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The renewal of the printing and multifunction devices allow savings of 40% per year cost under the "City without papers" (15/03/2012)

The renewal of the printing and multifunction devices allow annual savings of 40% compared to the existing total costs so far in the various departments of the City of Totana under the "City without papers" in the future and improve access for citizens to local government services.

The councilman of New Technologies and Internal Affairs, David Amoros, explained that they have renovated most computers, replacing the jet by digital in almost all municipal services.

He also commented that much of the savings is caused also by optimizing the management of supplies, but said they have been used to re-use some equipment that was supposed to sound and lower costs.

The renovation has allowed equipment to remove a park mostly old, outdated, expensive and whose connectivity to the network was almost nonexistent, while it has improved the technological level of equipment and controlled the large number of different models generating significant stock of consumables and indirect costs, he added.

With the implementation of the new centralized print model and optimized, which includes the latest technology and generation-finished with the previous situation, giving rise to lack of control over users and security measures in centralized printing equipment.

In addition, citizens can access the Administration in a more agile and operational application of information and the processing of files, said the mayor.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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