Portal de Totana


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Pizza parlours in Totana



In this category are all the pizza parlours which are in our business directory. Here you can find the best pizzas with the best ingredients. Delivery service with a high variety of recipe: margaritas, bolognaise, 3 cheeses, tropical, salads, pastas, ravioli, cannelloni, lasagnes, wines, beers and soft drinks
Pizzas, pastas, salads and the best deserts

Access the web page of each business or contact them to find out about the services that each one offers:

  Jisma Pizzería
Avda. Santa Eulalia, 36
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 694 48 25 83

  K´lentito K´lentito
C/ Molina Mellado, 12
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T. 690888103

  La Esquina de Marvi
C/ Santa Bárbara, 13
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 618 460 138 - 667 621 249

Pizza parlours Totana : Pizzeria - Burguer JB Pizzeria - Burguer JB
C/ Sol, 3
30850 Totana (Murcia)
Telf.: 968 421 203 · Móvil: 620 837 576

  Pizzería Las navas
C/ del Padre Acosta, 14
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 968 42 02 24

  Pizzería Miquele
C/ Calvo Sotelo, 13 (Frente al Parque)
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 968 423 176

  Restaurante Pizzeria Tre Sorelle
Calle Puente 11
30850 Totana (Murcia)

Plaza de la Balsa Vieja
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T. 868 11 05 00

  Tumar Pizza, Bar - Restaurante
Avda. Juan Carlos I, 147
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 968 96 12 59

Note: If you wish to advertise on Totana´s Business Directory, , send us an e-mail at publicidad@portaldemurcia.com

Use the following forum to deal with themes related to Pizza parlours in Totana; Pizza parlours, pizzas, dough, ingredients, pastas, delivery, margaritas, bolognaise, cheese, tomato, mushroom, tropical, salads, cannelloni, lasagne, wine, beer, soft drinks, dinner, lunch, etc.

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