists claim that "the PP will give more money to the garbage company to do less work" (24/02/2009)
    On the other hand, the PP is opposed to subsidize full Meningitis Vaccine
  • The municipal corporation made a public recognition of a total of twelve workers in the city of Totana, during the plenary session (24/02/2009)
    On the occasion of his retirement in recent years
  • The full City Council approves the establishment of the unity of statements, reports and road safety in Local Police (24/02/2009)
    ... Totana
  • Green light for development works of the old factory Escamusa (24/02/2009)
    Where more than one hundred built housing for young people in the neighborhood of the "Age High"
  • The city of Totana required to give up its act Bermejo deputy (24/02/2009)
    And the President proposed to the Congress to create a working group on the separation of judicial and executive powers
  • The Department of Sports organized a day of Handball Alevín (24/02/2009)
    Framed in school plays school sports program
  • Begin events to mark the World Day for Rare Diseases ", organized by the association" D'Genes " (24/02/2009)
    ... in collaboration with the departments of Social Welfare and Health, with the opening of the exhibition of photographs
  • International Half Marathon "City of Torrevieja" (23/02/2009)
    new podium for Totana Athletics Club athlete, Lisa Woods
  • The City Council is launching the first-Standing Support Service (SEAPA ) (23/02/2009)
  • For the Socialists, "with these budgets the mayor is absent from the real problems of the totaneros" (23/02/2009)
    They claim that "the mayor and his team continue deceiving the totaneros has an operating budget that does not respond to the reality of Totana, but the interests of their friends and political loyalties "
  • Full ago recognized the work of several workers in the city of Totana occasion of his retirement (23/02/2009)
    In the regular session, which will be discussed a proposed twenty
  • Eleven schools in Totana compete tomorrow in the Children's Carnival leaving at half past four pm from the fairgrounds (23/02/2009)
    Meanwhile, students at the school "Guadalentín" El Paretón will leave at three in the afternoon and will tour several streets in the hamlet
  • Info Financing 2009 (23/02/2009)
    Municipalities of Totana and Aledo, the CTA and submitted INFO aid program "Info Finance 2009" to employers on Wednesday February 25 at the technological center of the local crafts
  • Totana-City, a marriage without infidelity (23/02/2009)
    The red and black bow at the beaches Pájara Juan Cayuela, which still has not been lost
  • I Short Story Competition for Equality 2009 (23/02/2009)
    It is equipped with a total of 900 euros and the deadline will remain open until April 20
  • The PSOE proposes that the council endorse the loans to entrepreneurs (23/02/2009)
    The Socialists lead in Parliament on Tuesday special measures "aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and job creation"
  • For IU "the mayor of Totana and the PP are completely clueless to the crisis and act in the wake of the initiatives of the opposition" (22/02/2009)
    They say, "presented at the Extraordinary Plenary for the third time, measures to support the productive economy and reducing unnecessary expenses, such as the 40,000 euros in a luxury car for the Mayor "
  • The Mayor of Totana presents tomorrow's first municipal standing support to legal and economic advice to people who really need it (22/02/2009)
    Meanwhile the Minister for Social Policy meets Monday with the mayors of the region to discuss people with scarce aid resources
  • The Socialists proposed in Parliament on Tuesday that rates and taxes to subsidize the unemployed. (22/02/2009)
    Otálora has expressed "the urgent need for action by the City Council support and solidarity with the group of unemployed residents in Totana"
  • The PP says, "is the first time in the history of democracy that the PSOE and IU have neither a single argument or proposals to the Municipal Budget" (21/02/2009)
    "is finally approved automatically and 2009 after its initial approval on 29 December and will be discussed at next Tuesday's regular full "
  • About 200 people participate in the reforestation of an acre on the site of the Virgen Blanca, in the vicinity of the Santa (21/02/2009)
    have planted over 950 native trees
  • Martinez Baños: "The agreement with the Director Ballesta on issues relating to land planning was complete" (21/02/2009)
    "The General Plan of Totana, like others, was prepared under the shadow of corruption," said Secretary Spatial Planning of the Socialist Murcia
  • The Councillor for Education, Employment Promotion and visit the X edition of "Student Hall " (20/02/2009)
  • The deputy spokesman of the municipal government team, Trini Cayuela, takes stock of the last meeting of Government (20/02/2009)

  • The PP urges the Government of Argentina to promote a law on protection and promotion of crafts (20/02/2009)
    "To respond to the needs of the sector"
  • The children's carnival parade will be postponed until Tuesday 24 February at half past four pm (20/02/2009)
    A case of inclement weather
  • Fuentes Zorita, "if you declare the irrigation area of building land transfer in the General Plan, will miss the provision of water transfer" (20/02/2009)
    The president of the Segura basin visited the headquarters of the PSOE in Totana and addressed the issues current that is due to its cargo
  • Eighteen clubs will parade along with Don Carnal and The Muse, 2009 at the Carnival (20/02/2009)
    will depart tomorrow at half past four pm from the former Institute
  • The PP says that "Pedro Saura, Martínez Baños and the PSOE totanero returned to attack the interests of local productive sectors" (20/02/2009)
    They say that Martínez Alfonso José Ballesta Bathrooms offers to stand the urban plan of Totana
  • European Union Day (20/02/2009)
    will propose to Parliament that the organization of commemorative events to celebrate the "European Union Day" in the town on May 9
  • III Children's Drawing Contest 2009 (20/02/2009)
    The deadline for participation is 28 February
  • The Department of Finance reminded about the timing of recovery in voluntary period (20/02/2009)
    of the patterns of accrual quarterly weekly market stalls or market hall
  • Eleven schools in the municipality will participate tomorrow in the Children's Carnival (19/02/2009)
  • Marín highlights the commitment of the Government of Murcia by renewable energy sector in generating investment and quality jobs (19/02/2009)
    The Minister of Universities, Business and Research pointed out that the region is a leader in solar energy production in opening of a high-efficiency photovoltaic plant in Totana
  • The People's Party in full to urge Members of Murcia to vote against any provision or rule involving the expiration of the Tajo-Segura (19/02/2009)
    or threatening its viability
  • Andrés García: "All political groups are forced to defend Totana refilling Tajo" (19/02/2009)
    Socialist councilor said that "the amendments to the status of Castilla La Mancha both the PSOE and the PP ended up with this transfer"
  • Proinvitosa makes land available for economic activities (19/02/2009)
  • More than 400 students participate in intercultural education workshops (19/02/2009)
    is being given in schools of Totana through the Municipal Immigration Service of the Department of Social Welfare
  • The Department of Culture offers courses in the second half of the work program of the Universidad Popular de Totana (19/02/2009)
    The open registration period from day 23 to 26 February
  • The Collective for Social Promotion "The Candle" sets macha "Project Gelem" (18/02/2009)
    consists of basic literacy workshops for people experiencing social exclusion
  • The indoor pool will become a municipal sports center with a spa, fitness area, relax and thermal paddle ... (18/02/2009)
    ... after the refurbishment of the building, whose construction will begin next March
  • Reforest one hectare of forest landscape of the White Virgin (18/02/2009)
  • The events planned to commemorate the World Day for Rare Diseases "was held from 23 to 28 February (18/02/2009)
    These events are organized by the association" D'Genes "in collaboration with the departments of Social Welfare and Health
  • The PP believes that "the crisis proposed by the PSOE is stop providing important programs and services of outside contractors to perform collective years as MIFITO o The Candle" (18/02/2009)
    The PP believes that "80% of measures proposed by the PSOE are legal nor illegal or unlawful and the other 20% are already in progress "
  • Top athletics courses for adults offered by the Athletic Club Totana (18/02/2009)
    will start on Saturday 28 February
  • The Socialists say that "money sent to Totana Zapatero's government could create many more jobs if the PP had been invested properly" (18/02/2009)
    Municipal Socialist Group report "mismanagement on the part of popular government"
  • The city of Totana a new honorary award (18/02/2009)
    To recognize the work provided in the municipality to those nonprofit organizations that meet 25 to 50 years
  • El Colegio de Totana Tierno Galván proclaims Alevin Regional Champion Table Tennis (18/02/2009)
    In the final school in the Region of Murcia, held in Cartagena
  • The team Periago Brothers starred in the surprise of the day in the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" (18/02/2009)
    Defeating the Rock Madridista The Tenth
  • The mayor reported that the document PGMO enter into the technical committee (17/02/2009)
    What dictates the environmental impact statement for the month of March
  • The local police records to a local (17/02/2009)
    By selling alcohol after ten o'clock at night, displaying and selling pornographic material without a license snuff
  • According to the PSOE, "the regional PP endorses the proposal of the Socialists of Totana to pay the debt to suppliers" (17/02/2009)
    They say the PP spokesman Pedro Antonio Sanchez announced that the popular will in all municipalities to submit a proposal identical to presented by the PSOE totanero
  • Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia (17/02/2009)
    First podium of the season (Field Interclub Cartagena, Lorca) - Pedro Jesus Gil 4 º veterans
  • Culture works in the new series "Local Line" to promote the artists of the town and spread sheets corners of Totana (17/02/2009)
    totaneros will be sent to the resident outside the municipality
  • The local retailers may apply for a grant for energy efficiency by 28 February (17/02/2009)
  • A total of 32 people participating in the hiking trail organized by the City (17/02/2009)
  • The Socialists sent a letter to Esperanza Aguirre "to stay on top of what's happening in Totana" (17/02/2009)
    Municipal Socialist Group has sent a letter to the president of Madrid "in order to document and learn first-hand the legal situation Mayor of Totana "
  • One hundred and seventy students from schools in Totana participated in the Orientation Day Nature School Sport (17/02/2009)
    Organized by the Department of Sport and Club Totana Guidance
  • Lebor New Youth Association "Juvelen" (16/02/2009)
    At the official launch event gathered around 300 residents
  • Lisa Woods and Raul Cifuentes, Totana Athletic Club, held the lead on the racetrack (16/02/2009)
    On Saturday there was a new test of the Fourth Circuit, the race, "Ermita de La Huerta"
  • The Councillor for Education report "political demagoguery United Left Greens +" (16/02/2009)
    Y announces that "works of the classrooms at the school" Deitania District "will be used soon"
  • Los Hermanos de La Santa have a local office in the Sanctuary (16/02/2009)
    Thanks to the completion of the works that were proposed in the House and carried out by the Department of Services
  • Local Police agents arrested this weekend a man and a woman (16/02/2009)
    As suspected of a crime of domestic violence
  • The City will receive the beaches Pájara posts rise Totana (16/02/2009)
    Party equals victory streak Beto children rises to six matches unbeaten
  • The safety and cleanliness, to ensure the smooth running of the shows of "Carnival" will consist of about 40 troops (16/02/2009)
    The main roads will remain closed to traffic for more than 4 hours
  • The PP reiterates that "the acquisition of new vehicles has not cost a single euro to the residents of Totana and the result of a grant that was exclusively for that purpose" (16/02/2009)
    According to the PP "to the opposition if the City would not receive subsidies is because the mayor is isolated and if you do not like the perceived "
  • IU urges the Mayor to "do not use public policy issues for politics and launch a smokescreen to its inability to tackle problems" (16/02/2009)
    "Martínez Andreo has increased the staffing of local police and security spending tripled, while theft and insecurity increased by the political ineffectiveness gripping the PP in Totana, say
  • Totana socialists believe that "the PP is totally irresponsible to attack the Justice and Police" (16/02/2009)
    Complaints that "Mariano Rajoy attacked the judges, prosecutors and police instead of defending"
  • The collective social promotion "The Candle" made fun and educational activities in various areas of Totana (16/02/2009)
  • The Barcelona showed their support for rare diseases (15/02/2009)
    On the other hand, the monument of the XXXII World Peñas Trobada FCB begins to take shape in real size
  • They claim that "125 children from Children are teaching in classrooms prefabricated" (15/02/2009)
    "Meanwhile, the expansion work of the College District are closed for Christmas from its termination for non-payment to the construction company," said IU Totana
  • Work begins on the coffered ceiling of the Shrine of the Holy (15/02/2009)
    will be fully restored by art experts with funding from the Board of The Holy and the Autonomous Community
  • The PP claims "the partisan use of the Attorney General's Office in the case of the operation carried out by Garzón showing the non-existent separation between the judiciary and executive, as was experienced in Totana" (14/02/2009)
    Esperanza Aguirre, Speaking to Intereconomía, as an example of political persecution and vilification of the situation experienced by Martínez Andreo when he was arrested in Operation Totem
  • The Mayor of Totana Local Board convenes a special Public Safety, which has been personally invited to the Government (14/02/2009)
    With the aim of providing solutions to the events and the wave of robberies that are plaguing the town in recent days
  • UPyD Totana requests the City Council "to support the propositions of Rosa Díez" (14/02/2009)
    "for an unsuccessful status of Castilla la Mancha"
  • According to the socialist "Totana the PP does not know how you will pay providers" (14/02/2009)
    Municipal Socialist Group said that "the refusal expressed by the finance council of the Socialist proposal to resolve the debt problem to providers clearly demonstrates its confusion and lack of resources "
  • PADISITO Aledo Bar thanks to its collaboration with the association (14/02/2009)
    Aledo Bar PADISITO offered the possibility of a bingo for the benefit of this partnership.
  • Totana, one of the first municipalities to receive money for work on the Local Investment Fund (13/02/2009)
    The project approval phase is coming to an end and has begun fund warrants for financing by the MAP
  • The PP reiterates that "the PSOE de Totana defends illegal application proposing a loan to pay suppliers and maintains its demagogic discourse on debt and subsidy policy partnerships" (13/02/2009)
    assert that "the proposal of the PSOE is a disguised tax hike "
  • The Socialist Group Totana outlines measures for promoting the construction and municipal debt providers (13/02/2009)
    According to the PSOE, with these measures "will be injected many millions in the business of Totana, so necessary at this time of crisis we are experiencing even more acute in our town "
  • The deadline for parents to apply for school admission for their children is brought forward to Monday, February 16 (13/02/2009)
  • The Mayor will propose to the House to recognize the Corporation to several workers in the city of Totana (13/02/2009)
    On the occasion of his retirement in recent years
  • Organize a course on customer service desk and service companies " (13/02/2009)
  • Movie "Path" (13/02/2009)
    the most awarded movie at the Goya Awards 2009 will be planned this weekend at the Cine Velasco
  • Organize the course "Football Launcher-Sala, 45-hour (13/02/2009)
    is held from March 2 to April 23 in the municipal sports pavilion" Manolo Ibáñez "
  • It announces the "XVII Jail Totana Literary Contest 2009" in the poetry and narrative (13/02/2009)
  • The PSOE said that "the government of the PP team wasted taxpayers' money" (12/02/2009)
    Cano: "The low PP input subsidies to the associations, while still releasing council"
  • The working groups of the Local Strategic Plan "grows Totana 2013" will begin work next week (12/02/2009)
    These working groups comprise more than 50 associations and organizations
  • Starts the second phase of the construction of the Ciudad Deportiva "" (12/02/2009)
    ... Espuña
  • Put out a fire in the Los Drylands (12/02/2009)
    Staff Fire Park Alhama-Totana in collaboration with Local Police and Civil Defence volunteers, took part in extinguishing the fire
  • Martínez Usero "Andreo and council members who support him are responsible for deciding on alternative proposals for the AVE as it passes through Totana" (12/02/2009)
    Usero Martinez insists that "if not sotierra the AVE or change the layout is because the local government takes 4 years of neglect "
  • More than a hundred children and young people from different neighborhoods benefit from the reopening of the four Edutec (12/02/2009)
  • Headman Board agreed to build a local council office in the La Sierra (12/02/2009)
    Next to the hostel of Santa Leocadia
  • The Race "Ermita de la Huerta" will take place next Saturday, February 14 (11/02/2009)
    It is the third scoring round of the Fourth Circuit Racing Club organized by the Athletics Totana
  • Martínez Usero "propose measures that can save more than 1 million euros out of pocket expenses of the council" (11/02/2009)
    shredded Socialist councilor of the 42 measures that will lead to extraordinary plenary session aimed at generating consumer and saving the City Council
  • The Local Police of Totana gives a talk on public safety and road users to the Association of Amas de Casa "Three Hail Marys " (11/02/2009)
  • The council of Agriculture reports the free distribution of diffusers to control (11/02/2009)
    ... bunch moth
  • Work on the new headquarters "Cabo Alfonso Murcia" Local Police enter final phase of implementation (11/02/2009)
  • The deadline to register for the course on first aid and water rescue "ends on Thursday February 12 (11/02/2009)

  • The House will urge the regional and central governments to support producers of olive (11/02/2009)
  • The course "Digital Photography" which is taught in the ALA Local Development Centre, is closed (11/02/2009)
  • The Segura basin clean and adequate Butte River (10/02/2009)
    ... Guadalentín
  • The mayor announced the completion of a comprehensive technical study of the proposed route of the AVE (10/02/2009)
    ... ADIF
  • Agents of the Special Unit of the Public Safety Local Police detain two individuals Totana natural Algeria (10/02/2009)
    on suspicion of burglary
  • The Athletics Club athletes Totana finalizing their preparation for the marathon in Barcelona (10/02/2009)
    will take place on Sunday March 1
  • The pachucos retain the leadership of the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" (10/02/2009)
    After a tight and difficult victory over Constructions Herme, on a day where they won all favorites
  • Totana hosted the first Regional Day School Badminton (10/02/2009)
    With the participation of one hundred ten schools across the Region of Murcia
  • Thirty-six schools in Totana participated in the Regional Final Cross Country School (10/02/2009)
    took place in San Javier, organized by the Directorate General of Sports in the Region of Murcia
  • For IU in Totana "the crisis suffered by workers, businesses and corporations do not affect Proinvitosa Council, whose president, the spokesman for the PP, Valverde Queen, receives in diets over 42,000 euros per year" (10/02/2009)
    are considered "a mockery announce the freezing of salaries of the Council when diets have quadrupled since 2003 and a private company would be dismissed, according to the operating results "
  • City officials attending the general assembly of local livestock associations (10/02/2009)
  • The Socialists have called today the conclusion of an extraordinary plenary session "to discuss and adopt 42 measures against the crisis" (10/02/2009)
    Otálora has said that "given the paralysis and lack of government resources Andreo, it is necessary to implement proposals and measures contribute to solving the difficult situation of families and businesses in Totana "
  • Municipal School Parents will give a talk on "Preventing eating disorders in young " (10/02/2009)
  • Organize briefings on the revaluation of pensions (10/02/2009)
  • The City on Sunday organized a hiking path Espuña with a distance of 12 km of medium intensity (10/02/2009)
    Registration can be done in the sports Ibáñez Manolo until 20 pm on Friday 13 February
  • UI Totana requires that "the veterinary services and policy makers to give an explanation of the pig farm operated by the SEPRONA" (09/02/2009)
    Since the formation of the Left say that "if he were to throw the picture, for an award, Martinez Andre would be the first "
  • The club walker of Totana, into the mountains of the highlands (09/02/2009)
    On Sunday February 8 took place one of the activities planned by the club Totana hiker on its calendar of activities for 2009
  • Socialist Youth of Totana denounce "the cruel animal abuse that took place on a farm in Totana", in "Operation PIGLETS" (09/02/2009)
    From JST congratulate for his performance SEPRONA
  • "THE LUDOBÚS" educational game closer to neighborhoods and districts of Totana (09/02/2009)
    will travel to various neighborhoods and districts of Totana a team of specialized instructors in animation and dynamic group
  • The chairman and directors of the salary freeze PROINVITOSA (09/02/2009)
    As a measure to rein in spending power
  • Mula Local Police visit the town to meet the driver education training model of Totana (09/02/2009)
    for deployment in your area
  • Representatives of the district municipal Valley held a meeting Guadalentín (09/02/2009)
    To make lines of work to get additional financial resources through the programs of the European Union
  • The Juan Cayuela, talisman for the City (09/02/2009)
    With more room and more football.
  • The Mayor welcomes the new president of the Federation of Motor Sports in the Region of Murcia, and representatives of the "Automobile Club Totana" (09/02/2009)
    Y shifts the support of the City to celebrate the publication of the "Rise to Santa" 2009
  • ... (09/02/2009)

  • The City Council will honor the local teaching community (07/02/2009)
    In the name of a neighborhood square Triptolemos as "La Plaza del Maestro"
  • Raul Cifuentes and Lisa Woods lead the racetrack IV (07/02/2009)
    Organized by the Athletic Club Totana
  • For IU, the "trip of the Mayor of Totana, accompanied by the PSOE to Seville to meet with officials of ADIF, is comparable to that carried out the Madrid Luis Torres" (06/02/2009)
    "Fight for the role and the picture of two major parties, show that the route of the AVE will be harmful to the future of Totana, despite the smoke that sells Martínez Andreo, "said IU
  • The Socialist Party says that "the meeting in Seville ADIF confirms all their theories about the status of high speed as it passes through Totana" (06/02/2009)
    totaneros Socialists now have traveled to Seville to hold a meeting with director Alfonso González High speed lines Sur
  • The Civil Guard immobilized 462 pigs at a farm in Totana, in "Operation PIGLETS" (06/02/2009)
    THE SEPRONA found during inspection at the premises more than thirty dead pigs in various stages of decomposition
  • ADIF undertakes to examine the proposed Intermodal Freight Station Joint Management (06/02/2009)
    And it proposes a deviation of about 300 meters from the current route of the AVE as it passes through the town
  • More than 300 farmers and neighbors flocked to the concentration Totana against the reform of the Statute of Castilla La Mancha (06/02/2009)
    intended to end the aqueduct in 2015
  • The PP says that "IU turns to political demagoguery to criticize a final grant of the autonomous community" and argues that "the acquisition of new vehicles has not cost a single euro Totana's neighbors" (06/02/2009)
    recalls People Group that "Juan José Cánovas and destroyed, to be deputy mayor, an official car a few months before leaving the government," he hid in the basement of the pool deck "by stealth"
  • Atletico City holds a fellowship meal in Totana to prepare the decisive match against Lanzarote (06/02/2009)
    what you can afford to hold the leading positions permanently
  • IU as "a sacrilege" that "the Mayor of Totana spent 40,000 euros in an official car, luxury, until paid to providers and families every day totaneras are faring worse with the crisis" (06/02/2009)
    "The lack of sensitivity Autonomous Community and Martínez Andreo reaches the limit of spending money baskets while Caritas is overwhelmed with the crisis ", say from IU
  • Ends the first part of the prevention of childhood obesity with children 3 and 4 Primary (06/02/2009)
  • The Socialists believe that the PP should explain to families and businesses, that of "Totana va bien" (06/02/2009)
    They ask the municipal government to "stop propaganda, to abandon the defensive and learned once and for all the complicated situation of households and firms totaneras "
  • "The Missing Lynx" and "Che, el argentino" (06/02/2009)
    The Board Totana Performing Arts will screen this weekend these movies
  • The Project Network Computer Rooms Totana, Raitotana, offers a wide selection of computer courses (06/02/2009)
  • It sets up a sewing workshop to encourage participation and social inclusion of Roma people (06/02/2009)
  • The PP believes that the full request of the PSOE for economic recovery "has only personal collection effort to collect the full" (05/02/2009)
    and that "has proven to Otálora has become the municipal policy Pinocchio"
  • Complete works in the Social Center in the San Roque-Las Parras, a project with an investment of more than 373,000 euros (05/02/2009)
  • The City Council receives a grant amounting to 40,000 euros, which will be allocated for the purchase of an official vehicle (05/02/2009)

  • The mayor, members of political groups and representatives of the Platform against the route of the AVE will hold a meeting tomorrow in Seville (05/02/2009)
  • The coffered ceiling of the Sanctuary of Santa will be restored in full (05/02/2009)
    Thanks to funding from the Board of The Holy and the Autonomous Community
  • The course "Digital Photography" features the participation of a total of twenty people (05/02/2009)
    ALA was given in the Local Development Center
  • Organize a mountain bike route (05/02/2009)
    is held this Sunday, February 8 by the Los Alloz and Llano de las Cabras
  • The municipality will sign an agreement for the maintenance of the service that dispense methadone in the municipality (05/02/2009)
    To prevent patients from traveling to Lorca
  • Izquierda Unida in Totana has filed a motion in Parliament in support of the Tajo and Segura upport called the demonstration called by the Irrigation (04/02/2009)
    Since forming in Totana Left calls for "a change in the pattern of development in water supply that is complementary and optimize available water resources "
  • Totana arrested in three people in an irregular situation in the country (04/02/2009)
    in a joint operation between local police and National Police
  • The mayor urges the President of the Segura basin in the wording of the proposed construction of the dam (04/02/2009)
    ... Lebor to avoid major damage and destruction caused in this area of the municipality in times of heavy rainfall
  • Concentration silent "Black Wednesday" against gender violence (04/02/2009)
    has taken place today in front of City Hall
  • The Socialists have in the city of Totana a comprehensive package of measures to overcome the crisis (04/02/2009)
    have submitted a proposal to raise in Parliament that "the council is involved in concrete action to help to overcome the crisis that preys especially Totana "
  • The PSOE de Totana supports the demonstration in defense of the Tajo-Segura (04/02/2009)
    Totana socialists will attend Thursday's demonstration day 5 in Murcia and encourage them to attend totaneros
  • Proinvitosa announces the list of conditions for the establishment of a stock to acquire land (04/02/2009)
  • Corporate reception a group of internal users of older persons "La Purisima " (04/02/2009)
  • The Women's Socio-Cultural Association of Totana begins the activities of 2009 (04/02/2009)
    with the theater workshop and reading and storytelling
  • The Department of Finance reports on the payment schedule during the voluntary period (04/02/2009)
  • Cebag Executives meet with the Director General of Planning (03/02/2009)
    Les reported that "the processing of the application for approval of PGMO of Totana is suspended and will not restart until approved environmental impact study of the Plan, as reported from Cebag
  • The City Council is available to farmers and residents of Totana free buses to go to Murcia (03/02/2009)
    ... concentration in protest against the reform of the Statute of Castilla La Mancha in connection with the transfer of the Tajo
  • Finish construction of storm sewers and sewage in the district Camilleri Tirol (03/02/2009)
    With this infrastructure is intended to prevent floods in the area when heavy rains
  • Starts the second round of the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" (03/02/2009)
    "The pachucos" regain the lead after his win with "The Black Bullet" and "Furniture The Office"
  • Second Day Open Chess School Regional Championship in Murcia (03/02/2009)
    Good results totaneros school pupils La Milagrosa
  • The PP of Totana is added to the concentration convened by the Central Union Irrigation (03/02/2009)
    "to protest the attack on the transfer which includes reform of the Statute of Castilla-La Mancha
  • The Socialist Party says that "put a complaint in the courts to investigate possible false statements to the General Plan 2007" (03/02/2009)
    Usero Martinez says "will not allow it to be false closing this investigation as intended PP "
  • Starts Phase School Sports intermunicipal (03/02/2009)
    With the participation of four teams of Totana, belonging to Juan de la Cierva centers, Prado and Reina Sofia Mayor
  • Start of the season for the Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia (03/02/2009)
    The weekend began last Interclub Cartagena Country
  • The School Sports City Cycling (03/02/2009)
    Organized by the Department of Sports and Cycling Club Nine
  • The Sports Council is organizing a course on first aid and water rescue " (03/02/2009)
    will be provided on 14, 15 and 21 February at the municipal sports pavilion" Manolo Ibáñez "and pool
  • The Local Government gives the nod to the environmental assessment for the project shelling, blanching and industrialization of almonds that will develop the commercial COATO (03/02/2009)
    COATO is a cooperative venture of the most important agricultural sector
  • The talk about "Hounded the bulling!" Was attended by thirty people (03/02/2009)

  • The students of the "Guadalentín" El Paretón conducted a campaign to collect food (03/02/2009)
    On the occasion of International Day of Peace "
  • The Lanzarote Juan Cayuela discussed in the good run of City (03/02/2009)
    The competition does not break any, and again, Juan Cayuela will host next Sunday a meeting with a lot at stake for the City
  • Education Park Road becomes one of the reference training centers (02/02/2009)
    ... Region with the acquisition of a vehicle adapted for disabled people
  • The PP claims that "the PSOE reveals information the jury on future landscaping service award is not official or definitive" (02/02/2009)
    The PP is considering legal action against the PSOE
  • Vicenta Muñoz Legaz hold the post of president of the Municipal Center Senior (02/02/2009)
  • The fifteen students in the classroom engaged in various activities Occupational (02/02/2009)
  • Organized by the "Children's Painting Competition III 2009" aimed at students in grades 5 and Primary 6 (02/02/2009)
  • Table Tennis: Victoria to address the totaneros in 3rd division (02/02/2009)
    On Saturday as they move to Mazarron against Thomas Furniture was the first victory of the 3 rd division team away from home National
  • More than 700 people witnessed the proclamation of the Musa and Don Carnal 2009 (01/02/2009)
    in a spectacular performance in which unveiled the lineup of editing this year's Carnival

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