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Results in the evolution of the debt with creditors of the Totana City Council (10/11/2020)

"We have reduced pending payments to suppliers by more than 76% since 2015.

Going from 18.5 million to 4.2 in November 2020.In addition to facing the very complicated economic situation, the pandemic that entails a social, health and economic crisis, the blocking in the Plenary of various initiatives such as the 2020 Budgets; the results of a serious and rigorous management are there, with data and numbers.In 2015, the City Council had 18,550,175.77 euros pending to be paid to companies, freelancers and businesses.

Nobody wanted to sell or work for a City Council that did not pay its bills in a reasonable period, assuming a serious financial problem.Today, as of yesterday, the situation has changed considerably.

It is not that we are in a perfect situation that would be debt 0, but even so, the numbers are very clear and diaphanous.In these years, this debt with creditors has been reduced by 14,283,079.60 euros, which represents a 76.7% reduction in the 2015 figures that represented 18,550,175.77 euros.Today the workers of companies do not stop charging for several months as then or the suppliers have security when they sell or provide services to the Totana City Council.Those millions are in their pockets and not in their debts with the problems they posed for the business fabric, the self-employed and commerce in other times.They may insult, criticize or launch smear campaigns.

But the results are there.

With clear data and realities.

"Juan José Cánovas, Mayor of Totana

Source: @jjcanovas

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