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"Guidelines and recommendations established by the Illustrious Cabildo Superior processions for the proper development of our Easter" (02/04/2012)

To mark the celebration of Easter, the Illustrious Cabildo Superior Processions, made up of 17 sororities and fraternities, has been doing for several years a number of recommendations and guidelines to establish the regulation of transfers and processions with the intention of maintaining adequate coexistence among all, and enhance the shine and beauty that have our processions.

Over recent months we have worked hard since the council with the delegationships composing it, with presidents and directors guilds and brotherhoods through various meetings where agreements have been reached in favor of improving our actions, cults and processions and move towards improving all the problems that have arisen in previous years for various reasons.

In total more than a hundred people have been involved in developing this set of recommendations and standards necessary for the proper operation and the necessary harmony.

Through the website of the Illustrious Cabildo Superior Processions ( www.semanasantadetotana.com ) any interested person may know the result of many hours of work and broad participation of stakeholders Nazarenes in the maintenance of our most beloved tradition.

Through the website we offer the statutes of the Illustrious Cabildo, and all rules and recommendations that are in force and have been debated and voted on democratically.

The board of the Illustrious Cabildo Processions Higher deeply regrets the unfortunate statements made by a local media that do not conform to reality and not conducive to the values ​​above any interest, should prevail in a religious celebration as Easter.

The actual lack of standards and the ability to generate incorrect interpretations on them, are present in a headline that we hope will not cause harm to one of the events most important religious holidays in our town.

The president of the council and board of directors hope and wish that all Nazarenes Totana enjoy your Easter, and feel proud to show visitors the unique and features thereof.

Also, the board invites everyone Nazarene to know, understand and respect the rules and recommendations made from the Illustrious Cabildo Superior Totana processions.


Source: Ilustre Cabildo. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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