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Pepa Guillermo Campra Aniorte and show support for those affected by rare diseases (20/05/2010)

In a ceremony held this past weekend members of the Association D'Genes with the Delegate of ERDF in Murcia, coincided with Pepa Aniorte, famous actress of numerous films and Guillermo Campra success, actor who plays Alonso de Montalbán the prestigious Spanish TV series Red Eagle.

Murcia actress, wanted to take an interest in the needs that children and adults suffering from rare diseases in the Region, and showed their solidarity by accepting to be a member of honor of the SOS Child Aid Association also expressed their willingness and commitment to participate in various events Association with Genes and FEDER D'Murcia.

For its part, Guillermo Campra also agreed to be honorary member of the Association SOS Children's Aid and showed their support for the Association D'Genes in solidarity with those affected by rare diseases.

Special thanks to Ricardo Garcia, president of the SOS Children's Aid, for making possible this meeting demonstrated that cooperation between associations for the achievement of a common goal such as improving the quality of life for those affected by rare diseases.

Source: D’Genes

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