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Remember the recommendations and prohibition that exists for the practice of burning of agricultural waste (29/11/2019)

The Department of Environment of the City of Totana recalls the recommendations and prohibition that exists for the practice of burning of agricultural waste under the autonomous resolution jointly issued by the Directorates General for Environment and Mar Menor, Public Health and Addictions, Agriculture and Natural environment

In this regard, it is noted that the burning of straw in order to avoid frost is a practice that is not allowed, since an influence on air quality has been evidenced, and it has been technically proven that its protection effect on frost is very low. .

The massive use of fuels and the like near populations with the purpose of avoiding frost, will be conditioned to compliance with the regulatory parameters of air quality and the general principle of precaution in public health according to Law 33/2011, of 4 October, General Public Health.

The burning of agricultural plant residues is a general practice - not permitted by Law 22/2011, of July 28, on contaminated waste and soil and only allowed exceptionally in the case of pest treatment, in accordance with the provisions of Law 43/2002, of November 20.

In that case, they must be carried out exclusively by means or procedures that do not endanger human health and that do not harm the environment.

In accordance with article 4 of Law 4/2009, of May 14, on Integrated Environmental Protection, in exceptional cases in which the practice of burning of plant residues will be developed, agents of the Local Police may have take into account the adoption of the minor of the exceptional measures included in this resolution;

and if it is found that they are not being adopted, order the suspension of the burning activity, without prejudice to the corresponding sanctions in application of the applicable regulations.

These measures are understood without prejudice to other limitations that the municipal entity or other administrations may establish, and also without prejudice to the measures to be adopted in the assumptions of the Framework Protocol of municipal action in environmental episodes of contamination of nitrogen dioxide and particles pm10 .

It is recalled that burns should not be carried out in meteorological situations that hinder the dispersion of pollutants mainly due to thermal inversion (that is, in the case of anticyclonic situations; sudden cold-faced arrivals; after clear winter nights with calm or low wind, etc.) .

Nor can burns be made within 1,500 meters of schools, kindergartens or other educational or educational centers, health centers, places where outdoor sports activities are practiced, or centers and residences for the elderly, will be carried out at times in those that do not match assistance to such places.

In the event that the hours of these centers are continued 24 hours a day and during all days of the week, burning will be prohibited, being able, in a very exceptional way, the local Administration, lower endistances, to authorize specific burning prior evaluation and adequate justification of not producing any risk.

In any case, if during the course of the burning the non-dispersion of the smoke into the atmosphere is appreciated, the smoke remains patently in the air in the immediate vicinity of the burning, without the smoke ascending, the suspension should proceed of burning

Finally, the interested party will remain watching the burning until it is completely extinguished.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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