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Totana News - September 2009

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Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • The PP requires Otálora to "stop lying and misleading the residents of Totana" (30/09/2009)
    And who dares to say publicly that "Zapatero is who will raise the price of water to municipalities and who want to squeeze even more the pockets of citizens "
  • IU dismissed as "smoke sellers Pagan and Martínez Andreo" (30/09/2009)
    "Announce water investments, after torrential rains, to 7 years without spending a dime on flood prevention"
  • Agenda sports weekend 3 and 4 October (30/09/2009)

  • Irrigation Community Hall and acquire the land where they built the dam to collect rainwater from the Rambla del Cementerio (30/09/2009)
    The works will be financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water
  • The PSOE used with full agreement about the rise of water in the High Court of Justice in Murcia (30/09/2009)
    For Otálora "the agreement is illegal and immoral in a time of crisis as we live, because it will mean an increase of more 35% of the receipts coming in a commodity such as water "
  • The council takes the first steps to facilitate electronic processing of work technical projects and activities (30/09/2009)
    This initiative is part of the project called "City without papers", which aims to digitize all existing municipal archives and records to expedite the processing of the same
  • It starts the "Aula citizen" (30/09/2009)
    Through this initiative voluntary associations acquire knowledge to improve their services, operation and thus promote social action
  • The official opening ceremony of the school year 2009-10 will be held tomorrow at 20:00 hours in the Reina Sofía School (30/09/2009)
    To celebrate its 25 anniversary
  • The conference "Looking for new areas: the empowerment of rural women", held in Archena, will be held on October 15 (30/09/2009)
    and not 6 as scheduled
  • The 2nd edition of "Sewing Workshop 2009" was conducted from October to December in the old school high school (30/09/2009)

  • An exhibition of D'Genes will attend the inauguration of the State Reference Center of Attention to People with Rare Diseases in Burgos (29/09/2009)
    The Minister for Health and Social Policy, Trinidad Jiménez, will open tomorrow the reference state, which will house the exhibition "Rare diseases vibrant"
  • The PP in the region of Murcia chartered buses to attend the October 17th to the demonstration "For Life" to be held in Madrid (29/09/2009)
    The buses will depart on Saturday, October 17 at 9:00 am from the roundabout Spain Murcia city
  • Sports School Table Tennis, which will begin classes on Friday October 2, will be managed by the Club de Tenis de Mesa (29/09/2009)

  • The council hires the writing project to build the new school in the La Ramblica (29/09/2009)
    For the price of 39,440 euros and a lead time of 1 month
  • Local Police and Civil Protection involved the security arrangements because of the rains in Totana (29/09/2009)

  • Inauguration of the Exhibition of paintings and costumes "in the cultural center" Jail " (29/09/2009)
    Gives the starting signal for the programmed activities in the Third Week Intercultural
  • The School of Music begins tomorrow with an audition classes for all attendees (29/09/2009)
    take place at 18:00 hours in the Socio-Cultural Center Theatre "The Jail"
  • The PSOE complained that "given the lack of initiative the mayor is primed with Zapatero" (29/09/2009)
    For the Socialists, "the mayor intended to distract attention from the catastrophic situation that has led to the city of Totana, attacking Zapatero and rising Tax "
  • Start a new edition of the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" (29/09/2009)
    With the participation of twenty teams, a new record in the competition
  • Inauguration of a sculpture that pays tribute to the Capuchin Order of Totana (28/09/2009)

  • The Totana PP accuses the government of the Nation to be solely responsible for the economic crisis and social crisis Spain (28/09/2009)
    And to ruin the state with a new tax increase that affects the middle class
  • Today, we inaugurate the "III Intercultural Week" with an exhibition of paintings and costumes in the Socio-Cultural Center "La Carcel" (28/09/2009)

  • PSOE: "While John Pagan is facing all farmers, rain water is lost" (28/09/2009)
    Socialists Councilman Agriculture require that "for once to fulfill its electoral program which promised to build dams to harness rains "
  • The PP Totana celebrated a Mass for the departed souls of the party in the Chapel of the Holy (28/09/2009)
    Postpones by the storm of rain Sunday, October 4, the day of living in a place called "The Angel"
  • A total of 22 young people participating in the course of "Reading activities and creative writing" (28/09/2009)
    aims to develop creativity and imagination through books
  • Finish construction of industrial buildings PROINVITOSA promoted by the Industrial Estate "The Saladar" Totana (28/09/2009)
    Employers wishing to settle in one of these ships, they may do so under lease-purchase
  • The city of Totana reiterates its institutional support to the city of Madrid as capital in his bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games (28/09/2009)

  • José Luis Ríos and José Ãngel Camacho get two awards for the Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia in the race for the party of La Aparecida (28/09/2009)

  • They are charged in the voluntary period receipts on property of urban and economic activities for the year 2009 (28/09/2009)

  • City officials involved acts during the "V Encuentro Solidarity of Friends and People with Alzheimer's (28/09/2009)
    With this legislation has commemorated World Alzheimer's Day
  • 1,000 copies are distributed pine during the third regional campaign "Clean Up the World" (28/09/2009)
    were held Saturday in the Plaza of the Constitution
  • The work of the annexes of the Shrine of the Holy of Totana leave the light paintings of the eighteenth century (27/09/2009)
    It seems that part of the original entrance of the cave in which he appeared Santa Eulalia
  • COAG: "Neither the council nor the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture gave the face" (25/09/2009)
    The farmers' union COAG says Totana IR will continue our demonstrations
  • Totana will host the final round of motorcycling Enduro Championship Spain (25/09/2009)
    The event will be held during this weekend, involving over 200 drivers national and international first class
  • The mayor stressed the importance of the productive sectors in the framework of the conference on "Agricultural Insurance, vegetables and crops protected" (25/09/2009)
    This conference is organized by UPA and are held in Totana
  • The Government team spokesman, José Antonio Valverde Queen, takes stock of the last Parliament and Government Junta (25/09/2009)

  • The mayor held a meeting with the Minister of the Presidency to establish lines of action for this year (25/09/2009)
    Among the planned measures include the rehabilitation of the Casa del General Aznar and his conversion to municipal
  • The XIII race track "Rise to The Santa" will be held on Sunday September 27 with a distance of 8.5 kilometers (25/09/2009)
    will have more than 300 athletes
  • Occupational Center "José Moya" will launch a pilot basis programming for students with a greater degree of personal dependence (25/09/2009)
    The councilman of Social Welfare, Juan Carrion, recently visited the Occupational Center "José Moya"
  • They offer a total of 8 courses of the program of activities of the "Universidad Popular de Totana" (25/09/2009)
    The registration period will be open from September 28 to October 1
  • The Department of Women chartered buses to attend the conference "Looking for new areas: the empowerment of rural women" (25/09/2009)
    will be held on October 6 in Archena, to commemorate the International Day of Rural Women
  • The September farewell with the celebration of the feasts of the council of La Sierra in honor of Santa Leocadia (25/09/2009)
    will be developed during this weekend
  • The PP Totana held on Sunday, a festive day of living in the Santa (24/09/2009)
    It will officially open the political course and participate PP politicians at regional and national
  • The Socialist Party denounced "the political shamelessness Nau" (24/09/2009)
    They think they "should look within his party if he wants to plant the suspicion that someone has been dipping into the pockets of totaneros, because the only currently charged by the Morales and Andreo theme is "
  • Next Friday October 2 will begin classes at the School Sports Table Tennis (24/09/2009)
    will take place at the Multipurpose Hall of the Municipal Hall Manolo Ibáñez
  • The corporate award unanimously approved the name "Francisco Morales Pastor" to the new Farmer's House Totana (24/09/2009)
    And the "Manuel Victoria" a street of city
  • IU + LV rejected in the House "the brutal cuts it has imposed investment Valcárcel to Totana, with a 60% reduction of funds for the POS 2010" (24/09/2009)
    The House passed a motion to IU to demand more investment in the Middle Natural
  • PSOE: "The full council is to solve problems and not to hear Totana rallies and disputes" (24/09/2009)
    Socialist Councilman José Gómez took stock of the September Plenary held this morning
  • The House approved a total of seven projects for the regeneration of streets, sidewalks and replacement of general services of the POS 2010 (24/09/2009)
  • John Daniel Costa wins U-23 in Santomera and recover the lead in the Open MTB Marathon (24/09/2009)

  • The association Mifito made a trip to the fair of Albacete (24/09/2009)
    On Saturday, September 12, associates, family and Mifito workers enjoyed a festive day at the fair of Albacete
  • The traditional market will reach monthly vintage craftsman La Santa, to be held this Sunday, September 27 (24/09/2009)
    There will be live demonstrations and regional folk dances
  • The PP Totana shows his total opposition to tax increases announced by Zapatero (24/09/2009)
    "impact on the middle and lower classes already depleted damaging their economies," according to Popular
  • The third regional campaign "Clean Up the World" will be held this Saturday, September 26 (24/09/2009)
    ... with the free distribution of species of native flora in the Plaza of the Constitution
  • The exhibition hall hosts Gregory Cebrián from 13 to 19 October a missionary exposciones selling crafts (24/09/2009)
    all organized by the Comboni Missionary Sisters
  • Juan Carrión meets with families whose children attend the Child Development Center and Early (24/09/2009)
    The reason was to address issues related to the organization and operation of the center
  • One died in the township of Totana (23/09/2009)
    The fact has happened on Avenida Santa Eulalia in the direction of Santa
  • The president of the PP in Totana says that "the Court of Auditors has not filed the complaint against Otálora and Martínez Baños" (23/09/2009)
    "The only thing the PSOE does over and over again is lying," said Nau
  • IU: "The General Plan could be informed Totana negatively in the coming days on the Environmental Impact Statement" (23/09/2009)
    "After 7 years of waiting, is questioned by the Environment, to consider brutal unsustainable growth of population" according Canovas
  • Martínez Usero: "Andre is a mayor without credibility" (23/09/2009)
    The council has made a tour of "all the broken promises" by José Martínez Andreo from August 2007 to April 2008
  • About fifty people involved in the first technical conference on "Table grapes" (23/09/2009)
    These days mark the beginning of the activities of the "I Feria del Campo, Agriculture and Water
  • On Thursday, Espuña producing grapes called by COAG, will be concentrated at 16:30 hours at the city of Totana (23/09/2009)
    On Tuesday, nearly a hundred producers Espuña grapes gathered before the City Council of Totana
  • Complete works of replacing sidewalks, paving and general services in the streets Antonio Garrigues and local UVic (23/09/2009)
  • The Popular Party said that "the autonomous region reduces its contribution to investments and works to all municipalities in the region equally" (23/09/2009)
    "And the reduction in compensation fund to meet payments to suppliers and current expenditure"
  • The City Council of Totana and the Ministry of Public Works and Land Management signed a collaboration agreement (23/09/2009)
    After modifying the initial draft prepared for the rehabilitation work of "House of the General Aznar"
  • The morning plenary address nearly two dozen proposals among which the approval of the technical projects of POS 2010 (23/09/2009)

  • The association "The Candle" in collaboration with the City Council launches a new "Edutec English" and a classroom for educational support (23/09/2009)
    All in the Community Center neighborhood of San Roque
  • The councilman of Culture said that "Totana is becoming a city that promotes its history, culture and retains its heritage " (23/09/2009)
  • The Sports Council organizes courses Monitor "football" and "Futsal" (23/09/2009)
    These courses are part of the training program offered by the municipal department for the 2009/10 academic year
  • Totana today joins the celebration of the day "Day without cars Europeras" (22/09/2009)

  • Opening of the events organized to mark the "V Encuentro Solidarity of Friends and People with Alzheimer's (22/09/2009)
    are organized on the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day
  • IU says that "the Autonomous reduced by 60% Investments and its contribution for 2010 works in the City" (22/09/2009)
    Complaints that "Valcárcel reduces EUR 309,933 for works and job creation in 2010, while eligible, with 40,000 euros , for the Mayor to ride in a luxury car with driver inclusive
  • COAG Murcia requires that "the Interim Regulatory Council OJ Espuña grapes again the agreed by the sector" (22/09/2009)
    The Assembly also requested the City Council of Agriculture to set aside his attitude of wanting to control the Council and leave office immediately that gave President, a finger, the Minister for Agriculture
  • The "Solidarity March IV Totana City" will be held on Saturday 3 October, coinciding with the celebrations of the district of San Francisco (22/09/2009)
    The proceeds will benefit the association of rare diseases "D'Genes"
  • More than 20 Totana Athletics Club athletes participated in the XVII edition of the popular career Nonduermas (22/09/2009)

  • "The Candle" restart training workshops after the summer (22/09/2009)
    Retake various training activities that are being developed within the project "WORK: A step towards the employability
  • "Industry" will present a proposal in Parliament to carry out functional revitalization projects of the Industrial Infrastructure "The Saladar" (22/09/2009)
    And for the aid request Ffomento Institute of the Region of Murcia
  • Opening of a new "English in Totana Edutec" (22/09/2009)
    From October 5 will open this area located at the Social Center of Barrio San Roque, where the boys and girls ages 6 to speak in English
  • The Municipal People's Party calls on the Ministry of Health to issue a decree to improve the labeling of foods for celiac (22/09/2009)
  • PSOE: "The mayor fails to fulfill its commitments to the culture" (22/09/2009)
    "The expectations created by the mayor at the beginning of the legislature to promote a culture have come to nothing" as the Socialists
  • Presented the "School Sports Programme 2009/10" (21/09/2009)
    This program offered from Oct. 1 free activities throughout the school year, aged between 4 and 18
  • The PP Totana held next Sunday a festive day of living with militants and sympathizers in the Santa (21/09/2009)
    It will officially open the political course of this party
  • The PSOE de Totana publish a weekly newsletter "to keep neighbors informed" (21/09/2009)

  • The technical sessions on "Table grapes" begins tomorrow with the development of conferences in the Plenary Hall of the City Council (21/09/2009)
    are framed in the "I Feria del Campo, Agriculture and Livestock"
  • The Sports Council will present a proposal in Parliament to show institutional support and promote the establishment of the Sports Day in Europe (21/09/2009)

  • Totana held from tomorrow until Sunday 27 the "V Encuentro Solidarity of Friends and People with Alzheimer's (21/09/2009)
    On the occasion of World Alzheimer's Day which takes place today
  • The town of Totana tomorrow will join the European initiative "The city without my car" under the theme "Improving the climate of your city" (21/09/2009)
    To sensitize the public on the rational use of the car
  • Tomorrow, Tuesday September 22 and Tuesday 29 were held at the Health Center to donate blood samples (21/09/2009)
    Y cooperate with this effort of solidarity
  • ... (21/09/2009)

  • PSOE: "Valcárcel should explain why it permitted to use the PP Regional headquarters to defend the mayor accused and expelled from his party" (21/09/2009)
    totaneros socialists believe that "the warmth of Valcárcel with the Mayor of Totana might lead one to think who knows best about Andreo "
  • Closing the course of the Universidad del Mar, "Educating for the media in a multicultural society" (18/09/2009)
    In this course have been formed by 40 students from different parts of the Community
  • Totana place on 25.26 and 27 the "I Feria del Campo, Agriculture and Livestock" (18/09/2009)
    In this fair city will promote the products in more than two dozen exhibitors
  • The School of Music maintains an open enrollment period until 25 (18/09/2009)
    The mayor of Education has been advanced that are already working for the municipality to own your own conservatory
  • The pedestrian crossing Avenida Juan Carlos I will be closed from today for the evenings and weekends for technical (18/09/2009)

  • The campaign "Clean Up the World" will be held in the town on September 26 (18/09/2009)
  • PSOE: "Totana urgently needs a General Plan to help activate the local economy" (18/09/2009)
    They claim that "government of the PP in more than six years has not been able to pull it off seriously damaging all totaneros"
  • Prepare a dinner of alumni of Colegio San José since its opening to the present (18/09/2009)
    will be held on 20 February next year
  • Eleven Local Police of Totana received diplomas certifying their training in a ceremony at the Artillery Barracks Murcia (17/09/2009)
    In the event has involved the president Autonomous Region and the Mayor of Totana
  • The historical left-wing activist Marcelo Usabiaga departirá today's home town of Totana (17/09/2009)

  • Juan Pagán takes office as president of the Provisional Council of the Denomination of Origin "Espuña Grape" (17/09/2009)
    The ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and Water
  • The council of Agriculture and Citizenship are meeting today with members of the Agricultural Advisory Council (17/09/2009)
    To make them aware of all acts of "I Feria del Campo, Agriculture and Livestock of Totana"
  • Totana Local Police arrested a person over whom fell a search warrant and arrest (17/09/2009)
    by sticking a knife to a police officer Lorca Local
  • The Socialist Party demands that the PP "is no longer much talk and solve the problems of the neighbors" (17/09/2009)
    assert that "the mayor lives a virtual reality and its measures worsen the economic situation of the municipality and the municipality"
  • Chronicle of the course "Educating for the Media in a Multicultural Society" held in Totana (17/09/2009)
    Chronicle made by 3 students of the course on a workshop
  • Propose to Parliament that the installation of streetlights on the road to strip Canvas access to the Ciudad Deportiva "Espuña" (17/09/2009)
    The proposal has been submitted by the Department of Sports and Alternative Energy
  • Project "Integration of children and youth rehabilitative or at risk of social exclusion" (17/09/2009)
    Municipal Technicians Volunteer Service and International Relations collaborating on this project
  • Pilates and flamenco, news of this course in the dance school Manoli Canovas (16/09/2009)
    Luis Sanjuan will take over the salsa.
  • IU lead to the House a motion to expand investments in the Natural Environment as an alternative to the crisis, in a sustainable economy (16/09/2009)
    "Thousands of jobs and hundreds of small companies, are doomed to failure, while greenways deteriorate, which would generate employment and economy of quality ", according to IU
  • Otálora: "The instructor of the Court of Accounts proposes the complaint of the socialist PP Totana" (16/09/2009)
    General Secretary of the Socialist Mayor totaneros responsibilities required "by the false claim made"
  • The PP claimed to Totana Saura "is consistent and hold to account members of his party" (16/09/2009)
    "Martinez Bath & Otálora appear today before the Court of Auditors by the opening of bank accounts of the City of Totana with their personal signatures "
  • The Socialist Group introduces the new political (16/09/2009)
    Socialist spokesman in the city of Totana has spoken today of the local political scene and the objectives proposed Municipal Group Socialist political course that is starting
  • The first hiking trail in the 2009/10 season, hosted by the Department of Sports, was held last Sunday (16/09/2009)
    took place in the natural reserve of Calasparra Cañaverosa
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Water contract work on the new drinking water reservoir "Las Viñas" Carivete " (16/09/2009)
    have a capacity of 500 cubic meters and will benefit hundreds of residents of this council totanera
  • The presentation of the 2009/10 academic year of the "Language School" of Totana be held on 23 and September 24 (16/09/2009)
    And classes start the 28th of this month at the IES "Juan de la Cierva"
  • The town of Totana will join the European initiative "The city without my car" under the theme "Improving the climate of your city" (16/09/2009)
    will be held on Tuesday September 22, to educate the public on the rational use Car
  • Municipal Volunteer Service and International Relations resumed its activities after the summer (16/09/2009)
    In an effort to promote voluntary action in the city
  • CC Gran Santa Eulalia performance in climbing to the Cresta del Gallo (16/09/2009)
    With a 4 th place in senior and 3 degrees in master-50
  • The mayor and council of Agriculture promoted the "First Fair of Agriculture and Livestock of Totana " (15/09/2009)
    ... in the National Week of Pigs Lorca, who was inaugurated yesterday
  • Continued intense racing by Athletics Club athletes Totana (15/09/2009)

  • IU requires the mayor to get off the official car and its responsibilities (15/09/2009)
    Totana for IU, there are two "of the Sueldazo, official car and delusions of grandeur and the real Totana, with 2000 unemployed, businesses and shops closing, debt , workers who are not paid for months ..."
  • Children's Schools "Clara Campoamor" and "Carmen Baró" and Point of Care for Children "Doña Pepita Lopez" begin the 2009/10 school year (15/09/2009)
    With the enrollment of 266 children in the village
  • The Socialists call for the mayor to "pay the bills in arrears for workers MIFITO" (15/09/2009)
    "It is unacceptable that Martínez Andreo denies wage families barely survive on this income"
  • José Ãngel García Camacho climbs to the top of the podium for the second consecutive (15/09/2009)

  • The location of the weekly market will not change because of the refurbishment of Avenida Rambla de la Santa (15/09/2009)
    The positions affected by the works be relocated to adjacent streets
  • Tomorrow Wednesday, September 16 will be a water cut in the overall network (15/09/2009)
    affect the main streets of the urban
  • Local Police officers arrested two people for an alleged crime of domestic violence (15/09/2009)

  • The School of Music maintains an open enrollment period until 25 September (15/09/2009)

  • ... (14/09/2009)

  • Presented sports program for the 2009/10 season (14/09/2009)
    includes all the sporting activities organized by both the Department of Sports as sports clubs
  • Staff of the Guardia Civil, Local Police and Civil Protection involved the security arrangements because of the rains (14/09/2009)

  • The PP regrets "the disastrous strategy of the opposition groups" (14/09/2009)
    According to the popular "opposition groups focus their efforts on lying, creating mistrust and undermine the general interests of the totaneros"
  • The 2009/10 school year begins today with the addition of 3,477 students to school and Primary Education (14/09/2009)

  • About 40 students participate in the course of the Universidad Internacional del Mar "Educating for the media in a multicultural society" (14/09/2009)
    Totana to be held on September 18
  • The PSOE de Totana encourages teachers and parents at the beginning of the school (14/09/2009)
    On the day the course starts, "despite the lack of planning and resources brutal cut of the Ministry of Education," the Socialists want to acknowledge the work of teachers in Totana
  • Club Deportivo Capuchin organizes the football league Fall - Winter 2009/10 " (14/09/2009)
    The registration period is open until September 24
  • Organize a workshop "ballroom" (14/09/2009)
    were conducted in the municipal gymnasium of "Jail" on 19 and 20 September and 3 and 4 October
  • On Tuesday September 15 and 22 and 29 of this month will be held in the Health Center blood samples (14/09/2009)
    For donation and help this charitable work
  • IU: "The General Plan is corrupted at its root and a complete failure" (13/09/2009)
    assert that "the General Plan, without passing on 6 years of absolute majority of the PP, has become outdated in its strategic lines"
  • The Environment Councilman Guadalajara receives the state prize in "The Increase of biodiversity" (12/09/2009)
    Thanks to the project "Restoration and management of the Rambla de Lebor as green connector between the mountains of the tertiary and Rio Espuña Guadalentín"
  • Totana Athletics Club greatly appreciates the activities of its members during the summer months (12/09/2009)
    have been present in many tests
  • La Peña de Totana Barcelonista distributed lots of food surplus Trobada (11/09/2009)
    These products are intended for people in need, through Caritas, and groups of older people in the city
  • The Socialists denounce the situation of the municipal library and study room " (11/09/2009)
    According to the PSOE," once again shows that the PP in Totana has never been committed to the culture and education of young totaneros "
  • Finish the work on improving accessibility have been carried out on Castle Street and adjacent neighborhood of San Jose (11/09/2009)
    The amount of this work amounts to 390,400 euros
  • The "V Encuentro Solidarity and Alzheimer Friends" will be held from 22 to 27 September in the Socio-Cultural Center "La Carcel" (11/09/2009)
    Enhance volunteering with various educational activities, social and entertainment
  • The 2009/10 school year will start next Monday with the development of schools (11/09/2009)
    Whose adecuacción and maintenance works have received an investment of more than 20,000 euros
  • IU: The clearance of PROINVITOSA hides the glaring failure of industrial policy of the PP " (11/09/2009)
    " And looking to cash to continue receiving astronomical salaries and patronage, while unemployment increased in Totana "
  • Start the Tennis School Tennis Club Totana (11/09/2009)
    Next Monday September 14 will begin a new course in the School of Tennis at the Club de Tenis de Totana
  • Popular Group will focus its strategy of political action in the new political year 2009/10 "promoting the advocacy of the productive sectors" (11/09/2009)
    Y claim "the payment of the historic debt of National Government to the municipality that amounts to 25 million euros "
  • The traditional festivals of the district of San José will be responsible for providing entertainment, folklore and fun during this weekend (11/09/2009)

  • The course "Basic Computer and Internet" will be held from September 14 to October 28 at wala El Parral (11/09/2009)

  • The tournament I Paddle "La Dolorosa" will take place from 8 to 13 September (11/09/2009)
    is organized by the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows, and has the support of the Club de Tenis Totana
  • The Municipal People's Party said that "the special employment center MIFITO charged in a timely manner" (10/09/2009)
    "because it has not breached the council's commitment to this center," according to Popular
  • The mayor announced the commitment of the government team to strengthen the support to productive sectors of the city to revitalize the local economy (10/09/2009)
    Totana have offices in attracting foreign investment and business promotion and a special employment center municipal
  • The mayor said that in this political year 2009/10 which will definitively adopt the General Plan Municipal de Totana Management (10/09/2009)

  • The city of Totana has received in the past political year aid estimated at 15 million euros (10/09/2009)
  • The mayor announced PROINVITOSA transformation into a joint venture to liberalize its management and enhance its action (10/09/2009)
    The City will create a Municipal Sports Society, which will manage all services and sports facilities of the municipality
  • The mayor calls for social cohesion and civic participation in the activities of overplays (10/09/2009)
    By holding government and Plenary Meetings of the council in the various neighborhoods and districts
  • The PSOE complained that "the mayor lying systematically" (10/09/2009)
    The Socialists claim that "his inability to govern and the lack of arguments to respond to the opposition is dedicated to lie"
  • More than 600 people are expected to participate in "Lunch Moto X Totana City" (10/09/2009)
    will take place on Sunday 13 September at the fairgrounds, where raffles, games and exhibition of classic motorcycles
  • The spokesman of the government team and the Mayor of Totana held a press conference (10/09/2009)
    occasion of the beginning of the political
  • They claim that "the City owed almost € 200,000 MIFITO, whose workers have 2 months without receiving their salaries" (10/09/2009)
    IU + LV says that "Andreo, who recently released an official car for € 40,000, has not paid for months the Employment Center MIFITO special courier services and counseling provided in the Corporation "
  • The Department of Sports organized a weekend adventure with rafting, canoeing and canyoning (10/09/2009)
    Sickles will be developed in Cabriel River (Valencia) during the 19th and 20th September
  • Propose the House to recognize the work of Judge Garzon, and nominate a street in his name "by your decision action against the crimes of Franco" (10/09/2009)

  • According to the PSOE, "Councilwoman Cayuela Crespo recognizes that much remains to be done in terms of Healing" (09/09/2009)
    "But their efforts are proving sterile and inefficient", say the Socialists
  • The Mayor and Councillor for Health and Education will meet with officials from the educational community of Totana (09/09/2009)
    To coordinate and develop efforts to prevent future cases of Influenza A among school
  • The council of Finance said that "the real economic hole Hall + IU PSOE produced it during the term of the left" (09/09/2009)

  • The Civil Protection Municipal Service prepares the Territorial Emergency Plan Totana (09/09/2009)
    To set the framework for action in the event of an incident or disaster in the city
  • IU says that "the City terminated the lease of premises intended for the Local Police Museum" (09/09/2009)
    state that, "to criticism of IU, have terminated the contract signed in March"
  • The School of Music will open the registration period for the 2009/10 academic year from next Monday 14 September until the 25th of this month (09/09/2009)

  • The project Network of Computer Classroom Totana "Raitotana" courses will resume in September with news this month (09/09/2009)

  • The Mayor and the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sport set the outlines of the plan of boosting tourism in the municipality (08/09/2009)
    bring together sports tourism activities, cultural and environmental
  • The new 2009-2010 season of the Amateur Football League "Play Fair" opens for registration (08/09/2009)
    The deadline will remain open until Wednesday 16 September to participating teams
  • The PSOE congratulates the PB Totana for the effort and the mobilization of Trobada (08/09/2009)
    totaneros Socialists express their appreciation to the deployment, organizational capacity and to transmit Barcelonista illusion de la Peña de Totana
  • The City of Psychosocial Support Service will resume its activity during 2009/10 after the summer break (08/09/2009)

  • The PSOE de Totana complaint "chaos and inefficiency of the Ministry of Education in school" (07/09/2009)
    totaneros Socialists echo the "distress and helplessness of a large group of families to the ineffectiveness of education officials "
  • The XIII race Subida a La Santa "will be held on Sunday September 27 with a distance of 8.5 kilometers (07/09/2009)

  • Participants in the project "Integration of children and youth rehabilitative or at risk of social exclusion" are visited by the Councillor for Social Welfare (07/09/2009)

  • "The City Council will face hundreds of thousands of dollars for interest on arrears to suppliers and creditors," said IU (07/09/2009)
    "The delinquency has resulted in the recognition Andreo, only one company, of almost 350,000 euros of interest delinquency, with an annual rate of 5.5% "
  • On Tuesday September 8 and 15, 22 and 29 of this month will be in the clinic blood samples (07/09/2009)
    For donation and help this charitable work
  • The Municipal Tourist Information Office in Totana has received about 4,000 visitors during the months of July and August (07/09/2009)
    With an increase of 700 people last year
  • IU: "The SEAPA is a resounding failure in terms of job placement and one is to distribute aid of charity, without rigor and objective criteria" (07/09/2009)
    "The vast majority of people accessing aid are former recipients of Social Emergency , which is now divided between two councils and does not meet the objectives of creating employment
  • Bidding for the remodeling of three major roads in the municipality, Carivete Viñas, La Huerta and the Paretón (06/09/2009)
    The total amounts to nearly 2,400,000 euros
  • Students of the professional qualification program assistants in nurseries and gardens do their internship in local businesses (04/09/2009)
    ... with the signing of the agreement of the same with the City
  • The celebration of the entrenched parties totanera the hamlet of La Huerta will take place this weekend (04/09/2009)
    During the 5th and 6th September
  • The PP says that "thanks to the political strategy of IU + Greens to discredit and derail totaneras companies, workers of the same are the ones leading the unemployment rolls in the town" (04/09/2009)

  • The Governing Council of the Regional Council approved the inclusion of 36 municipalities in the Public Transport (04/09/2009)
    Among them is Totana
  • UI Totana positively valued "increased benefits to the unemployed who have exhausted the allowance" (04/09/2009)
    "fruit of the pressure, the government of Zapatero, the IU-ICV deputies in Parliament"
  • Finish works well to rubble in the Rambla de la Santa (04/09/2009)
    These works deal with the problems of wastewater discharges into the channel of the gully as it passes through Totana
  • The program for people with intellectual disabilities in the Vocational Centre "José Moya" will begin on Wednesday, September 9 (04/09/2009)
    ... with the participation of 33 users
  • The Municipal People's Party said that "the Office of Information and Tourism has not been closed during the month of August" (03/09/2009)
    "And it has provided the services demanded by visitors and residents"
  • Warn of "the increase in unemployment in Totana, whose number reaches 1992, with a 6.5 increase in August %" (03/09/2009)
    " when the region has increased 4%," according IU + LV Totana
  • The PSOE laments the "neglect of Carrion to effectively manage social services" (03/09/2009)
    For socialists "Carrión clearly reveals its contradictions, gaps and lack of interest in citizen participation and management in social services"
  • Pedro Ruiz and Rosa Maria Hernandez, Totana Athletics Club, climbed the podium in the night race Mazarrón XVI (03/09/2009)

  • Juan Carrión requires Lola Cano to "stop political demagoguery" (03/09/2009)
    Y "cease their ongoing and baseless smear campaign to the conduct of the municipal social services"
  • The Socialist Party denounced "the cut of the phone the council in August by default" (03/09/2009)
    assert that "for at least 2 weeks in the City Council could only receive calls but not make spending due to defaults on municipal organization the telephone company "
  • CAVI has served more than fifty women who have suffered any physical violence and psychological (03/09/2009)
  • The summer film exceeds expectations with an attendance of nearly 6,000 spectators (03/09/2009)
    and an average attendance of about 800 film
  • The March III Bike Mount Memorial Pelegrín Sunday "will be held on Sunday September 6 (03/09/2009)
    is organized by the Club Ciclista Santa Eulalia" in collaboration with the Department of Sports
  • Organize a course in "Reading activities and creative writing" (03/09/2009)
    aims to develop creativity and imagination through books, and will be conducted during the months of September and October
  • International Ocean University taught the course "Education for the media in a multicultural society" (02/09/2009)
    The course is taught in "Jail" from 14 to 18 September
  • They claim that "the Municipal Tourist Information Office has been closed the entire month of August" (02/09/2009)

  • Infant schools "Clara Campoamor" and "Carmen Baró" and the point of care to children, "Mrs. Patty Lewis' classes commence on September 14 (02/09/2009)
    Coinciding with the start of the school
  • A course taught to consume media messages critically (02/09/2009)
    will be held in the town of Totana during the week of 14 to 18 September
  • Every Tuesday of the month of September is held at the Health Center to donate blood samples and work with the charitable work (02/09/2009)
    Days 8, 15, 22 and 29 this month
  • On Thursday there will be a cut in water supply (02/09/2009)
    In the area of Avenida Santa Eulalia, San Antonio, Bridge, and General Aznar
  • Shall complete the work within days of replacement of sidewalks and utilities in the street Antonio Garrigues (01/09/2009)

  • The march mountain bike rider will be postponed until Sunday September 20 (01/09/2009)
    is organized by the club "The Nine" in collaboration with the Department of Sports
  • The Mayor of Totana a proposal in Parliament to give the name of "Manuel Conesa Victoria" in the streets of Totana (01/09/2009)
    In order to publicly acknowledge the history and work of the founder and president of Industrias SA Vicman
  • The Socialists denounced "the poor functioning of municipal social services" (01/09/2009)
    "The irresponsibility and ineffectiveness of the government team of PP are manifested especially in certain social services this summer have led to neglect"
  • The Festival of La Huerta will take place this weekend during the 5th and 6th September (01/09/2009)

  • The Department of Sports decommissioning activities for children of the second half of August, Summer Sports Program (01/09/2009)
    have had the participation of 60 students
  • The bus of the "triplet" walks through the Region of Murcia (01/09/2009)
    On the occasion of the celebration of World Trobada XXXII Peñas del FC Barcelona

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