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The Association of Residents of Los Romeros Lebor preconstitucional ensures that the flag does not represent your association (14/10/2015)

The Association of Residents of Los Romeros Lebor, wishes to state that the pre-constitutional flag placed in the car that led the Pilgrimage is not a symbol of this Association or act, but each car is decorated by the owners personally, and in this case would in the first place in order of rotation.

The Association organizes the event every year, but each carriage or wagon is individuals who decide to join the road.

"However, we want to apologize to anyone who may have felt offended, in turn, we want to communicate that in future years we will not allow this type of symbols to spearhead our Pilgrimage not lead to misunderstandings".

"Our Association dissociates itself from any political ideology, basing our coexistence with respect, tolerance and friendship among all its members and outsiders who are joining us today."


Source: Totana.com

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