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COATO award to the defense and promotion of organic farming Spanish (02/12/2015)

On Sunday 29, ECOVALIA (the entity that associates and certifies 60% of the organic area of ​​Spain) and the Foundation Nunez de Prado, held in Baena (Córdoba) the ceremony of Andres Nunez de Prado Awards research and the defense and promotion of agriculture and livestock in Spain, attended by over two hundred people, representatives of organizations and institutions in Andalusia and various Spanish regions related to organic production.

The event was held in the magnificent setting of the legendary mill Nunez de Prado, built in the eighteenth century and still retains some of the original machines and deposits.

After the presentation ceremony and the performance of the group Allegories, he first proceeded to the delivery of the Awards for Research in organic farming and eventually to the delivery of the Prizes to the defense and promotion of the Spanish organic farming COATO and other two entities (Frunet and Agroeco).

For COATO, the awards jury had valued according COATO capacity explained in the actors to articulate an integrated holdings by several hundred farmers, who became European benchmark cooperative business project.

COATO Award was presented by Felipe Nunez de Prado, on behalf of the company together with sponsors ECOVALIA -Organize and Andres Nunez de Prado Awards organic production.

He received the award COATO President Jose Luis Hernandez, who thanked his award on behalf of the cooperative company and its 650 partners that have ecological, while welcomed the conclusion of this annual event in Baena farms which it has become an annual reference and meeting point of the Spanish organic production sector and according manifestó- allows all participants closer relations and share the pride and self-esteem be linked to organic production sector.

Source: COATO

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