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"Local Police-Civil Protection for a day" (11/04/2020)

The contest will reward the winners with their role as Local Police officers or Civil Protection volunteers during a day

The Local Police and Civil Protection in Totana are going to launch the "Local Police-Civil Protection for a day" initiative, a program that was created with the aim of promoting entertainment during home confinement, but also encouraging creativity and imagination during this time with telematic activities.

The representatives of both Bodies, the Deputy Inspector María Belén Hernández and the Emergency Volunteer Pedro Sánchez, today presented this campaign at the local Civil Protection headquarters in order to call for the participation of this sector of the population of Totanera.

This project, which is free, comes to respond to all the initiatives promoted by families with boys and girls from Totana who have requested the presence, from the street, of members of both Corps coinciding with the celebration of birthdays, health applause and recognitions. musical audiences for the past few weeks.

The campaign aims to reward the involvement of participating boys and girls by preparing videos and original messages of support that show their appreciation and thanks to the Local Police and Civil Protection, advocating for the involvement of families.

All the boys and girls who wish to do so may participate in the program, without prior registration, and must comply with the theme established for each day of work;

which will be reported through the campaign's social media profiles (deadlines, themes, proposed or suggested activities every several days, etc.).

In addition, it is only necessary to fill in the authorization form that must be completed and sent to the email celebraloencasa2020@gmail.com

The works with the montage of images or videos must be sent, with a duration not exceeding one minute, to the aforementioned email celebraloencasa2020@gmail.com or by WhatsApp to the numbers 630 488 188;

650 955 524 or 650 451 419 together with the photograph of the required authorization.

Videos may be made individually or in groups and must be presented in AVI, MPEG or MP4 format (any video or photo montage made by mobile phone is valid).

The rules also state that one job per child will be accepted and must be submitted with the identification of the child's name (without surnames) and age.

The jury will be formed by an agent of the Local Police and a member of Civil Protection in this town.

The prize, which will result from the public draw among all the participants, will consist of enjoying the role of Local Police officers and members of Civil Protection for one day (several winners will be arbitrated based on participation and the quality of the work) ;

valuing the convenience of being accompanied by a senior or guardian depending on age.

In this way, the winners will be provided with the corresponding clothing, they will visit the Mayor's Office where they will take office for the day, they will know the facilities where the different public services mentioned are provided, tour of official vehicles and basic training in first aid. , among other services.

Interested people who have any questions can communicate with a message through the email address or mobile phone numbers mentioned above.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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