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Totana News - June 2016

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • C's says the vote of that 14% in Totana, "will not fall on deaf ears" (30/06/2016)
    "Many of the votes have gone to a cautious vote being unproductive"
  • They are already on sale bracelets whose benefits the acquisition of defibrillators for sports facilities Totana be financed (30/06/2016)

  • A total of 15 young people involved in school activity club for Languages ​​B2 from the University of Cambridge (30/06/2016)

  • The next school year 2016/17 will start on 8 September in Education and Primary (29/06/2016)
    And the 14th of the same month in the case of secondary and high schools
  • The Study Room of the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail" will remain open during July and August (29/06/2016)
    The Municipal Library "Mateo Garcia" reduce your morning schedule
  • The full regular June includes taking office as Councillor of the City of Totana of the mayor Maria Isabel Rubio Peña (29/06/2016)

  • Offer a reward of 1,000 € to find a "Coke" (28/06/2016)
    This is a dog breed dachshund was stolen in the area of ​​Tirol Totana
  • The Club Totana participated in the VII Triathlon Triathlon Villa de Alhama (28/06/2016)

  • Offer a reward of 1,000 € to find a "Coke" (28/06/2016)
    This is a dog breed dachshund was stolen in the area of ​​Tirol Totana
  • Municipal emergency services involved in the operational coordination with the simulation of a chemical accident (28/06/2016)
    The device permitted to activate the External Emergency Plan Chemical Industry and measures to protect the population will be launched
  • Mock accident in Totana (28/06/2016)
    has proven the effectiveness of External Emergency Plan in the chemical sector
  • Patching works are awarded rural roads in the municipality of Totana, amounting to 35,816 euros (28/06/2016)

  • Begin summer movie season on 4 and 5 July in the park (28/06/2016)
    With the screening of the film "Record Warren II: The Case Enfield" from 22:00 pm
  • The course "Auxiliary operations of masonry and covered factories" is inaugurated (28/06/2016)
    Participants A total of 15 students
  • This Sunday Artisan Market Santa was held with the assistance of a large audience (28/06/2016)

  • PADISITO held a Thermal Day Spa in La Azohía (27/06/2016)
    It took place on Saturday June 25
  • Totaneros participated in the race of the Dolomites in Italy (27/06/2016)

  • Historical success in the championships of Spain Blanes 2016 (27/06/2016)
    Historical success of Totana TM Club Championships in Table Tennis Spain who have played at Ciudad Deportiva de Blanes from 17 to 26 June
  • Election Day unfolds as normal in Totana, in which a total stake of 68.29% (48.44% PP register; PSOE 20.23% 14.65% United We Can, C's-Party Citizenship 14.15%) (26/06/2016)

  • ... (26/06/2016)

  • The voter turnout in Totana in general amounts to 39.85% per cent, at 14:00, 3 points more than last 20-J (26/06/2016)
    (First Advance Official)
  • Activities and events from 25 to 29 June 2016 (24/06/2016)

  • New weekend Totana Triathlon Club participation in different triathlons (24/06/2016)

  • Citizens presented a motion for the creation of a Permanent Committee for Monitoring and Control approved by the full Agreements (24/06/2016)

  • Maria Isabel Rubio de la Peña replace a councilor of the Municipal Corporation José María Sánchez Pascual in the next plenary session (23/06/2016)

  • The first association of students of IES Prado Mayor called AEP is created (23/06/2016)
    This project stems from the need for students to be felt within the educational community
  • About 80 people participate in the CECARM Workshop on "Creating websites that convert visitors into customers" (23/06/2016)

  • II Basketball Tournament 3x3 that was to be held this Saturday at Balsa Vieja Square is suspended (23/06/2016)

  • A conference on the 1,300 anniversary of the signing of Tudmir totanera by historian Maria Martinez is organized (23/06/2016)

  • A total of 81 citizens more are entitled to vote in general elections on Sunday in Totana call the previous 20-D (22/06/2016)

  • Are now on sale for the two children's shows of the festivities of Santiago'2016 (22/06/2016)
    "Sonrrilandia" on July 6;
  • PROINVITOSA publishes specifications (21/06/2016)
    recruitment service for writing and direction of a project of modular industrial buildings in the industrial park "The Saladar"
  • The Plenum of the City will seek accession to progressively implement a network of common spaces for the Citizen (21/06/2016)

  • Students of "Course Administrative Activities in the relationship with the Customer" make a didactic visit to "El Corte Ingles" in Murcia (21/06/2016)

  • Training Course opens for Pesticide Phytosanitary treatments Basic Level (21/06/2016)

  • The PSOE de Totana organized for this afternoon an information day on pensions (20/06/2016)

  • ... (20/06/2016)

  • This Saturday took place the last test of the tenth local league athletic career Los Algarrobos (20/06/2016)

  • Victoria Victor Perez of Santa Eulalia CC in junior category in Andalucia Open marathon (20/06/2016)
    In a weekend with 4 races mtb
  • Begins "Training course for the Care of Dependents" in the CLD (20/06/2016)

  • Day centers for Disability Totana City Council held a special day of Driver Education (20/06/2016)

  • The Totana-O Club achieved very good results in the 9th Career Guidance Regional League (19/06/2016)
    It took place in Los Calares Juana, Alhama de Murcia
  • Helicopter Consortium DGSCyE and firefighters working in extinguishing the fire at a farm in Totana (18/06/2016)

  • A fire destroys part of a farm, a ship pallet and a swamp on a farm located in front of the camping Totana (18/06/2016)

  • The School of Dance celebrates its MANOLI CÃNOVAS Prom FESTIVAL Sunday June 19 (17/06/2016)
    Entry is as always free
  • The company Terra totanera Cycling Sport organizes a course on cycling, which will take place in July in Totana (17/06/2016)

  • Activities and events from 17 to 20 June 2016 (17/06/2016)

  • The Municipal Socialist Group wants to put a surcharge of 50% in the IBI to empty houses that are in the hands of financial institutions. (17/06/2016)
    To do this, it asks the central and regional administration relevant legal changes.
  • A program of "university volunteer participation in projects of social intervention with elderly dependents, intellectual disabilities and mental illness" will be performed (17/06/2016)
    would be carried out in coordination with the Social Screening Service and Volunteerism UMU
  • The course 2015/2016 Occupational Classroom It closed (17/06/2016)
    involving a total of sixteen students of secondary school they have learned initial vocational training in Cuisine and Pastry
  • Championships of Spain of all categories in Blanes (16/06/2016)
    Totana TM Club will participate 5 players
  • The extent of Totana of the Official School of Languages ​​opens the pre-registration period from 17 to 27 June for the course 2016/2017 (16/06/2016)

  • The PSOE claims that the PP Montoro and want to Totana hard cuts until 2033 (16/06/2016)

  • The training offered by the Center for Adult Education "Under Guadalentín" for the next academic year 2016/2017, which is presented (16/06/2016)
    The registration period is now open
  • ... (16/06/2016)

  • The Municipal School of Music organizes a total of eighteen auditions from 20 to 29 June to mark the end of the course 2015/2016 (16/06/2016)

  • The SAC of Ayto. Of Totana will be provided during the months of July and August, from 9:00 to 13:30 hours (16/06/2016)

  • The mayor calls "pure and simple electioneering, spiced vulgar demagoguery" publication in the BORM Fix C8 (16/06/2016)
    "Medals, the asphalting of the C8 versus Cabezuelas"
  • The PSOE de Totana morning organizes an information day on the LOMCE (15/06/2016)

  • The Guadalajara street of urbanization "The Pond" will be adapted by removing the roots that damage the driveway (15/06/2016)
    This is one of the main access roads to urbanization
  • Totana joins the Association for Rural Development "Campodos" (15/06/2016)
    you to benefit from the actions in their local development strategy
  • The BORM public bidding for the rehabilitation of the RM-C8 road known as Las Viñas-Carivete (15/06/2016)
    With a budget of one million euros and a lead time of five months
  • The BORM public bidding for the works of the RM-C8 road, known as the Vines-Carivete (15/06/2016)

  • The next school year 2016/2017 will start on 8 September in Education and Primary (15/06/2016)
    And the 14th of the same month in the case of secondary and high schools
  • Development invites tenders for the rehabilitation of the road surface of the road main access to the site of La Bastida for more than one million euros (15/06/2016)
    The action involves the cleaning gutters, improved drainage, reconstruction of embankments, stabilizing platform and replacement of road signs
  • Bidding for road works C8 is published in the BORM, "despite the disapproval of the government team to the Director General of Highways" (15/06/2016)
    "While some have tantrums of children, the PP continues to work for Totana"
  • The PSOE is satisfied with the implementation of road works in Las Vinas-Carivete, after six years of delays (15/06/2016)

  • The City Council and the IMAS sign an agreement for the provision of home help service for dependents (15/06/2016)

  • The V Technical Coordination Board Youth Guarantee System is held in Totana (15/06/2016)
    of the municipalities of Aledo, Alhama de Murcia, Totana and Librilla
  • The BORM publishes the notice of the rehabilitation work hard and forecourt of the RM-C8 (Vinas-Carivete) road (15/06/2016)
    The total amount is 1,032,844.77 euros and the execution period of five months
  • Yesterday the first electoral act Unidos Podemos in Totana is concluded (14/06/2016)
    "This joining of forces is not only to add it is to multiply want to win this election."
  • Civil Protection and local police involved in the transfer of nitric acid of a truck that had a leak (14/06/2016)
    It was parked in the industrial park "The Saladar"
  • Seepage problems are solved in the wall of the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail" facing the street Jail (14/06/2016)
    It affected the stability of infrastructure
  • The IES "Prado Mayor" for the new course implements a new degree of FP (14/06/2016)
    The double degree in higher grades of Assistant Management, and Administration and Finance
  • The Department of Tourism and manages the procedure for visits to the new Museum Tower (14/06/2016)
    It was inaugurated last Saturday
  • The tower of the church of Santiago el Mayor of Totana opened as a museum (14/06/2016)
    You can visit on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 to 11:30 by appointment at the tourist office, and Fridays are reserved for schools
  • Totana joins the "Replay" project and may issue their town meetings via Internet (14/06/2016)

  • Firefighters work by neutralizing nitric acid spill from a tanker in Totana (14/06/2016)
    In a lorry park industrial estate "El Saladar"
  • The City Council chooses, again, to participate in the "Eurydice" program (14/06/2016)
    To enable the training of young foreigners stay through professional internships
  • Already you can make registration for the Workshop Reading Promotion Prom (14/06/2016)
    will be held on 20 June at the Municipal Library "Mateo Garcia"
  • The PSOE criticizes the harsh cuts in education PP (13/06/2016)
    The socialist state that, in the region of Murcia, the next school year 2016-2017 will begin with severe cuts in education brought about by the policies of the Popular Party
  • Monitoring for compliance with ordinances tenure pets and urban hygiene Intensifies (13/06/2016)

  • Second Place for Victor Perez of Santa Eulalia in junior CC in Open test XCM Spain Cazorla (13/06/2016)

  • The City Council will create a job or specialist waiting list pawn (13/06/2016)

  • The celebrations of the district of San Juan, in Las Lomas El Paretón, will be from 24 to 26 June, with an extensive program of activities (13/06/2016)

  • The insurance policy of civil liability of the City and the commercial "SegurCaixa Adeslas, SA" is awarded (13/06/2016)
    For an amount of 34,880 euros per year
  • Kingdom we organized an event on municipal policy, which will take place tonight in Totana (13/06/2016)

  • Until June 26 will remain open the exhibition of painting and drawing "Salzedo tribute to Salcedo" (13/06/2016)
    local artist Pako Salzedo
  • Totana City Council condemns the killing of the young teacher Torre-Pacheco (13/06/2016)
    And invites citizens to rally outside the building of Murcia Moneo (20:00)
  • Top 8 Murcia Table Tennis (12/06/2016)
    This weekend were played in San Javier the top 8 Murcia
  • The PP started the campaign without putting up posters, "a virtual campaign, positive and austere" (10/06/2016)

  • Activities and events from 10 to 13 June 2016 (10/06/2016)

  • The City Council and UCOMUR signed an agreement to boost the Business Incubator (10/06/2016)
    and promote actions to stimulate the social economy, employment and local development in Totana
  • The Campus Deportivo de Verano'2016 "MOVE" will be bilingual and offers up to four different shifts during the summer (10/06/2016)

  • Replant new trees in the empty spaces of the Rambla Avenue Santa (10/06/2016)

  • Shall subject to consultation between workers City Council's proposal to launch a public transport for more than 550 employees working in "El Pozo" (08/06/2016)

  • The auditorium of the municipal park will host from 1 to 3 July, the III International Beer Fair, organized by "Totana Custom" (08/06/2016)

  • This weekend the bridge of the Region ends the season "Cultural Totana" with the exhibition of Pako Salzedo and a recital of poetry (08/06/2016)

  • About 200 people attend concerts of Juan Jose Robles and "Noiz Guitar" (08/06/2016)
    held this past weekend in the theater of Socio-Cultural Center "Jail"
  • Ends this week registration period for the course of preparatory classes for the B2 through the "Club of Languages" (08/06/2016)

  • CECARM and the Department of Economic Development are launching a workshop on "Creating websites that convert visitors into customers" (08/06/2016)

  • D'Genes unveiled the model of management and operation of the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela" (07/06/2016)
    In the Second National Congress on Rare Diseases Valencia
  • Trade Fair Totana hosts from 24 to 26 June hosts a festival of street food vehicles "Food Trucks" (07/06/2016)

  • Historical disposal problems are solved to the Rambla del Cemetery with integrated action on the sewer (07/06/2016)

  • The mayor accompanies the official chronicler of the City of Totana, Juan Canovas Mulero, in the IX Congress of Official Chroniclers of the Region of Murcia (07/06/2016)
    was held in Murcia
  • You can be requested until June 11 study grants for the school year 2016/2017 (07/06/2016)

  • Continue Days of School Awareness Tenure of Pets in the CEIP "Comarcal-Deitania" (07/06/2016)

  • The pool of the sports center "December 6" opens its doors next Thursday, June 9 (07/06/2016)
    Coinciding with the feast of the Region of Murcia
  • Awards ceremony of Phase Local Team Sports School Sports (07/06/2016)
    833 schools have participated in the different schools in the locality
  • La Peña "Nine" participated in the II OBM Cartagena 2016 (07/06/2016)
    also collaborated on the Dragon Challenge
  • The Triathlon Club Totana I participated in the Sertri Cartagena (06/06/2016)
    took place last Sunday
  • The group Hangout XIV friends Mountain KNT took place on Sunday (06/06/2016)

  • Convened a literary short story contest whose theme is Sports Psychology (06/06/2016)
    The aim is to publish a book is titled: "Tales small-great athletes"
  • Federico Garcia Lorca Totana Athletics Club won the II Dragónchallenge (06/06/2016)

  • The XV Children's Soccer Tournament "Ciudad de Totana" meets next weekend six teams in "Juan Cayuela" (06/06/2016)

  • Local Police collaborates in a new campaign DGT control the rate of alcohol and drug presence in drivers (06/06/2016)

  • Inaugurates the "Brotherhood Kiss of Judas" square in the urbanization "El Parral" where home-office is located (06/06/2016)

  • Celebrate World Environment Day with environmental activities in Santa (06/06/2016)

  • Since last June 1 and can not be carried out fires barbecues regional park Espuña (06/06/2016)

  • The hoteliers Interested parties have until June 18 to submit tenders for the operation of the bar-cafeteria in the city park (06/06/2016)

  • ... (05/06/2016)

  • The Cultural Center and Workers hosted the conference "Labour reforms, an attack on the rights of workers" (05/06/2016)

  • The School of Dance Manoli Canovas open enrollment period for the course 2016-17 (04/06/2016)
    Extends offer up to 7 levels of ballet and salsa 4 levels of password that is keeping quality teaching
  • The basis for creating a job as an administrative assistant in the City of Totana are approved (04/06/2016)

  • ... (04/06/2016)

  • The City Council of Totana performs an institutional reception Francisco Casero Rodríguez (03/06/2016)
    This is a historical union, journeyman Andalusian leader and environmentalist
  • The school Reina Sofia continues to promote entrepreneurship and educational innovation (03/06/2016)

  • Activities and events from 3 to 6 June 2016 (03/06/2016)

  • AELIP it participates in the Second National Congress on Rare Diseases Valencia (03/06/2016)
    Celebrated in Ibi
  • The charity event "Ecuador sings Totana" will then Sunday June 5 at the Plaza Balsa Vieja (03/06/2016)
    It is organized by the Platform Help Ecuador earthquake victims Murcia
  • The Socialist Party says that the "leader" of the PP continues to release press releases, full of ignorance, with the sole purpose of creating confusion (03/06/2016)

  • Coato held this afternoon a conference on the situation of organic farming in Spain and Murcia (03/06/2016)
    Participate professional representatives and national and regional politicians
  • A total of nine activities complete the program leisure time "Totana Verano'2016" (03/06/2016)
    It is organized by the Youth Council
  • Maria Dolores Muñoz Miras is crowned as the new queen of the festivities for the Elderly (03/06/2016)

  • Sports activities Summer 2016 program are presented (03/06/2016)
    Includes Campus Summer and varied activities for adults from June 9 to August 31 at the Municipal Sports and Sports Complex "Guadalentín"
  • The concerts of the singer Juan Jose Robles and the duo "Noiz Guitar" is the musical prelude to an attractive cultural weekend (03/06/2016)

  • I Bases of Totana Olympic Tournament (03/06/2016)
    On Saturday 4 and June 18 I Bases Olympic Tournament Totana in the Ciudad Deportiva "Valverde Queen" and at the municipal stadium "Juan Cayuela" are held, respectively
  • Centers for Disability day of Totana made a tour of the headquarters of the Regional Assembly in Cartagena (03/06/2016)

  • The Department of Finance carries out an IOU from € 91,621 to three companies late interest because of court records (03/06/2016)

  • Totana hosted a talk on High Skills (03/06/2016)

  • The House approved unanimously a motion Citizens favoring impulse purchase and implementation of cardio-protection services (02/06/2016)
    And training non-medical staff
  • PP: "The mayor prevents the computer from the covenant again take another embarrassing spectacle removing full third Plan Adjustment PSOE" (02/06/2016)
    "With the filing of this motion to the extraordinary plenary session would be the fourth attempt of the PSOE approved a Adjustment plan non-consensual agreement with its partner "
  • The "Marcos Ortiz" municipal park hosts the June 10 parade solidarity lingerie and swimwear to benefit Afacmur (02/06/2016)

  • On Sunday June 5th will take place XIV Quedada KNT, the slopes of Sierra Espuña (02/06/2016)

  • The Plenum urges the Minister of Economic Development to fulfill its commitments on the Line of High Voltage (02/06/2016)
    And what actions or steps have been made to comply with the agreement of the Regional Assembly
  • Mexico in Totana (02/06/2016)
    A spectacle of Mexican music. "Mexico in Totana A night of rancheras" group "Mariachi Garibaldi" liven up the square of the Old Balsa night next June 11
  • The Department of Works and Infrastructure is building a sidewalk to facilitate access and ensure the safety of school and users to CEIP "Luis Perez Rueda" (02/06/2016)

  • Gymnastics program for Senior closes in Paretón, with the delivery of diplomas (02/06/2016)

  • Café Martin's organized several benefit concerts "El Refugio del Viento" (01/06/2016)
    Will take place on Friday June 17 to July 8 in the totanero bar
  • Extension 10 seats in the residence of the elderly "La Purisima" in Totana (01/06/2016)

  • They begin the celebrations of the Municipal Senior Center of the square "Balsa Vieja" (01/06/2016)
    with lemon-water distribution between partners
  • PP: "The Town Planning has no competence in the General Plan and there is a general paralysis in the functioning of the Department" (01/06/2016)
    They ask the Town Planning to publicly explain their isolation and total paralysis that is occurring in your area
  • ... (01/06/2016)

  • Summer School Hoydays 3.0 presents (01/06/2016)
    The program reconciling work and family life "Holidays 3.0" will offer 100 seats in each of the three shifts from June 24 to August 15, the deadline for registration is now open
  • Corporate discuss a joint motion of the PSOE groups, Winning Totana-IU and C's on Day celebration Orgulllo LGTB next June 28 (01/06/2016)

  • Alumni Association "La Milagrosa" delivered to Civil Protection Plan Emergency their school prepared for themselves (01/06/2016)


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