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Totana Local Police stopped the alleged author of several fires in the urban container (05/07/2010)

Totana Local Police have arrested a neighbor of Totana, GLG, 38, on suspicion of several fires on the roof of a store and several containers in different streets of the town for one night.

The intervention of the local police came in the early hours of last July 3 after a call from a neighbor who alerted the awning of a shop was burned, so that officers immediately went thus preventing the fire spread trade and adjoining buildings.

Once the fire is the agents began an operation to locate the author, being on the road and up to six times burning trash containers to be off these by the agents.

The activity of this individual ended when the officers noticed a man who drove a moped sped to the police presence and was arrested after a chase through several streets of the town.

The individual showed signs of driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages by running a test that was positive, and he was arrested for allegedly committing an offense against public safety and a crime against collective security, conduct inquiries and subsequent transfer to the Civil Guard headquarters for legal provision.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: Totana.com

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