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Totana News - November 2016

detail of Totana
Totana.com - El portal de Totana
  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - IES "Prado Mayor" (30/11/2016)

  • ... (30/11/2016)

  • Next Saturday will take place the local phase of Chess School Sports (30/11/2016)

  • They promote a public awareness campaign to prohibit the sale and consumption of alcohol to children under 18 years (30/11/2016)
    on the occasion of the patron saint's holidays and Christmas
  • The Holydays 3.0 2016-2017 edition is presented The School of Work and Private Life Conciliation is offered for the non-school days of the Santa Eulalia and Christmas festivities (30/11/2016)

  • Tomorrow Thursday, December 1, the registration deadline for the Popular Race "Constitution Day" ends (30/11/2016)
    The Sports Department will organize next Tuesday, December 6
  • The Totana Musical Group celebrates a concert on the occasion of the Santa Eulalia festivities (30/11/2016)
    In which a public recognition will be made to Ceferino Ayala García
  • The Civil Guard arrests the alleged perpetrator of fifty firefights in the town center of Totana (29/11/2016)
    He focused his criminal activity on the route that links his home with the day center he goes to daily
  • The Local Police participates in the safety device and emergencies of the fire in a garret of Totana in which 700 piglets have died (29/11/2016)

  • 700 piglets die in the fire of a stallion in Totana (29/11/2016)
    CEIS firefighters control the fire of a pig slaughter in Totana
  • The Paellas and Migas Contest will be held next Saturday, December 3rd, in the garden next to the fairground (29/11/2016)
    It is mandatory to register until the day before
  • They offer a second session of the show "Sabina in the veins" before the great demand of requests for the concert (29/11/2016)

  • The City Council signs the collaboration agreement with the Association of Neighbors "Santa Isabel" of the High Age for the assignment of the Local Social and Sports Court (29/11/2016)

  • Starts the installation of the tent for the Day Fair in the Plaza de la Constitución (29/11/2016)
    It is celebrated from 2 to 8 December
  • Totana / Squalos Vs Cartagena A (29/11/2016)
    10 players of the Totana Rugby Club and 13 of the squalo of San Javier were measured to a hard rival like the Cartagena A
  • 700 piglets die in the fire of a stallion in Totana (29/11/2016)
    CEIS firefighters control the fire of a pig slaughter in Totana
  • Award of the XIV Drawing Contest on the Rights of the Child through vouchers for the purchase of school supplies (28/11/2016)

  • The Department of Commerce reports on Sundays and holidays that are open to trade during the month of December (28/11/2016)

  • New arrival of the group of friends "Kasi Ná Trail" (28/11/2016)
    In this place, number 17, they chose the Paraje de Las Cabezuelas
  • Winning Totana IU ensures that "the debt of the City Council is reduced by 2 million Euros in four months" (28/11/2016)
    "The approval of the Adjustment Plan, means the end of the withholding of the 530,000 € of the State Taxes corresponding to the Town Hall of Totana "
  • The municipal taxi stand moves the door of the City Hall while the installation and celebration of the Day Fair takes place (28/11/2016)

  • The pruning works of mulberry trees on public roads and parks and gardens of Totana begin (28/11/2016)

  • Defeat of the Totana Promises in its longest displacement of the season in this group 9 of 2ª Nacional (27/11/2016)
    Seguros Javier Castillo 4 --- Totana Promises 2
  • CAT athletes and other totaneros participated in the half marathon of Lorca (27/11/2016)
    They also participated in the Marathon trail of Cartagena
  • The deadline for submitting bids for the contract for the operation of the bar-cafeteria service in the park ends on December 9 (27/11/2016)

  • The hand-held programs and magazines can now be removed with the activities of the patron saint festivities. In the Tourism Office and the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" (26/11/2016)

  • Aledo hosted the first seminar of Sui O Ryu of Murcia, which had the participation of the Club Aikido Totana (25/11/2016)

  • Activities and events from 25 to 29 November 2016 (25/11/2016)

  • The City and Ucomur transfer the cooperative entrepreneurship model in a day with professional experiences (25/11/2016)
    held in the Nursery of Companies of Totana
  • The Local Phase of School Sports Table Tennis will take place tomorrow (25/11/2016)
    In the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez"
  • Social Welfare and Health develop a service of Aquatic Therapy directed to children with special needs (25/11/2016)
    It is taught from this month in the Sports and Health Center "MOVE"
  • Start a training course in personal, social and labor competencies with the participation of 16 unemployed persons (24/11/2016)

  • This Sunday is the "VII Festival of Choirs and Rondallas 2016" for the benefit of the Delegation of Lourdes de Totana (24/11/2016)
    19:00 h in "La Cárcel"
  • They organize a march, a performance and the reading of manifesto tomorrow Friday, 25-N (24/11/2016)
    To commemorate the International Day against the Violence of Gender
  • Win Totana IU proposes to request from the Court of Auditors an Audit on the management in the last years of the City of Totana (24/11/2016)
    and that accounting, or of any type, be determined if they proceed
  • Those interested in participating in the Cabalgata de Reyes'2017 can participate in the draw from November 24 to December 15, whose royal mailbox is installed in the Centro Cultural Sociocultural "La Cárcel" (24/11/2016)
    The Federation of Peñas del Carnaval will be responsible To organize the delivery of letters and Cavalcade of the Magi from the East
  • The bases of the Second Competition of Christmas Showcases "Totana'2016" organized by the Department of Festivities are approved (24/11/2016)

  • The Plaza de la Balsa Vieja de Totana hosts this weekend, for the first time, the festival of street food vehicles "Food Trucks" (24/11/2016)

  • Firefighters and toilets attend to attend the driver of a tourism trapped in accident in the RM-3 in Totana (23/11/2016)

  • Musical, sports and recreational activities aimed at all the publics make up the wide and varied program of the patron saint festivities of Santa Eulalia 2016 (23/11/2016)
    Handheld programs and edited magazines will be distributed as of November 24 in the Office of Tourism and The Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel"
  • A total of 160 students participated in the Local Phase of School Sports Orientation (23/11/2016)
    Organized by the Department of Sports and Guidance Club
  • A motion of the councils of HR, Tax and Citizen Security is presented (23/11/2016)
    to restore the remunerations of night and public holidays suspended by the plenary in June 2012
  • The Plenary of November addresses the beginning of the file to give the name of "Ceferino Ayala García" to the School of Music of Totana (23/11/2016)
    And nominate other dependencies of these facilities
  • Organized a march, a performance and the reading manifest this Friday, 25-N (23/11/2016)
    To commemorate the International Day against Gender Violence
  • The Plenary of November addresses the beginning of the file to give the name of "Ceferino Ayala García" to the School of Music of Totana (23/11/2016)
    And nominate other dependencies of these facilities
  • The PSOE raises a motion to the Plenary to streamline "La Cárcel" with an alternative leisure program for young people aged 12 to 16 (23/11/2016)

  • The PP will ask the Plenary for the municipal intervention to carry out a report on the status of the municipality's debt (22/11/2016)
    In addition to urging the State General Audit Office and the Court of Auditors to audit these accounts
  • They offer warnings and advices for the realization of fires during the days of the pilgrimages (22/11/2016)

  • The Popular Race "Constitution Day" is moved this year to the urbanization "El Parral" (22/11/2016)
    It will be celebrated on December 6
  • The VII Folkloric Children's Festival "City of Totana" is celebrated this Saturday 26 of November, in the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" (22/11/2016)

  • The Board of Pedneos reviews the needs and demands of the seven districts of the municipality, as well as the actions undertaken since the last meeting (22/11/2016)

  • Totana hosts this Friday a Conference on Cooperativism in the Nursery of Companies, organized by the Department of Economic Development and UCOMUR (22/11/2016)

  • They propose to nominate the Football League of Companies "Play Clean" with the name of "Enrique Ambit Palacios" (22/11/2016)

  • Seventh season of Children's Workshops of the Brotherhood of the Flagellation (21/11/2016)

  • The Tourism Office of Totana moves to an outbuildings in Balsa Vieja Square (21/11/2016)
    Next to the Municipal Center of Older People
  • The City Council cedes the Social Local and Sports Court of the neighborhood of the High Era to the Association of Neighbors "Santa Isabel" (21/11/2016)
    for its management and dynamization
  • They will ask the General Water Directorate for the construction of the second phase in the Lébor sanitation network (21/11/2016)

  • This Thursday, November 24, the first Child Plenary will be held with school representatives elected by the educational community (21/11/2016)
    Coinciding with Children's Rights Day
  • Organized this week an extensive program of activities to commemorate the Day against Gender Violence, celebrated on 25-N (21/11/2016)

  • Juan Daniel Costa of the CC Santa Eulalia and Julio Bermejo de la Peña the Nine climb to the podium 1º by teams in VII bike orientation Yechar (21/11/2016)

  • CAT athletes participated in the 36th edition of the Valencia Marathon (21/11/2016)
    Also in the regional cross of Caravaca
  • ... (20/11/2016)

  • Youth raises a motion to sign an agreement with the Commonwealth of Taibilla Channels (20/11/2016)
    in order to use the so-called "Casa del Guarda" for municipal use and to encourage its dynamization by youth groups
  • The PSOE denounces the access difficulties of the CEIP Luis Pérez Rueda de Totana and the problems of integration of its students Choni Ludeña demands the regional government to take letters in the subject (19/11/2016)

  • The mayor raises a motion urging the Ministry of Health to provide the human and material resources Pediatric Palliative Care of Rare Diseases that guarantees quality health care (19/11/2016)

  • The City Council of Totana proposes to unify its debt in a single loan with the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration (19/11/2016)
    The Councilor of Finance designs a plan for the Government to cover all liabilities in a 30-year operation, with five And refinancing under affordable conditions
  • The IV Belén solidarity of the Brotherhood of the Veronica will be inaugurated Sunday 4 of December (19/11/2016)

  • Activities and events from 18 to 23 November 2016 (18/11/2016)

  • We can alert of the "serious damages" of the creation of ghettos in the public schools (18/11/2016)

  • The Local Board of Citizen Security is held to coordinate the security and emergency arrangements of the pilgrimages and the patron saint festivities of La Santa'2016 (18/11/2016)
    It is recalled that only vegetation fires can be carried out in the zones enabled with barbecues in the places of "El Ãngel" and "El Grifo" by order of occupation
  • Visit of the deputies Víctor Martínez-Carrasco and Juan Pagán next to the Committee of Education to the CEIP Luis Pérez Rueda de Totana (18/11/2016)

  • Win Totana IU assures that "the Municipal Intervention communicates by means of report the validity of the Economic-Financial Study that figures the debt in 180 million Euros" (18/11/2016)
    "The report is known, the PP has no excuse for not attending the proposed Public Debate By the Mayor "
  • Andrés Valenzuela presents his book of stories "Stories of an old oak", within the program "Cultural Autumn" (18/11/2016)

  • They carry out work of repainting of the signage of the positions of the weekly market in the public highway (18/11/2016)

  • Candidates already known and in some cases the winners of the 2016 Totan Sports Gala (18/11/2016)
    The gala will take place on Monday, December 5
  • The XII Concentration of Classical Vehicles "City of Totana" is celebrated this Sunday, November 20, in the place of the Constitution (18/11/2016)

  • The PP analyzes in depth the propagandistic "audit" presented by the Government Team to justify the brutal rise of taxes and its lies in electoral campaign (17/11/2016)
    The mayor and his team of the pact increase the rate of growth of the debt in a 89 % Since arriving at the city hall
  • The IX International Congress of Rare Diseases starts with a successful participation (17/11/2016)

  • The PP has abstained in the motion on financial sustainability of the city of Totana "because the initiative has been approved in a term that can not be implemented or materialized" (17/11/2016)

  • The PSOE appeals to the solidarity and responsibility of the central and regional administrations with the debt of the City of Totana The deputy, Alfonso Martinez Baños, requests that the regional government take it into account in the budgets for 20 (17/11/2016)

  • There are free places for university students who want to participate in the program "Educational Reinforcement 2016/2017" in the municipality of Totana (17/11/2016)

  • The procedure for tendering for catering services contracts (17/11/2016)
    is approved in the Municipal Center for the Elderly and the Day Centers for Elderly People dependent on the City of Totana
  • The Councilor for Economic Development meets with the Director General of Trade and Consumer Protection (17/11/2016)
    to address some issues of concern affecting the municipality of Totana
  • The Department of Sports organizes next Saturday the Local Phase of Orientation of School Sports (17/11/2016)
    It will take place in the urbanization "La Ramblica", from 9:30 hours
  • Tonight will take place the Municipal Council of Citizen Participation to present to the associative fabric of Totana the conclusions of the Economic-Financial Study (17/11/2016)

  • Fifty speakers will participate in the IX International Congress of Rare Diseases (16/11/2016)
    The definitive program can be consulted on the event website
  • The General Assembly of COAG ratified the opposition to the PGMO of Totana and the appointment of the new Vice-President (16/11/2016)

  • COATO has had a stand at the Bioculture Fair in Madrid (16/11/2016)
    Has presented its new organic products
  • The Municipal Services of Intervention verify the data of the Economic-Financial Study (16/11/2016)
    It throws a total municipal debt of 180 million euros
  • Municipal authorities meet with the director general of Administrative Simplification and Digital Economy (16/11/2016)
    to work together in the progressive implementation of e-administration
  • The Department of Culture promotes the Third Story Contest "Morerica Galán" (16/11/2016)
    Can students participate in 4 th to 6 th Primary, 1st and 2nd ESO
  • The Local Phase of Petanca of School Sports had the participation of 82 schoolchildren from the different schools of Totana (16/11/2016)

  • November 30 ends the voluntary period for the payment of several municipal taxes (16/11/2016)

  • Next weekend the films "Storks" and "A monster comes to see me" are projected in the theater of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel" (16/11/2016)

  • Terra Sport Cycling Cycling School starts with success and expectation (15/11/2016)

  • "The efficiency in the management of the Mayor and to win Totana in the government contrasts with the ineptitude of the successive governments of the PP, that in twelve years increased the municipal debt until arriving at the 180 million Euros&q (15/11/2016)

  • They carry out actions of maintenance in districts and districts giving answer to the requests of neighborhood associations and social groups (15/11/2016)

  • The XII Concentration of Classical Vehicles "City of Totana" is celebrated this Sunday, November 20, in the place of the Constitution (15/11/2016)

  • ... (15/11/2016)

  • Municipal authorities visit the fruit and vegetable marketing company "Horfrusa, SL" (15/11/2016)
    within the round that they carry out to local companies
  • The program "Totana Cultural" includes on Thursday the presentation of the storybook "Stories of an old oak" by Andrés Valenzuela (15/11/2016)

  • The Plaza de la Balsa Vieja de Totana hosts from November 25 to 27 the festival of street food vehicles "Food Trucks" (14/11/2016)

  • New podium for the Totana Athletics Club in Lorca (14/11/2016)

  • The four municipal groups present a motion for the projects of high voltage lines that affect the municipality of Totana to be buried (14/11/2016)

  • The Department of Culture launches the Youth Reading Club to encourage the reading activity of young people (14/11/2016)

  • Illustrator and writer Vicente Triburcio presents his book "Cantos nauticos" next Friday, November 18 (14/11/2016)
    In the "Gregorio Cebrián" exhibition hall
  • Víctor Perez of the CC Santa Eulalia de Totana gets another podium in Hellín (14/11/2016)

  • Four games of second national and the regional league had the teams of Club Totana TM this weekend (13/11/2016)

  • Cristina Narbona demands the involvement of the regional and national administrations to make possible the binomial water-solar energy in the Region of Murcia (13/11/2016)

  • The PP warns that the Citizen Participation Council to present the Economic-Financial Study is a political act of propaganda of the team of government of the pact. It considers that the Economic-Financial Study neither is legitimized nor has no credi (13/11/2016)

  • Cristina Narbona demands the involvement of the regional and national administrations to make possible the binomial water-solar energy in the Region of Murcia (13/11/2016)

  • Next Saturday, November 19 will take place the 2nd edition of the Route of the Cover in Bicycle x Totana to the benefit of Movember (13/11/2016)

  • The Mayor's Office raises a motion for Ceferino Ayala García to name the installations of the Totana School of Music (13/11/2016)
    Following the proposal of the Board of Directors of the Musical Association
  • "For the first time, an adjustment plan is approved by the Ministry of Finance as an essential step to get us on the way out of the economic ruin caused by the PP." Totana's victory manifests the need to create a Common Political and So (12/11/2016)

  • Sunday, November 13, will take place the XXIV edition of Mercadillo Solidario in favor of the Comboni Missionaries (12/11/2016)

  • The installation works of a new take in the drive of Virgen de las Huertas already translate into a substantial improvement in the service and a significant energy saving (12/11/2016)

  • PP: "The government team of the leftist pact with Citizens raise taxes and fees to the totaneros" "This brutal rise was carried out in the extraordinary plenary session last Thursday as a result of the approval of the plans of Adjustme (12/11/2016)

  • The Municipal Council for Citizen Participation is called next Thursday, November 17 (11/11/2016)
    To present to the associative fabric of Totana the conclusions of the Economic-Financial Study
  • The number of self-employed in the municipality of Totana has increased by 2.3 percent in the last year (11/11/2016)

  • The X Meeting of Gangs of the Raiguero 2016 is celebrated this Sunday (11/11/2016)
    The "IX Golden Pimentón" will be delivered to the former minister of Environment, Cristina Narbona
  • Tomorrow will take place the Local Phase Petanque Sports School (11/11/2016)
    At 9:30 am, at the Petanque Club "Santa Eulalia"
  • The Department of Sports congratulates José Carlos Ibarra, Rosa Sánchez and Ana Martínez (10/11/2016)

  • Isabel María Sánchez Ruiz, spokesperson for the Municipal People's Group, accepts the proposal for a debate by the mayor, (10/11/2016)
    provided that the municipal technical services endorse the debt announced "
  • The Totana Sports Sector Council is celebrated next Monday, November 14 at the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez" (10/11/2016)
    And not today as planned
  • The Solidarity March for the benefit of AFACMUR is celebrated this Sunday, November 13 (10/11/2016)
    with a coexistence and activities during the whole day next to the municipal park
  • The Department of New Technologies enables a section on the municipal website to download the Economic-Financial Study of the City (10/11/2016)

  • The program "Totana Cultural" brings together during the month of November concerts, presentation of books and performances of the students of the Municipal School of Music (10/11/2016)

  • The X Meeting of Gangs of the Raiguero 2016 is celebrated this Sunday (09/11/2016)
    The "IX Golden Pimentón" will be delivered to the former minister of Environment, Cristina Narbona
  • The Mayor's Office proposes an open public debate with the four municipal political groups to address the conclusions of the Economic-Financial Study (09/11/2016)
    Launches a debt of 180 million euros
  • The mayor denounces the saturation of electric lines that has the municipality of Totana and asks a solution to the competent administrations (09/11/2016)

  • "The Boys of Juan" team lead the classification of the "Play Fair" Football League (09/11/2016)
    after the first six days of the competition
  • A total of 80 schoolchildren participated in the Local Phase of "Playing the athletics" Benjamin School sports, organized by the Department of Sports (09/11/2016)

  • Two new podiums for CC Santa Eulalia last weekend in Puerto de Mazarrón (09/11/2016)

  • It's only a month left for the totaneros to go down to Santa Eulalia in Romería, and celebrate the feasts in honor of the patroness of Totana (08/11/2016)
    You are still in time to sponsor the reports that Totana.com will carry out on the occasion of the holidays of Santa Eulalia, Christmas and Kings
  • We can file a motion for CARM to assist in the rescue of Totana's debt (08/11/2016)

  • The mayor finishes his round of meetings with the Parliamentary Groups in the Regional Assembly (08/11/2016)
    meeting with We, Citizens and PSOE after knowing the definitive approval of the Plan of Adjustment by the Ministry
  • The City Council will hold an extraordinary plenary session this Thursday (08/11/2016)
    To address matters on tax ordinances and raise the General Account for 2015
  • ARCAELUM and the Federation of Padel sign a collaboration agreement (08/11/2016)
    Clubs affiliated to the Federation will gain important advantages in the acquisition of defibrillators and training on their use
  • There are still places in some of the courses offered under the "Prison-Training" program for the 2016/17 academic year (08/11/2016)

  • Cleaning work on El Raiguero water reservoir may cause pressure problems on Wednesday (08/11/2016)
    in the supply service to users
  • Municipal authorities visit the company selling agricultural supplies "Agrotaw Murcia, SL" (08/11/2016)
    within the round that they carry out to local companies
  • La Peña Totana Barcelonista organizes the IX Regional Trobada Barcelona supporters clubs in the Region of Murcia, to be held in Aledo (07/11/2016)
    12 and November 13
  • Offer a reward of 2,000 € to find a lost neighborhood San José de Totana puppy (07/11/2016)

  • The "Artcerinova" project, the company totanera "Alfar Tudela", one of the "Entrepreneur of the Month" awards granted by the INFO, for the third quarter of 2016 (07/11/2016)

  • The Socialist Party calls for the unification of the layout of the power lines that carry energy to the substation Totana (07/11/2016)
    Deputy Alfonso Martínez Baños said that the proliferation of high-voltage power lines is causing a serious problem to the economic development of this municipality
  • Citricultores of Spain, France and Italy, have agreed to join forces to reclaim the European Commission compensatory measures to help alleviate the negative effects that will have the recent agreement reached between the European Union and South Afri (07/11/2016)
    Earn Totana will send our representatives in Congress reject this measure as harmful to our farmers in the region
  • Bidding and contract documents were approved for the second time, to award the contract to operate the bar-cafeteria park (07/11/2016)

  • The PP calls "political fraud" financial economic study "presented by the PSOE" (07/11/2016)
    They claim that is not supported by the municipal technicians
  • The Department of Environmental Education adheres to the Children's Education Campaign on Climate Change of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate (07/11/2016)

  • The mayor and responsible for "D'Genes" meet to address institutional collaboration projects that favor the collective (07/11/2016)

  • Today the influenza vaccination campaign in the two health centers in Totana, free of charge for groups recommended population (07/11/2016)
    The Ministry enable more than 200 points of vaccination to protect against influenza for the first time 200,000 messages are sent to mobile phone persons 60 years or more as a reminder
  • I Open Autonomous Region of Murcia (06/11/2016)
    Club Totana tm Weekend Results
  • Juanfran Esparza's concert will be on Friday November 18 (06/11/2016)
    As part of the cycle "Autumn Music" to benefit Caritas
  • Citizens take the issue to Congress by the accumulation of power lines in Totana (06/11/2016)
    Deputy Jose Luis Martinez visits the area of ​​the Rambla de Lebor, where up to five lines could concentrate on just 800 meters
  • "From this, we went ..." (05/11/2016)
    Totana Mayor publishes summary report analyzing the economic and financial situation of the City of Totana, yielding a debt of 180 million euros
  • The agreement between the City of Totana nine restaurateurs is approved for the Day Fair 2016 (05/11/2016)
    This year will be held in Constitution Square, from 2 to 8 December
  • A study to assess the possible municipalization Interior Cleaning Service currently privatized will be performed (05/11/2016)

  • Activities and events from 4 to 8 November 2016 (04/11/2016)

  • The departments of Education and Youth developed the "child Plenary: The Totana we want" project (04/11/2016)
    In order to promote the values ​​of democratic participation of school
  • The conference "A labyrinth in the temple of Santiago" will take place on Thursday October 10 (04/11/2016)
    It is organized by the Museum of the Tower of Santiago
  • Sixth- Primary Education participating in the III Contest "In recycling, you paint a lot" (04/11/2016)
    seeking a greater school involvement in recycling culture
  • Continue up the actions of the campaign to promote recycling "If you separate well, we recycle better" (04/11/2016)
    In highlighting the IV Contest "Recycle and Win"
  • The Solidarity March for the benefit of AFACMUR will be held on Sunday, November 13, with a coexistence and activities throughout the day (03/11/2016)

  • Begin visits to Totana within the network offer scheduled tours travel in circuits organized by the IMSERSO (03/11/2016)

  • The day centers for elderly dependents of Totana visit "MOYCA" (03/11/2016)

  • Members present Totana Athletics Club in Trail Eurafrica 2016 (02/11/2016)

  • The Civil Guard detained a driver to evade a police check recklessly and without a license (in Totana, N340) (02/11/2016)
    The detainee circulated in the opposite direction on a roundabout to avoid a breathalyser
  • The mayor began a round of meetings with parliamentary groups in the regional Assembly to address the economic and financial situation and concrete assistance for the Municipal Water Service (02/11/2016)
    The first meeting was with the parliamentary group;
  • "Adif mows the already mowed down" - "Step over here because I want" (02/11/2016)
    A neighbor affected by the implementation of a power line in the field of Totana made public an open letter
  • The Autonomous Community gives green light to three projects of the City collected in the POS 2016 (02/11/2016)

  • The Department of Culture program begins Reading Promotion 2016/2017 (02/11/2016)
    all primary schools are offering Totana
  • This Sunday was held the traditional Market Artisan Santa attended by large audience thanks to good weather (02/11/2016)

  • FLAMENCO DUET, upcoming concert framed in the cycle Music Fall (02/11/2016)
    The concert, to benefit Caritas will be held on Friday November 11 at the Sociocultural Center Jail at 20: 30h
  • The AD Peña Nine continues to count victories, this time from Antonio Martínez Ballester (02/11/2016)

  • Totana prepares for epic career obstacles, HISPANIAN RACE, which will take place on March 12 (01/11/2016)
    launched a promotional video recorded at the Sports City and Canvas Strip, where the test will take place
  • Four podium for Totana TM Club zonal tournament in Merida (01/11/2016)


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