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The Local Police adhere to the special traffic campaign to avoid distractions at the wheel (17/09/2018)

The Local Police of Totana, in collaboration with the Directorate General of Traffic, carries out from today and until next Sunday September 23 a campaign of Road Safety to control the distractions during the circulation.

The controls will be carried out in different parts of the municipality to check that the mobile phone is not used while driving and other elements that distract the driver.

The main objective of this campaign is to make citizens aware of the importance of responsible driving.

But it is also aimed at other groups, such as pedestrians where it is common to observe reckless behavior, especially in the urban environment.

In the year 2016, distraction appears as a concurrent factor in 25% of the accidents with victims on interurban roads, whose cause was a distraction at the wheel, mainly due to the improper use of mobile phones, GPS navigators, or other devices.

For example, the use of a mobile phone multiplies by four the risk of an accident, equating it with the risk of doing so under the influence of alcohol.

During this campaign, local police officers will check that drivers circulate without using the mobile phone, headphones or GPS, among other behaviors that can distract while driving.

Citizens are advised to follow a series of guidelines to avoid distractions at the wheel, including resting well before taking the wheel, not drinking alcohol, taking care of certain medications, as well as not smoking during the journey and maintaining a nice tempeture.

In addition, insist on not using the mobile phone while driving and avoid as much as possible the use of 'hands-free'.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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