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New Technologies Councilman closing the first half of 2010 the project RAITOTANA with the presentation of diplomas to students (02/08/2010)

The Councillor for New Technologies, Juan Carrion, and Council Member of the Presidency, Josefqa Mary Smith, have recently delivered the diplomas to students who have participated in the project "Network of Computer Classroom Totana, RAITOTANA", which during the first half of 2010 have been formed around a thousand people.

Specifically, a total of 741 people have used the classrooms open access during the first half of the year, 146 people were trained in new technologies in the computer rooms of Parral, Citizen Participation, The Prison, CLD and Balsa old, and 66 people have asdistido a specific training course

During the ceremony, which took place last Friday, and had with leaders of "The Candle", the mayor stressed the importance and the revolution that has brought the project for training and access to new technologies in Totana computers and the Internet closer to all citizens of Totana.

The Revitalization Project for Training and Municipal Computer Classroom began in Totana in 2007, launched from the city of Totana through its Department of New Technologies.

Over these 4 years of development, as noted Carrión, "We have seen how the service has expanded, from increasing its own network of Computer Rooms available to the public, to the incorporation of training in new technologies to specific groups and communities that are served by the different municipal areas. "

Specifically in 2010 the Network has expanded with the recent opening of a classroom in the Local Social de San Roque, also incorporated training activities in municipal services such as Occupational Center, Psychosocial Support Services and Intervention Project with Youth Socio.

As the mayor explained, it is training, since there are no specific dates for completion of the courses they are becoming gradually as the demand for them.

Applications for courses can be collected and delivered at City Hall or in places where they are to conduct the training.

In the organization of different courses are involved the Department of Culture, the Department of Citizenship, the Department of Public Works and Employment, Social Welfare Department, the Department of Women and the Collective for the Promotion of Social Protection " The Candle ", all under the coordination of the Department of New Technologies through RAITOTANA project.

The objectives that the City of Totana intended to do the commissioning of such services are reporting on new technologies and technological advances, training in management and Office Computer Software and New Communication Technologies and contribute to achieving academic success of our schools, putting in their hands the tools necessary.

Also amongst these goals is to contribute to retraining, with the help of Internet-connected computers that allow them to promote on-line, computer literacy to help all those people who have had previous training ability, age, means or resources, and to assist and contribute actively seeking employment through the Internet tools available to us.

The range of activities through this service there are: Basic Training Activities Computers and Internet (30 hours) Computer Literacy (20 hours) Word Word Processing (20 hours) Excel Spreadsheet (20 hours); Base Data Access (20 hours) Charts PowerPoint Presentations (15 hours) Digital Photography (12 hours), Internet (20 hours), and Ordenografía (30 hours)

With regard to specialized training has been offered as training for pre-established groups: Center for Occupational and Psychosocial Support Services Project Social and Educational Intervention with children, and Free Internet access in the various computer labs.

For the year 2010, as announced by the council for New Technologies, the session totanero wanted to ensure the maintenance of the quality that has characterized this project included in the proposed activities to be developed through the Spanish Plan for stimulating the economy and employment.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Totana.com

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