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Totana News - March 2014

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • La Peña Nine was well represented at the Open Test II Bike Marathon Murcia (31/03/2014)

  • The Holy artisan market returns to attract nearby sanctuary to dozens of visitors (31/03/2014)

  • Tomorrow is going to proceed to clean the tank Raiguero (31/03/2014)
    So until Wednesday neighbors may notice a voltage drop in the supply of drinking water
  • 22 th day of the local football league "Play Fair" (31/03/2014)
    Team of the pachucos gets the third place
  • The Day the Music Nazarene to the atmosphere of Easter in the central streets of Totana (30/03/2014)

  • Located in Totana with Alzheimer's missing since Sunday, day 23 (30/03/2014)
    Ãngel González Guijarro, 63, has been found in apparent good health
  • Civil Protection Totana located in the hamlet of El Raiguero man, suffering from Alzheimer's, traveling to Mazarron (30/03/2014)

  • Paddle indoor fitness, much more than paddle (29/03/2014)
    In Totana indoor Padel can enjoy many activities: indoor cycle, Bodypower, Step, Cardiogap, Indoor Zumba, Pilates, Fitness, introduction to Oriental Dance and much more
  • They ask for increased security measures in the hamlet of Raiguero (28/03/2014)
    Deliver signatures to the Government Office of the City of Murcia and Totana
  • The new Operating Center Emergency Coordination becomes a key point for local disaster coordination (28/03/2014)
    During the inauguration, it has awarded two medals of merit and recognition to antiquity and constancy Martín Andrés Gómez Canovas and José María Sánchez Pascual
  • The House approved grant totanera "Barbara King" title "Favorite Daughter Totana City" (28/03/2014)

  • Ninety many families benefit from the new reduced rate of water for human consumption (28/03/2014)

  • Standing floral ornamentation new public spaces where the major public events of Holy Week will be developed (28/03/2014)

  • Arrested dedicated a dangerous criminal to commit robbery, burglary and drug trafficking in Totana (27/03/2014)
    The research is framed in operations 'RED' and 'chalk line'
  • More than fifty people attend the day in the city competitiveness that has known how minifranquicias develop (27/03/2014)

  • The mayor dictates a resolution for Bands and musical groups to perform their nightly rehearsals until 24:00 (27/03/2014)
    until next April 20 to coincide with Easter Sunday
  • The Local Police imparts a talk to the Association of Housewives "Three Hail Marys" on driver education (27/03/2014)

  • The PP accuses the Socialist group "to make a political theater exclusively for the television cameras" (26/03/2014)
    Socialists did not attend the Commission of Inquiry asked in Parliament
  • The Municipal Water morning proceed to cleaning the water tank in the Paretón-Cantareros (26/03/2014)
    As pressure will cause problems in the supply service
  • The House debate tomorrow give totanera "Barbara King" title "Favorite Daughter Totana City" (26/03/2014)
    And devote his name to a street in the town
  • This Sunday, March 30th celebration of the artisan market returns in Holy (26/03/2014)

  • Day of popular games and alternative sports (26/03/2014)
    The Sports Council organizes tomorrow a day of popular games and alternative sports, working with schools in the locality, and framed in the School Sports
  • Athletes Athletic Club Totana participated in several tests this weekend in Murcia Librilla and Taverns (25/03/2014)

  • The Meteorological Agency puts the region Guadalentin yellow alert for strong winds tomorrow (25/03/2014)

  • The mayor has a motion in Parliament for the enhancement of museum premises Oilfield Argárica La Bastida (25/03/2014)
    To provide quality tourism visitors
  • On Sunday March 30 the "solidarity walk II for Rare Diseases" will be held with a distance of 6.3 kilometers (25/03/2014)

  • The Association "Salus Infirmorum" open enrollment period course basic care of older people through workshops (25/03/2014)

  • 21 th day of the Local League Football "Play Fair" (25/03/2014)
    Agrorizao Vidalia got the win in the big game against the pachucos
  • El Colegio Reina Sofia and Juan de la Cierva IES participated in the final phase of the inter basketball and futsal School Sports (25/03/2014)
    was held in Eagles
  • "Give me five to move" (24/03/2014)
    move launches a campaign that can benefit from significant discounts on your next monthly installments
  • The Nine AD Peña was present in Córdoba, and La Sagra Albudeite (24/03/2014)
    Weekend very busy week for the Sports Association Peña Nine
  • González Tovar be the Socialist candidate for the presidency of the Community (24/03/2014)
    In Totana, election day proceeded normally having a stake of 77.42%
  • The PP Totana expressed regret for the death of former Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez (24/03/2014)

  • The mayor presented a motion to dedicate a street or public space at the former prime minister, Adolfo Suárez (24/03/2014)
    For his contribution to the development of democracy and civil liberties in Spain
  • On Saturday 29 March there will be a "rhythmic gimnasa Exhibition" and "swimming competition" (24/03/2014)
    will be developed at City Hall "Manolo Ibañez" and the Move Sports Center
  • The Association "The Grotto" in Totana represent next Sunday the play "La Manuela home" (24/03/2014)
    It will be at 18:00 pm in the theater of Sociocultural Center "Jail"
  • Child Totana CB team finished the regular league defeat but a great improvement in the game (24/03/2014)
    The senior team virtually out of the fight for promotion after losing Eagles.
  • Check out "Educating Playing" all kinds of educational and learning games for kids (23/03/2014)
    In its new website, created Superweb, the Buy Online from the comfort of your home
  • ... (23/03/2014)

  • 'Vox Musicalis' revive 'Auto Passion' at the shrine of La Santa (22/03/2014)
    On Sunday March 30 at 7:30 PM
  • The "kalathos' Association organizes a trip to Cieza (22/03/2014)
    Focus on the important archaeological sites that holds the town
  • Morning primary elections were held to elect the candidate of PSRM-PSOE (22/03/2014)
    The members of the Socialist Party of the Region of Murcia are called to the polls, so they can choose their candidate
  • Civil Protection Totana opens next Friday, the 28th, a new facility in the former CEIP "La Cruz" (21/03/2014)

  • The Local Police performed a total of 788 vehicles in the campaign use of seat belts and child restraints (21/03/2014)

  • Celebration sweepstakes promotional campaign to mark the "Father's Day", organized by the Association of Dealers in Totana (21/03/2014)

  • Student Occupational Center "José Moya Trilla" participating in the Regional Athletics Championships organized by FEDEMIPS (21/03/2014)

  • Activities and events from 21 to 26 March 2014 (21/03/2014)
    Information provided by Informajoven - Youth Council
  • Housewives totaneras house participated in Murcia at the V Conference Consumer (20/03/2014)

  • Learn to Play Chess (20/03/2014)
    The chess club taught introductory classes for those children interested in learning this sport.
  • The city of Totana promoted bonus measures water bills to the poorest families (20/03/2014)

  • "Looking forward ... to laugh," Máximo Valverde and Eva Santamaría (20/03/2014)
    Many people attended the comedy-musical show, which took place yesterday at the Sociocultutal Center "Jail"
  • 20 th day of the local soccer league "Play Fair" (20/03/2014)
    The Preel team could only draw against Lopafrut, and away from the leader, Uclident
  • Trail Hikers Club of Totana by the Sierra de Cazorla (20/03/2014)

  • The IES Juan de la Cierva took part in the final phase of the inter school sport handball (20/03/2014)
    was held in the School Board of Totana
  • 20 walkers participating in the route by Cabeza de San Ginés de la Jara, near the Llano del Beal (20/03/2014)
    He was organized by the Sports Department
  • The company totanera INTERNET AVATAR will be present once more at the Romea Theatre gala awards web Truth (18/03/2014)
    The gala awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday, March 25
  • Local Wave Máximo Valverde interview (18/03/2014)
    El-musical comedy show "Wanting to laugh ..." will take place on March 19 at the cultural center "Jail" at 19:00 pm
  • The PSOE Totana see unacceptable that "more than 8,000 people dependent on the region will not receive aid to which they are entitled" (18/03/2014)

  • Athletes Athletics Club Totana have participated during the last weekend in different tests (18/03/2014)
    Transcilicitana in Elche, V and Ultra Trail in Yecla Murcia XXXV Half Marathon and 10km IV
  • The PP says Totana special electricity tariff for agriculture will give a respite to the sector in the region (18/03/2014)


  • The bus will leave Saturday from Totana to go to Madrid in the "march for dignity" (17/03/2014)

  • In the brotherhood of Jesus on Calvary and sacrament (17/03/2014)
    [the image of the Virgin of Calvary and the throne of the sculptural group "The washing of Pilate" is blessed]
  • Continue racing for CC in Santa Eulalia btt Interclub Golf Albacete and Cartagena circuit (17/03/2014)

  • The TOTANA-O Club participated in the Regional League Guidance: "XX ANNIVERSARY Club Path" Molina de Segura (17/03/2014)

  • Success host activities this weekend "Totana Active" program (17/03/2014)
    were developed in the Balsa Vieja Square
  • Carnival Cantareros Paretón-2014 (17/03/2014)
    The students of the "Guadalentin" of the Paretón-Cantareros were the protagonists of fun carnival that toured the hamlet totanera
  • The Local Police identifies and makes available to the Guardia Civil who robbed two people inside vehicles in Totana (17/03/2014)

  • The senior CB Totana got a win in overtime by 91-81 before the Sierramar (17/03/2014)
    The junior lost in Cieza 82-42
  • The Nine Sports Association Peña present in Navalcarnero and Lietor (17/03/2014)

  • Raiguero Neighbors gather "to the social alarm caused by recent theft" (16/03/2014)

  • The Club of Pensioners and Retired Bullas visit Totana (16/03/2014)
    visited the most important monuments of the town and enjoyed crafts and typical products.
  • Former students of Colegio La Milagrosa promotion reunierse 87 again 27 years later (16/03/2014)

  • The XVIII ascent of Santa Totana be held on May 11 (15/03/2014)
    A benefit of the local board of the Spanish Association Against Cancer
  • Culture restored the image of Santa María de Totana Cleofé (14/03/2014)
    The carving, dating from the first third of the nineteenth century, has been operated by the Center for Restoration of the Region of Murcia
  • Next Sunday March 16th the "Coexistence II Totana Nazarene Youth" will be held (14/03/2014)

  • Congratulate Hdad of Jesus on Calvary by the poster Totana Easter 2014 (14/03/2014)
    Tambors of Passió Almassora has issued a statement congratulating the brotherhood totanera "innovative photo that combines tradition and modernity"
  • The Band Brotherhood of Veronica perform a concert on the occasion of its 25th anniversary (14/03/2014)
    It will take place on Sunday March 16 at 19 pm at the Church of Santiago el Mayor of Totana
  • On Saturday March 22 event will take place on VIII Band and Bugles and Drums Musical Groups organized by the Samaritan (13/03/2014)
    Also, on Sunday March 23 brotherhood organizes a food-gala
  • The half marathon in Totana already has its own website (13/03/2014)
    The fair half marathon and 7 miles World Day Lipodystrophies Totana City will take place on Sunday, March 23
  • The Balsa Vieja Square hosts on Sunday 23 March, the Third Meeting of Association "Solidarity Square" (13/03/2014)
    Entities may sell, buy and trade items in order to self-finance
  • Activities and events from 13 to 19 March 2014 (13/03/2014)
    Information provided by the Department of Youth
  • ... (13/03/2014)

  • Day of new business models for mounting minifranquicias (13/03/2014)
    It is organized by the Department for Employment, under the Local Employment Plan and will take place on March 26
  • This program continues next Sunday hiking the Sports Council with a route through the Cabeza de San Ginés (13/03/2014)
    Near Cabo de Palos
  • The Municipal People urge RENFE proposes to articulate measures to facilitate bicycle transport users of commuter trains from Alicante-Murcia-Eagles online (13/03/2014)
    already affecting the town of Totana
  • The team maintains the lead Uclident Local Football League "Play Fair" (13/03/2014)

  • Press conference in Totana candidate elementary PSRM-PSOE Roberto García (12/03/2014)

  • The mayor presented a motion to grant the totanera "Barbara King" title "Favorite Daughter Totana City" and devote his name to a street in the town (12/03/2014)
    In response to local demand
  • "D'Genes" and "AELIP" organized with the group "Platea Loungebar", a series of musical solidarity activities to benefit both coletivos (12/03/2014)

  • Tourism organizes a free guided tour to the Sanctuary of Santa Eulalia (12/03/2014)

  • The PP wants to remember the victims of attacking 11-M (11/03/2014)
    Y notes that will always be a moral reference to Spain
  • The child and male cadet teams IES Juan de la Cierva took part in the final phase of the inter futsal School Sports (11/03/2014)
    was held in Mazarrón
  • DG Environment comes to fencing 48 wells within the Regional Park Espuña (11/03/2014)

  • Twenty totaneros school participated in the regional final of offroad School Sports in the baby and juvenile categories (11/03/2014)
    It was held in Puerto Lumbreras
  • The toy library organizes a campus move to take place on 17 and 18 March (10/03/2014)
    It is aimed at children, as these days no cole
  • The Association of Ministers of the Air celebrates International Women's Day (10/03/2014)
    With graffiti exhibitions, dancing, juggling and skateboarding
  • The Municipal People presents a motion in Parliament March for the maintenance of vital records as a free public service (10/03/2014)

  • The Rugby Club UCAM Murcia Totana beats B in their field (10/03/2014)
    The CR Totana Murcia UCAM got beat B by 21 40
  • Athletics Club athletes participated in the EC Totana Los Olivos (Molina de Segura) and Bearded Trail (Jumilla) (10/03/2014)
    On the other hand, took place on Sunday the second "meeting" totanero club
  • The appearance of Councilman Safety Celebrated (10/03/2014)
    To explain the relationship with the local police and "serious incidents of the last days of last year and early this"
  • Four women and staffing workers are honored Deilor (10/03/2014)
    On the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day
  • The city of Totana and partnership "D'Genes" signed a cooperation agreement (10/03/2014)
    To develop policies and integracón care of people affected by a rare disease
  • Ebierto until Friday March 14 deadline for the free invitation of the School of Languages (10/03/2014)

  • The IV solidarity blood donation campaign promoted by the Illustrious Cabildo "Blood brother, Blood solidarity" was a success (09/03/2014)
    It took place on Friday March 7
  • The Socialist Municipal Group congratulates women honored on International Women's Day (08/03/2014)

  • ... (07/03/2014)

  • They request the granting of title favorite daughter and the name of a central route to the municipality María García García (07/03/2014)
    Better known as Barbara King
  • Many neighbors year show their devotion to Christ of Medinaceli (07/03/2014)
    During the day today, the first Friday of March, there are many people who are making the traditional image besapié Parish of the Three Hail Marys
  • Paretón carnival-Cantareros was suspended by the death of a resident of this parish (07/03/2014)
    The carnival will be held on Saturday, March 15
  • The mayor conveys sympathy and condolence message to the family of former municipal and volunteer worker for Civil Protection Totana, Antonio Serrano López (07/03/2014)

  • ... (07/03/2014)

  • The Mayor and President of the AECC considered very positive for the sector the adoption of the new Law of Handicrafts of the Region of Murcia (07/03/2014)
    "It will bring new synergies with tourism and culture"
  • "Igualíza-T" (07/03/2014)
    The Department of Women and "SonImagina 'Association organized a contest on facebook" Igualíza-T "to mark the Day of Working Women
  • Taxis promoted throughout Totana Murcia branded "Totana Origin Agricultural and Livestock Quality." (07/03/2014)
    It has become the symbol of identity, reference and quality of local products
  • Activities and events from 6 to 12 March 2014 (06/03/2014)
    Information provided by the Department of Youth
  • The Department of Popular Culture and Celebrations program el-musical comedy "Wanting to laugh ..." show (06/03/2014)
    will be held on March 19 at the cultural center "Jail" at 19:00 pm
  • The events organized to celebrate the International Day of Working Women in Totana will take place from 6 to 12 March (06/03/2014)

  • The Center for Child Development and Early Totana served a total of 141 children aged 0 to 6 years (06/03/2014)

  • The Department of Environment requested the Segura basin integrated environmental recovery Guadalentin river (06/03/2014)

  • El Colegio "La Milagrosa" welcomes the act of the World Rare Disease Day (05/03/2014)
    Under the motto "Educate in Rare Diseases, a subject of all"
  • The program of activities for the 2014 Carnival culminates with the successful participation of the traditional "Dance of masks" (05/03/2014)

  • The Merchant driving a campaign to promote local products to coincide with the celebration of "Father's Day" (05/03/2014)

  • The PP regrets that "opposition groups have not made a single contribution to the Local Employment Plan Totana" (05/03/2014)

  • The opening of the new hall of the Paretón-Cantareros postponed for delay in receipt of the works (05/03/2014)

  • The School Board of Totana hosted the semifinal stage of the inter futsal School Sports (05/03/2014)
    totaneros centers participated Juan de la Cierva and Prado Mayor
  • The National Police dismantled a brothel in Totana (04/03/2014)
    Two arrested for crimes related to prostitution.
  • El Colegio Reina Sofia gets first place in the regional final pitch School Sports held in Mazarrón (04/03/2014)
    While the school Santa Eulalia and Juan de la Cierva end up in second place
  • New Multidisciplinary Center D'Genes "Celia Pérez Carrión de Tudela 'Association opens (04/03/2014)
    Dara service to patients with rare diseases
  • The Local Police adheres to the DGT special campaign on safety belt and child restraint (04/03/2014)
    It will take place from 10 to 16 March
  • El Colegio La Milagrosa de Totana Joins World Rare Disease Day (03/03/2014)
    Tomorrow at 12:30 hours people reading will take place in the schoolyard of the Declaration of support rare diseases
  • Students visit the Classroom Occupational Vocational Training Program Cuisine taught at the IES "John Bosco" Lorca (03/03/2014)

  • The mayor presented a motion to support the celebration of World Day Lipodystrophies on March 13, 2014 (03/03/2014)

  • PADISITO attends the carnival parade Totana 2014 (03/03/2014)

  • University Volunteering Project School Booster "learn Uni2" is presented (03/03/2014)

  • The Federation of Peñas Carnival hands out awards in different modalities Carnaval'2014 (03/03/2014)

  • Check out the March Asocición Peña Deportiva Nine and participation in Denia (03/03/2014)

  • The CB Totana ends in a big game (03/03/2014)
    The senior team wins by 95-69 Totana CB Estudiantes de Cartagena.
  • CC Andreo José Santa Eulalia played Tobarra test with good results (03/03/2014)

  • ... (03/03/2014)

  • Hundreds of people take to the streets for the children's carnival 2014 (02/03/2014)

  • "The Muse" and "Don Carnal", along with those of carnival clubs, imbued with light, color and pace the streets of Totana (01/03/2014)


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