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Totana News - September 2011

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • Press conference on the beginning of 2011/12 school year (30/09/2011)

  • The Olympic prepares particularly its important game this weekend (30/09/2011)
    The technicians of the first team have made a specific session in the water area of ​​Sport and Health Center
  • The House of Totana makes official recognition of the eight village headman and the neighborhood council of the Paretón (30/09/2011)
    for their work during the term 2007/2011
  • He begins the process of outsourcing of municipal nursery schools "Pepita López Gandía", "Carmen Baró" and the Paretón (30/09/2011)
    cash will be finalized from the school year 2012/13
  • Cayo Lara, General Coordinator of Izquierda Unida in Totana (30/09/2011)
    Public Ceremony in prison on Wednesday day 5, at 8 pm "
  • The mayor and presidential advisor meet to give a boost to the DIA's General Plan (29/09/2011)
    Y advancing environmental changes
  • Workshops on "Social Networking for SMEs" and "Digital Certificate and Electronic Billing" in the CLD de Totana (28/09/2011)
    will take place on 4 and October 5
  • More than 1,300 people will gather in Totana regional coexistence of the delegations of the Hospitality of Lourdes in the region of Murcia (28/09/2011)
    will be held on Sunday October 16
  • The "VII Encuentro Solidarity with Alzheimer's and Friends" will be held from 3 to 9 October (28/09/2011)
    With the aim of promoting volunteering with various training activities, social and leisure
  • The morning plenary session will address more than two dozen proposals (28/09/2011)
    among which the recognition of the work performed by the village headman and the neighborhood council for the previous term Paretón
  • Weekend Sports Schedule 1 and October 2, 2011 (28/09/2011)

  • The city of Totana publicly expose the electoral roll of the municipality from 3 to October 10 (28/09/2011)
    for the general election of 20-n
  • DISCORD give a charity concert "10 years together," coinciding with its 10th anniversary (28/09/2011)
    will be held on October 22 in Totana
  • The Manoli Canovas Dance Academy classes begin on Monday 3 October (27/09/2011)

  • The autonomous municipality of Totana choose to implement a pilot project of bicycle Local Police (27/09/2011)

  • A total of 25 cyclists took part in the road mountain biking Espuña (27/09/2011)
    It was organized by the Department of Sports and Sports Peña "The Nine"
  • The next Friday 30th September the General Assembly of Members of the Municipal Center Senior Totana (27/09/2011)

  • Laconcejalía RAXI Transport and meets with the Taxi Association Totana (27/09/2011)
    In order to establish a device, along with the local police, allowing the anti-intrusion systems
  • Weekend sports scores 24 and September 25, 2011 (26/09/2011)

  • The city starts the program free fitness training for seniors and disabled (26/09/2011)
    in order to improve the quality of life of these sectors of the population
  • Great number of people in the "Artisan Market" of the Holy (26/09/2011)
    was held yesterday in the vicinity of the Sanctuary
  • Start a successful training program socio (26/09/2011)
    is organized by the area of ​​Citizenship and Intercultural
  • The Centre for Local Development of Totana starts with the Ministry of Agriculture and Water for more than ten free courses (26/09/2011)
    For the training of farmers and farmers
  • The deadline for enrollment in the School of Music Paretón remain open until September 30 (26/09/2011)

  • ... (25/09/2011)

  • The Olympic "B" won the first derby of his story just begun (24/09/2011)
    Unbeatable first chapter in the history of this new totanero team, whose victory over Lorca At.
  • The Olympic Youth gets his first "little hand" (24/09/2011)
    Second consecutive victory of the youth, this time by five to zero in the "Juan Cayuela"
  • The Brotherhood of Denial held the day of the Exaltation of the Cross for the third year in a row (24/09/2011)
    took place on Friday September 16
  • The Olympic "B" will make history tomorrow in the "Juan Cayuela" (23/09/2011)
    first league match of the new Olympic "B", founded after 50 years of the Club and formed by 24 young totaneros
  • The new school "La Cruz" will come into operation during 2012/13, according to Sanchez Mendez (23/09/2011)
    In the coming weeks will begin work on the new access to school, "Luis Perez Rueda"
  • The Brotherhood of Denial organizes a trip to Cordoba weekend (23/09/2011)
    will take place on 15 Oct 16
  • It increases the safety device to prevent the wave of robberies in the field (23/09/2011)
    campaign coinciding with the collection of table grapes, which runs until the end of December
  • Totana host from 17 to 21 October the guides I find interpolicial canine Murcia (22/09/2011)
    course also be provided a drug-sniffing dog which will include canine units throughout Spain
  • Totana host the October 16 regional coexistence organized by the Delegation of Lourdes (22/09/2011)
    is expected to draw about 1,000 people, including patients and hospital
  • The Athletic Club Totana, third in the People's Race Nonduermas (22/09/2011)

  • Ignacio Gil Lázaro, MP and political scourge Rubalcaba in the "Case Pheasant", will chair the day of coexistence of PP Totana (22/09/2011)
    will take place this Sunday
  • NNGG Totana continues to work with its regional youth organization to contribute ideas to solve the scourge of youth unemployment (22/09/2011)

  • Request the establishment of a virtual office tax management (21/09/2011)
    for new services revenue collection and administrative management
  • The Mayor and City Council of Productive Sectors meet with the board of the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Guadalentín (21/09/2011)
    To launch new projects in the city
  • Weekend Sports Schedule 24 and September 25, 2011 (21/09/2011)

  • The monthly celebration of Artisan's Market Santa resumes next Sunday, September 25 (21/09/2011)

  • Cánovas qualifies as "fantasy literature" The package of measures introduced by the PP in Totana (21/09/2011)
    What qualifies as "a blatant" copy of the "failed economic plan" the former mayor, Martínez Andreo
  • About thirty trail starts in the Sierra de Burete (Cehegín) walking program led by the Department of Sports (20/09/2011)

  • The festival of Santa Leocadia be held this weekend at the county council of La Sierra (20/09/2011)

  • Weekend sports scores 17 and September 18, 2011 (19/09/2011)

  • The service of Ordination and Regulation of parking (ORA) moved to City Hall (19/09/2011)

  • IU-Greens claims a Plan for European Mobility Week which runs from 16 September 22 (19/09/2011)

  • The cinema program in the Performing Arts Hall "Cinema Velasco" resume his activity again next weekend (19/09/2011)
    films will be screened for "Phineas and Ferb" and "Friends"
  • Joseph Sanchez of Spain Open Champion 2011 downhill mountain bike (19/09/2011)

  • IU-Green will raise a motion to the plenary in September for the 47 workers at the Special Employment overdue payroll charge 4 (19/09/2011)
    And their wages are paid the same day that the officials and working staff of the City of Totana
  • ... (18/09/2011)

  • Reunion of managers Cebag associations with the mayor of Totana on PGMO (16/09/2011)
    Cebag President moved him the support and cooperation of the Confederation to seek an urgent consensual solution "to the impasse in which the Plan is "
  • The council will notify the Land Registry the beginning and end of any disciplinary procedure for town (16/09/2011)

  • The deadline for registration for the course 2011/2012 Municipal School of Music will be open from 19 to 30 September (16/09/2011)

  • The Olympic Totana decided to suspend until further order the commemorative events planned for this weekend (16/09/2011)

  • The Mayor of Totana has called for the involvement of workers in the municipality to collect ideas (15/09/2011)
    to implement more conservation measures and public expenditure restraint
  • The Local Government Committee approved the procedure for the election of village headman in Totana and the local board of Neighbors Paretón (15/09/2011)
    for the term 2011-2015
  • The CEIP Santiago offer a year the Program to Support Family Literacy in early childhood (15/09/2011)
    The deadline for registration to participate in this program will be open until September 23, 2011
  • The Mayor of Totana and the mayors of Social Care and Health meet with the Minister of Health and Social Policy (14/09/2011)
    To work together in addressing social needs
  • The PP Totana held on Sunday 25 the festive day of living that will officially open the political course (14/09/2011)
    PP politicians participate in regional and national
  • Weekend Sports Schedule 17 and September 18, 2011 (14/09/2011)

  • The House will recognize the work done by the village headman and the local board of neighbors during the 2007-2011 term Paretón (14/09/2011)

  • Countdown to Rise to Santa (13/09/2011)
    auto Rise to the Shrine of the Holy celebrate its 26th anniversary the next 7, 8 and 9 October
  • Podium for the Athletics Club in Murcia Totana and Lorca (13/09/2011)
    IV participated in the Mountain Race "The Valley" in Murcia and the Carrera Popular Games Guadalentín XXXIII in Lorca
  • Feast of presentation of the Olympic Club de Totana (13/09/2011)
    Totana The Olympic Club will present the new team and players that make up the three templates at a party to be held on Saturday 17, from 23:00 in the Square Constitution
  • "Art Café" is hosting an exhibition of paintings by Eulalia González (13/09/2011)
    The exhibition was opened last night and was attended by the Mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez, and the councilman of Culture, Alfonso Cayuela
  • The Gym Fitness Room presents Friday Misan "Zumba" (13/09/2011)
    Zumba fitness is a discipline of dance + exercise similar to blending Batuka dance steps with muscle toning exercises
  • La Peña Barcelona Olympic Totana Totana supports (13/09/2011)
    Barcelona Totana La Peña will support the Olympic Totana with the amount of 300 euros
  • The Mayor of Totana and the mayors of Livestock and Health attended the inauguration of SEPOR to visit the exhibitors totaneros (13/09/2011)
    and get new ideas to implement them in the city
  • A side of City Hall recalls the ordinance regulating rural roads (13/09/2011)
    to cut or remove obstacles that may obstruct visibility or safety of the roads
  • ... (12/09/2011)

  • Next Wednesday will present the senior men's team CFS Capuchin (12/09/2011)
    played the first match of the FIFA President FFRM against FS.
  • Genes D'ERDF and the municipality of Totana request the transfer of the use of CAI's industrial park located in Saladar (12/09/2011)

  • City officials attending the inauguration of the exhibition "Abstraction" and Rastrollo Berenguer, a boy of 11 years (12/09/2011)

  • About a thirty young people participate in the workshop on "Techniques of environmental education in natural areas" (12/09/2011)
    is organized by the Department of Youth
  • The Youth Olympic Mula lost with four minutes (11/09/2011)
    black Saturday because he lost the Olympic "B" at home in their friendly against Alhama EF
  • Good results for the CC Santa Eulalia Cresta del Gallo Climbing 2011 (11/09/2011)

  • About 180 children start the school year in the nursery schools of Totana on Friday September 16 (10/09/2011)

  • The BORM published today the final approval of a partial document of the General Plan Totana in reference to the urban area (09/09/2011)

  • Sunday 11, the Olympic plays its first game at home as leader of the Preferred (09/09/2011)
    On Saturday 10, at 18 hours, the "B" will play a friendly at home against Alhama.
  • Some 3,400 children have now started the school year 2011/2012 and Primary Education in the classrooms of the twelve centers of the municipality (09/09/2011)

  • Citizen Participation again launch free training courses to improve training of the residents of socio Totana (09/09/2011)

  • Programming Film Summer ends this weekend (09/09/2011)
    With the screening of the movie "Zooloco"
  • Sánchez Ruiz: "By saving measures being implemented will be achieved by reducing the debts to suppliers" (08/09/2011)
    "as Iberdrola has already restored the light in all local authority"
  • The Brotherhood of Denial celebrates the day of the Exaltation of the Cross with a dinner-coexistence (08/09/2011)
    will take place on Friday September 16
  • The "track meet XV Subida a La Santa" will take place on October 23 (08/09/2011)
    This year's race has its own website www.subidaalasanta.es
  • City officials are delivering a reminder of the teams Totana, Murcia UCAM CB Stanford University (08/09/2011)
    By celebrating in a friendly town where the team won 79-57 Murcia
  • IU-green claims that "the City has had to return to the Autonomous Region in August, almost 20,000 € grant for employment" (07/09/2011)
    "for not using them in productive programs"
  • The Olympic Club Totana Mayor congratulated for the restoration of electricity in the municipal "Juan Cayuela" (07/09/2011)
    the three Olympic teams will thus normalize the usual practice in the field where they have the past 50 years
  • The PP will support the maintenance of the Welfare of the CAM and the employment of the entity (07/09/2011)

  • The workshop built around the field declaration of emergency region Totana as temporary hunting delimits the areas most affected (07/09/2011)
    To conduct the hunt "responsible" for the rabbit
  • The city of Totana conducted a recruitment to fill a contract for a parking agent Equality (07/09/2011)

  • Education launches the campaign "Sharpen your school supplies." (07/09/2011)
    To create public awareness of the need for educational material recycling
  • The Olympic took the lead in the preferred (06/09/2011)
    Won in the difficult field of Mazarrón a convincing 2-4
  • Residents of the hamlet of La Huerta held this weekend, 10 and 11 September, the traditional festivities in honor of its patron (06/09/2011)

  • The exhibition hall "Gregorio Cebrián" takes from 9 to 25 September, the painting exhibition "Abstractions" (06/09/2011)
    Of the painters and Berenguer Rastoll
  • Big brands and several podiums for Totana Athletics Club (06/09/2011)
    About to finish the summer racing season, from the CAT Totana is valued very positively the performance of their athletes during these months, one of the biggest clubs assets and getting great results its members
  • IU-Greens urged the Mayor of Totana and the PP to reconsider the loan agreement ICO-Local Government amounting to 1,200,000 euros (06/09/2011)
    "by not taking into account the age of the debts"
  • Next Saturday will be held Paddle Tournament III "La Dolorosa" (05/09/2011)
    will be held at the Club de Tenis Totana
  • Style "burlesque" is the main novelty of the School of Dance Manoli Canovas for the new course (05/09/2011)

  • The Mayor of Totana ensures that the service of electricity from municipal offices will be established this week (05/09/2011)

  • The mayor and councilman of Social Services meet with the representative in Spain of the National Secretariat for Migrants (05/09/2011)
    to launch joint projects in the town of Totana
  • V Memorial Sunday MTB Pelegrin (04/09/2011)

  • Youth Olympic Totana - Lorca Athletic (1-4) (04/09/2011)
    Party of learning for the Olympic Youth
  • They claim that "the eve of the school year, the CEIP San José de Totana, still with the light cut" (04/09/2011)
    "for unpaid bills from City Hall to Iberdrola"
  • Good football this weekend at the "Juan Cayuela" Totana (02/09/2011)
    The youth of the Olympic and the Olympic "B" game on Saturday and Sunday two friendly matches against Lorca At.
  • Totana Local Police located a person who ran over a young man seriously injured, which has already been arrested by the Guardia Civil (02/09/2011)
    The driver, a Spanish national residing in Alhama de Murcia
  • ... (02/09/2011)

  • The Mayor of Totana and the Director General of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and crafts work in the implementation of the Promotion Plan of Retail (01/09/2011)

  • Interview with Pedro Gonzalez, "Cañavate" (01/09/2011)
    is one of 15 drivers are there in the Car Club Totana to participate the next 8 and October 9 in the proof of the Holy Rise
  • The Local Employment Centre Youth has served over 1,500 people during the first half of 2011 (01/09/2011)

  • The Department of Housing to inform those interested in purchasing a new home for the reduction of VAT (01/09/2011)
    What a savings of 8 to 4 percent

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