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[The mayor highlights the decisive work of the Totana Civil Protection volunteers in CECOVID (24/01/2021)

| They carry out tracking tasks to control positive cases, cutting chains of infections or outbreaks | The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, has paid this morning a visit to CECOVID, in the Totana Civil Protection facilities, where volunteers carry out tracking tasks to control positive cases, their contacts and possible outbreaks, with the aim of breaking possible chains of contagions. "These days we see how Totana resists the wave with moderate figures compared to the Region and an important part of that merit is in the immense work of these people who voluntarily track and coordinate with PUBLIC HEALTH, health professionals, police, Civil Guard or humanitarian entities ", highlights Cánovas. "The Regional Manager conveys his congratulations to the great work that is being developed in Totana with the determined support of the City Council," he adds. "They are the image of Solidarity, Abnegation and Commitment in times as complicated and hard as the ones we live in and -like many others-, they will remain in history," he adds.  "THANKS".

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Source: Totana.com

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