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Totana News - December 2018

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  • Naiara Cánovas Méndez in national RFESS concentration (31/12/2018)
    Naiara Cánovas Méndez participated in the Sports Technique Seminar on Lifesaving and Lifesaving held at the Esgueva Sports Center in Valladolid from December 26 to 28.
  • ... (30/12/2018)

  • Javier Conesa will be the new parish priest of Aledo (30/12/2018)
    Javier is currently parochial vicar of the Parish of Santiago el Mayor de Totana, and will be from January the new Parish Priest of Santa María la Real de Aledo and San Miguel de Zarzadilla of Totana
  • The Totana Athletics Club celebrated the 2nd Totanera Correvieja (30/12/2018)
    It took place this morning, December 30, 2018
  • It is agreed to grant the Illustrious Superior Chapter of Processions of Totana a subsidy of 8,000 euros to defray part of the expenses of the Holy Week of the year 2018 (29/12/2018)

  • The Plenary Assembly agrees to urge the Ministry of Education to create a normative regulation of the International Baccalaureate (28/12/2018)
    it affects this teaching in the IES "Juan de la Cierva" of Totana
  • The Autonomous Community grants a subsidy of 80,577 euros for the execution of new interventions in the archaeological site of La Bastida (28/12/2018)
    The aid will allow the development of the project "Improvement of means of diffusion and consolidation of prehistoric architectural structures in the archaeological site of La Bastida "
  • The Cabildo allocates 1,600 € to the purchase of medicines for Cáritas Totana (27/12/2018)

  • This December 31 ends the term to benefit from the Special Payment Plan for the year 2019 (27/12/2018)

  • The Plenary addresses a joint motion of unanimous support for the demands of International Baccalaureate students (27/12/2018)

  • Foreign residents of 12 countries can request their registration in the electoral census until January 15 to vote in the municipal elections of 2019 (27/12/2018)

  • The work of replanting the lawn of the municipal stadium "Juan Cayuela", which may be used in a reasonable time (26/12/2018)

  • For the fourth consecutive year, Cáritas Tres Avemarías has organized a special Noche Buena dinner (25/12/2018)

  • Concert of Christmas of the choir and the band of the Juan de la Cierva and Codorníu 2018 Institute (24/12/2018)

  • Mini-tournament and Christmas Party School CTTotana (24/12/2018)
    Last Saturday, December 22, the Tennis School of the Totana Tennis Club organized a mini-tournament and various activities
  • The CAT was present last weekend in three tests of the Region (24/12/2018)

  • Oil "Adoration of shepherds" (24/12/2018)
    The work is exhibited in the chapel of the Immaculate Conception of the Temple of Santiago el Mayor (Totana), during the Christmas period
  • 2nd national: CTT Altea 4 - Totana promises 2 (24/12/2018)
    Weekend results club Totana TM
  • The mayor congratulates Christmas and New Year to the residents of Totana showing their solidarity with the families most in need and who are having a bad time (24/12/2018)
    And wishing an improvement of the general situation of the municipality
  • "We are all Laura" (23/12/2018)
    They keep 5 minutes of silence as an act of condemnation and repulse for the murder of Laura Luelmo in El Campillo (Huelva)
  • A man dies while practicing sports in El Paretón, Totana (23/12/2018)

  • The diplomas are awarded to the ten students of the XII Promotion of the International Baccalaureate of the IES "Juan de la Cierva" (21/12/2018)

  • "MOVE" promotes a solidarity campaign to collect toys for the benefit of Caritas from both parishes (21/12/2018)
    Until next December 31
  • The prizes of the IV Christmas Window Dressing Contest are awarded (20/12/2018)
    1º: Riquelme Floristas;
  • The Department of Equality calls a silent rally this Sunday December 23 (12:00 hours), in the Plaza Balsa Vieja (20/12/2018)
    As an act of condemnation and rejection for the murder of Laura Luelmo in El Campillo (Huelva)
  • The City Council agrees to sign an agreement with the Musical Association for an amount of 6,000 euros (20/12/2018)
    To defray part of the operating expenses for the year 2018
  • They offer recommendations for the traditional purchases of Christmas and Kings (20/12/2018)

  • A total of 84 boys and girls choose to participate in the Cabalgata de Reyes through the activity "Buzón Real" (20/12/2018)
    Whose selection has already been made
  • Civil Protection of Totana informs that this afternoon there has been an earthquake of 2 "4º south of Totana (19/12/2018)

  • This week is the tournament of double parents and children "Raqueta Navideña" organized by the Kuore Tennis School (19/12/2018)

  • The City Council strongly condemns and demonstrates its rejection of the case of male violence against the assassination of Zamora teacher Laura Luelmo in El Campillo (Huelva) This case would not be considered a case of gender-based violence, but sex (19/12/2018)

  • Municipal authorities support the initiative of the Association of Producers of Pimentón del Valle del Guadalentín (19/12/2018)
    to make known the quality of their products by distributing free samples
  • Cueva de la Plata (Sierra Espuña) (19/12/2018)
    The City Council undertakes to co-finance the research and documentation project of the Cueva de la Plata, in the event that the Autonomous Community also grants a grant
  • ... (19/12/2018)

  • The Minister of Culture and Sports visits Totana in order to get to know first-hand the archaeological site of La Bastida (19/12/2018)
    The visit will take place this Saturday, December 22
  • It will distribute 2000 samples of paprika free among the assistants to the weekly market, to promote the use of this native food product (18/12/2018)
    They will also give a thousand tickets of the National Lottery
  • "Mornas de Cuento" from December 26 to 28 in the library (18/12/2018)
    The Department of Culture organizes, with the collaboration of International Baccalaureate students of the IES "Juan de la Cierva", the activity "Mañanas de Cuento" from the 26th to the December 28 in the "Mateo García"
  • Starts the repair of the damages in the cobbled streets Santiago, San Ramón, Macario and Raso de Andreo (18/12/2018)
    Finish before January 31
  • The Plenary Assembly agrees to lift the suspension of the special days by rewarding the public employees and night parties to affected public employees (18/12/2018)

  • The Local Phase of Children's Futsal, cadet and juvenile of School Sports ends, with the award of trophies to the best classified teams (18/12/2018)

  • Christmas weekend in PADISITO (17/12/2018)
    This past weekend has been loaded with Christmas activities in the PADISITO Association
  • 4th anniversary group of friends of the mountain "Kasi Ná Trail" (17/12/2018)
    Last Saturday, December 15, the Friends of the Mountain Group "Kasi Ná Trail" was celebrating, as it celebrated its fourth anniversary
  • 5th ​​matchday of interschool league where the Kuore Tennis Club gets the victory by a clear 15/4 at the Olimpic Club of Murcia (17/12/2018)

  • Francisco Cánovas of the Cycling Club Santa Eulalia participated in the XCO in the Union (17/12/2018)

  • Edu Lucas, of the Totana Athletics Club, participates in the Race of El Raal (16/12/2018)

  • 2nd national: Totana promises 4 - CTM Alcoy 2 (16/12/2018)
    Weekend results club Totana TM
  • An earthquake of 2.1 degrees shakes Totana (16/12/2018)
    The earthquake has occurred at 13.39 hours southeast of the town
  • Victory and defeat of the CTTotana team in the regional league interschools (16/12/2018)

  • Afterlife in D'Genes to celebrate the arrival of Christmas (15/12/2018)
    Younger users were able to play for a while and received a small detail from the association.
  • "Christmas Jumper Day" at CEIP La Cruz (15/12/2018)
    Jerseys with reindeer, flakes, snowmen, Christmas trees ....
  • The book "Guardians of Light", by Emilio Pulido and Mª José Valenzuela (15/12/2018)

  • The restoration works of the Juan de Uzeta Fountain will be inaugurated on December 28 (15/12/2018)

  • The Secretary of State for the Environment agrees with the irrigators to speed up the regularization of the consolidated risks of El Raiguero, El Paretón and La Huerta (14/12/2018)

  • The Christmas and Kings program, entitled "Live Christmas", includes a total of 28 activities this year (14/12/2018)
    They will run from December 14 to January 6
  • ASBA and Integral carry out cleaning work in the archaeological site of Tira del Lienzo (14/12/2018)

  • Tomorrow, December 14, the Closing Concert of the Centenary of the City of Totana, 1918-2018, a unique and historical cultural event, is celebrated (13/12/2018)
    More than thirty activities programmed throughout the year to commemorate this historic event have been held
  • The municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" closes this Friday to avoid accidents as a result of the effects of the strong wind (13/12/2018)

  • The Governing Council of the Autonomous Community authorizes to finance 30 places of day center for dependent elderly people in Totana for 594,396 euros (13/12/2018)

  • Agenda of the Local Government Board of today December 13 (13/12/2018)

  • The V "Morerica Galán" Literary Contest is being held (13/12/2018)
    It is aimed at primary school and ESO students in the modes of story and poetry, respectively
  • A subsidy of 3,000 euros is granted to the PADISITO Association (13/12/2018)
    To collaborate in the expenses derived from the realization of their projects
  • Another 4G antenna will be installed that may affect DTT coverage in the area of ​​the Totana de Lébor Alto in the coming days (13/12/2018)
    Mobile telephone operators are beginning to offer 4G services in the rural area 800MHz
  • Biodanza afternoon with the family at the "Celia Carrión Pérez de Tudela" Multidisciplinary Center on December 14 (12/12/2018)

  • The storyteller "the treasure library" invites the little ones to discover the mysterious treasure (12/12/2018)
    It will take place next Monday December 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the municipal library "Mateo García"
  • The 7th Christmas Fair and the Gift of Totana, which takes place on the Lorca avenue, takes place this weekend from December 14 to 16 (12/12/2018)

  • The Autonomous Community grants grants to finance two social projects to support family and childhood, respectively (12/12/2018)

  • It is approved to defray with 60,000 euros the cost of the Totana City Council corresponding to the Commonwealth of Tourism Services of Sierra Espuña for 2018 (12/12/2018)

  • Red Cross Totana celebrated the traditional day of the Flag (11/12/2018)
    It took place last December 8, coinciding with the arrival of our Patron to Totana
  • This Saturday, December 15, the Belenista Municipal Art Fair opens. This year, the Nativity scene master Francisco Javier Carrillo has made it (11/12/2018)

  • Foreign residents of 12 countries can request their registration in the electoral census until January 15 to vote in the municipal elections (11/12/2018)

  • The Move Sports Center organizes its traditional campus this Christmas (11/12/2018)

  • The Local Police adhere to the special campaign on the control of the rate of alcohol and the presence of drugs in drivers (10/12/2018)
    It will be carried out this week due to the proximity of the Christmas holidays
  • Edu Lucas, from the Totana Athletics Club, participates in the 11 km Villa de Torre Pacheco (10/12/2018)

  • Weekend results Club Totana TM - National tournament in Utebo (09/12/2018)

  • The security and emergency device of the Santa Eulalia 2018 downhill pilgrimage will consist of about fifty troops (07/12/2018)
    The MU-502 highway, which connects Totana and Aledo, will be cut off from 6:00 in the morning
  • The Department of Women establishes, for the first time, a "violet point" to advise against machista aggressions, with the collaboration of the ADEBI student association (07/12/2018)

  • The CEIP La Cruz celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution (05/12/2018)

  • Users of Day Centers for Disability give the Merchants Association the Christmas ornaments with which these festivities will decorate their commercial establishments (05/12/2018)

  • It is approved to grant each subsidy amounting to 7,500 euros each to the Parish Carols of Santiago and the Three Hail Marys (05/12/2018)
    To collaborate in the expenses derived from the support to the population most in need
  • Red Cross Totana gave talks on volunteering at IES "Prado Mayor" (05/12/2018)

  • The inscriptions to participate in the IV Window Dressing Contest can be made until next December 17 (05/12/2018)

  • Agenda of the Local Government Board of today December 5 (05/12/2018)

  • Sold out tickets for the musical performance of "Los Parrandboleros" that is held tonight at the Cinema Velasco (05/12/2018)

  • The Local School Sports Chess Phase brought together 57 schoolchildren from the different schools (05/12/2018)

  • The City Council of Totana and Soltec Energías Renovables, SL subscribe a collaboration agreement to employ people with intellectual disabilities in both day centers (04/12/2018)
    Users of the Day Centers "José Moyá Trilla" and "Princess Letizia" will be responsible for the pre-assembly of the screws for a solar plant
  • The mayor of Totana takes office as the new president of the Commonwealth of Tourism Services of Sierra Espuña until the end of this term (04/12/2018)

  • The procedure to hire, again, the unarmed surveillance service for the Argaric archaeological site of La Bastida (04/12/2018)

  • The bases for creating a legal adviser job board are approved (04/12/2018)
    For the provision of services and programs on Equality of Opportunities and Care for Women Victims of Gender Violence (CAVI)
  • Some thirty hunters participated yesterday in the XXXIII Championship of Minor Hunting with a Dog (03/12/2018)

  • Move held a massive master class in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja de Totana (03/12/2018)

  • Juan José Cánovas is ratified as a mayoral candidate for the municipal elections of 2019 (03/12/2018)
    following an open voting process in which 295 people participated
  • Agenda of the Local Government Board held on November 29 (03/12/2018)

  • The receipts of taxes on real estate of an urban and rural nature of 2018, among others, are to be collected until this Wednesday, December 5, in a voluntary period (03/12/2018)

  • It is agreed the assignment of assignment of temporary use of offices and nests of the Business Income to two entrepreneurs (03/12/2018)

  • The political party "Contigo Somos Democracia" will be presented in Totana next Wednesday (03/12/2018)

  • A new edition of "Cuadernos de La Santa" is presented in the Sanctuary of the Patron (03/12/2018)
    A publication with numerous articles related to Santa Eulalia de Mérida and the Eulalia cult
  • CAT athletes participate in the Trinidad Alfonso de Valencia Marathon (03/12/2018)

  • 2nd national: IES S. Carrascoy El Palmar 3 - Totana Promises 4 (02/12/2018)
    Weekend results Club Totana TM
  • López Miras: "Totana will again be a land of opportunities when the PP returns to govern the town hall" (02/12/2018)


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